Show I i aws H y il f Exchange E h w w t hL HEN I read na of ot liquid glue I X felt feI feltI teltI t W WHEN I could C uld help you yo and your corre correspondent and do so cheerfully Here ere Is 15 a good recipe easy to make and always ready for tor use Take as much glue ground glue slue Is quickest to dissolve as en you like Uke and add to It about bout double the quantity of acetic I add By putting In a bottle or Jar and keeping well corked you have glue giue that la ma always ready If It It gets sets too thick add more add and In cold weather warm slightly I have used this for years Tears and find It Jt excellent even for tor or find and ad glassware H 11 A A AJ J J Jt WOULD you yon ou be kind enough to lit WY me know how the tho th ivory keys key on a piano can be made again white Old OKI age ege has baa turned farces turn them a brownish color lC A F P Fe e correspondent says Wash Was w h with th alcohol and when dry wipe hf carefully not Dot to touch the wood of o othe f the case with a flannel in n acetic acid Another nother says Clean Olean with alcohol Sty tiry and a d paint several s veral times with F Fx per peroxide peroxide x oxide of hydrogen t w you kindly ly let l t me ma know knowis knows what W Is s rood good to remove hot plate marks mar from an oak table Also what Is good for to polishing a teat wal walnut nut ant bedroom cult wItt A D V VL 1 L Hold Rold a heated iron It tJ couple of o f inches above the white marks taking cars care not Dot to get it near enough to draw the varnish Do this several sever al alII times withdrawing the iron then the II lowering it again to the tho former position tion Jion 2 A mixture of oi two parts part crude crud e linseed oil one part turpentine with witha a 9 teaspoonful of ox salt to each quart qua rt Rubin in well with flannel Hanner and polish with chamois t f I if r rB IE EING a constant reader of your r BEING B column I have always looked to see It if there was any on one e Inquiring how to clean chenille portieres portIe ter but did not see anything Can you Info inform as me how to go about It and ana what to clean them with Also AIso how bow shall abaci I clean a blue serge skirt MRS E B 8 S SJ J Put the curtains into a largo large wash wasn K boiler or other vessel that at has a tight tigh t slid lid Jid Cover them with gasoline fiton fito ton ft 6 the lid and leave them thus for dg or ten hours Uncover Unc ver them and an d souse souse up and down in the gasoline a s dozen zen times lift l t shake and hang to dry upon upon a line where the wind has ha s I free course with them Let ILet the gaso gas gasoline o line lilie alone when you have put the top to F upon the boiler hoiler until the dirt all se set t ties tl s at the bottom Drain off ca car care carez carefully z r fully from the dregs and use again a in You may wash the serge skirt 1 in inthe in inthe t the same wayS way wayON I 1 I ION S N the womans page of your paper nape ON Q one day about abou four months ago aSo among the queries and answers rs J was ryas one from a person seemingly a manIn man manla manin in la reference to an operation he had on hla j v eyes He had some defect defeat I r Think and end whether It was through yo your paper ho had learned of some acme physician ph physic an l who had bad cured him blur or en not I X do not know knI oW I do know knorr that looking over o r this particular parts lar mar letter to which I refer reter this young youn g man ama seemed to have hae had his eyes cured cure curet and was so 50 glad and grateful be he offered of t age d to tell ten any person who would write to tobUn j i him bUn the name of thin physician He al aI also O OsaM j saM said the operation was not painful and an d t did not cost him much Is there any my way Vay wa waI y r I 1 could learn who the correspondent was wasI was wasI f I shall be very veTY thankful if you will help h 1 p j me out oat In this thia matter ASRIL V The operation Is as s you say Bay not no t painfuL Any good oculist can per perform perform form it As business addresses are snot not given in this department the best box boxI t I can cm do for you is to put you into in j communication with the young yo man manin m min a in question and let him ten tell his own ow II I story Send Bend stamped and dressed envelope for or this purpose N reading rea over your column I saw en T o IN something which interested interacted m me ma very verr v cry 7 much about a biscuit pillow Korr KorrI No NoI n T I 1 would very much like a n pattern of ot g gin gln in biscuit pillow pUlow also the tho crushed crush ed 1 v rose and I wish you would oblige me by T sending sanding one ne block made up of each Put P ut t Into a box and send rend by br mall mou pl Please ease do dome dome d 9 o me me this favor as ns I desire very VOlT much to have patterns pf f both both If It you make one a n e block that will show shown me how to do dolt It ItI as asI asI I would not understand from paper 1 I Lc C Cle le the th Exchange has nola no r regular regu lar la fancy work department ent more mora 8 the pity we w have scores of members erg 3 who can supply up this correspondent t she wishes so much to o have h ve vi W ill idt a few e such come com e to thee the res re gs f 1 cue and send through me a pattern patter II v that may make the Coveted an a ann n 1 coital n tu l possible possession possessions 1 t i W T t have ave halt had in ray mind for fora a Ion Ions s time t the bold project t of oi asking skin froIn from fro such uch s deft needlewomen a a biscuit biscuiti ip t i 9 each ea h o on my nr own account that ili t may be beJ b e 3 J wr wrought into a souvenir ir colt vr e 3 p br my my especial espe ial use and dele Station tation taR n Each biscuit in this dream dreamt am 7 L t spread p adf of should shoU t be wrought or OT marked in some wit W jw with th the donor donors a initials in t al and thee the thewl white i silk lining