Show o SEWER SEVIER COUNTY ALARMED Smallpox Extending to Alarming EaT E v tent Fifty Cases Oases Reported Richfield Jan 17 The smallpox situa tion has assumed a very verr serious aspect in SeviEr Sevi r county Upwards o n f t fifty cases are reported ported r in Salina Sauna five the In ip An babella live five in Burrville two In Aurora and three in Richfield In Aurora and Burrville the exposures have been such that an epidemic mIc in those tho c towns jg ex p SaUna Salina will have hava a siege for fir some so time yet et while the next few days will probably reveal whether It Jt will have any lurther spread In this city The Ph situa tion lion In Annabella is believed to be under I control The people generally have been beyn very indifferent and careless bout i disease and bave nave not heeded the caution i II urged by the health authorities |