Show 0 ACTIVITY AT DE LAMAR A de lamar idaho correspondent of the boise statesman says this camp as well as all the others in the district is experiencing perien cing a ne new w era of prosperity more development being done and contemplated this spring and summer than has been the case for years the de lamar company limited one of the oldest companies here was organized and has been in successful operation since 1891 the company owns twenty four patented claims and eleven mill sites what is known as the wilson clai mis now the principal workings the company has done a great amount of development work in all it has run sixteen levels varying in depth from feet to 1000 in most cases has been done between the levels the ore boales bodies have varied greatly in size some running sixty feet wide in many places the mine has been reworked and with the th process now employed low grade ore can be milled profitably at the present time a force of men is employed in the mines and mill the mill has a capacity of tons daily and is kept running to its full capacity the process employed is the chilean both water and electric power being e used in its operation the new plant was built about three years ago up to that time there was an old type stamp mill on the site which wh h proved very unsatisfactory owing to the ore being of a refractory character it is not a base ore however it being gold with sulphides sulp hides of silver and contains an especially large amount of clay and talc making it quite hard to treat the chilean mill is of the cyanide agitation process everything being crushed very fine and goes into tanks no copper plates being used up to last march this company had paid in dividends at the rate of per cent on a capitalization of the total receipts ta date have been over the stock being held in england france germany and america A new mill is being installed which when completed will wilf increase the capacity of the present output 33 13 1 3 per cent |