bear be beLer r r Ler r autograph auto Pevi hapa well f Aye Ayes s i may take the matter matt r up up by and by b when rest seems more the mother of oi the Exchange the n now no noana and ana a wealth of pillows a goody goodly thing for weary wears head and an limbs limos send L 0 her iier pat pattern pattern tern t ern biscuits J d you kindly lr Insert In your yo WOULD columns a s recipe for cleaning a blade black corduroy coat H II S Scrub with nth a good suds made of i warm water wier and borax soap using it itt freely Then with strong ammonia ammo water w warm Bub Rub dry gently gen I and go all over owr it with alcohol hol Shake B i hard bard and dry in the sun sunT j jWILL T T LL you kindly let me know through WILL VV Your column the tho best way to clean white fur tur tar kind Is 18 ermine t f MRS fRS 3 J w i Sift equal parts of powdered starch i and anda fins table salt together tree three times tunes to mix them thoroughly Lay i ithe the fur far s1 skin elan n downward upon a cloth cIoth and d rub the nurture faithfully gently i and long into it down to the root of each hair This done don cover with a J supply of dean clean starch and salt Sal t throw o oa a cloth over it and leave all sIl night j Next Neat day shake beat be t and brush brash tout outi the powder 1 or orIN r IN N a 8 late paper I 1 saw w e a for canned corn I X read It aloud to tat y mother and she ahe told 1014 me how she ahe does it TakeS Tak 9 cups cf or raw corn 1 cup salt fait endI end and 1 I cup cap sugar anger Put together rata Into a pan and I work It It terms forma Juice enough to i cover it when put late into Jars jus Do Bo sot hat cook I it but fill and sad seaL If It you JOU wish tor more than thaw S t cups cape use J the same samo amount amount over again as results are obtained In is this way iray My aLY smother mother never DiNer baa has trouble In keeping it if dose done sa this way tray 1 In return I lam I am selfish enough h to aski Uk 1 you please tell ten me mein In what poem these 1 lines linen occur Taught Taugh t by that power the t pities me I 1 learn 1 to pity them s Who will wiIl furnish our broth 7 bar ber b er with t o tati n 1 1 r J r i or 1 1 ANEW NEW ANEW correspondent wHose wll se d e letters are a most sat faa dory passport has naB a bright b t sword word anent marzipan and sends een recipe for same which will be found fo and in iz its rightful place Though not hat of ot German aj a sad l not by any means a wise housekeeper housek caper I am yet able to do something I r have ha wanted to do for or a long time you yo u some Information that may be of use me to you in the Exchange I was quite delight cd ed on looking through your column to day dy to find my passport passPort at last 1 put my bands hands hanch Though h you do not demand dema d a passport still I receiving for tor ao 80 long from you and yet giving nothing in i return that I t bring myself t to tp ask for moi m more without paying lay my 11 way Wes M as 1 it were J I feel sure ure that and ana Marti Marzi pan are one and the same kame e thing though I T never sever saw caw the former name to m my mr knowledge until this morning and If it you had bad not mentioned It ft I should have turned j from my big English cookery book gyp pointed at not finding Marzipan But Rut I found the tho recipe after the word March pane Dane H Prom From my knowledge of Marzipan as sold sol in our English confectioners shops I am mn certain the two are caL The very word is enough to bring a delighted smile to many young English En faces but their owners often otten wish ardent ly 17 that It were cheaper The recipe sounds Quito Quite does It not hADY LAD BETTY d d 1 IF T F you can make use of 01 0 t the following Ishall I Ishan i shan shall be bo glad to 20 feel eel I have d dyne ne my part Partin In helping your good geed g od work Two years ago I spilled some of the Contents of a bottle of iodine on a red wool challe dralle dress My first thought for I am a 2 graduate nurse nune was what is the antidote Starch and water water I made mad a paste of starch applied it and let It dry dr brushed it Jt off ot repeated the process twice The iodine was entirely absorbed by the thi starch s h and sad neither color nor cloth cIoth was wa j injured u uI I find few tew people know the dish ish called call by PennsylvanIans scrapple Thirteen cents cent worth of or materials will enough tor for three or four tour breakfasts for far a a small SmaIl small family and If u carefully made should be bevery very appetizing app In cold weather One pound and cf or sausage meat one tablet table spoonful of ot salt four tour quarts of ot cold water of yellow or white white cornmeal The Tito sausage meat mea should be bo nixed mixed first with small a oC or quantity water until the th particles are ares separated Be Pc e sure the mix mfr ture lure Is boiling belling hard before adding 4 tire the meal very slowly at first stirring con with a wooden spoon ot of paddle Add the meal meal as In n mash sever never nver allowing ng It to stop boiling and when wh n it is ii t the consistency of a stiff batter batt r turn turf into moistened ned pans Pains for tor to the We next n seat t mornings mom J JIt breakfast br It should be sliced sliced t this thin and aad fried ned crisp in hot tat fat and should be served and ea en es as as meat Perhaps some come of ot your Jour readers would W care C ar e to know ow what Wha t A German G nn an if bl end nt told t d J me me In making staking stew add aaS two t aj oon f ruts Yule of vinegar to o ea each pound of s1 o meat i not give glue a sour our taste tate but bit lm ar proves s the flavor and adds to ib tt e tender tenderness tenderness ness Hasa of ot the meat I hope hop yowl you YO will wUl pardon Jardon me the e if I bawd have uselessly taken your e A W B i We Weare glad to j ive t t such valuable Q ni tiQuE Eack t f will make 1 iii us f r bur ur C n |