Show BURGLARY AT MT fitT PLEASANT Coop Store Entered and Robbed of Watch und and Coin Mt ML It Pleasant Jun Jan 17 The store build inn In of the Sanpete County Coop of this city was forcibly entered some time after midnight ht this morning and robbed The booty boob secured consisted of a re volver olver a gold grold old watch and about 10 in coin the whole amounting to about 50 O The ThA theft was discovered dis over d when the store was by the janitor this morning Entrance was effected by breaking one pane of a small window in the rear of the store which leads into a loom room which is used for candling eggs After Atter getting into this room there was little trouble In reaching tho store rooms from where the goods and money were taken In breaking the window the burg lar wounded his hand on the broken lass class cutting It quite severely and leav lea a a bloody trail A peculiar shaped track of the shoe in the snow was an otner clue which may ma tip be b of value alue if needed Marsial Knudsen was immediately no titled of the theft and took ip up the trail tran I It is said that he has succeeded in beat I ing in the guilty roUt party part and has recovered i all alb of orthe the stolen property No arrests have bave been made as yet and the name of the bUrglar has not been made public although h it is Known 1 that he is 15 a resi rest dent of this city and a young younS man about I 20 vears years of age a e The mercantile firm it is understood Is averse to prosecuting the young oun man for what reason It is 15 not I known It Js is said th that t several smaller affairs of the kind have occurred there during durIn the past year and that the firm has to allow them to pass un on unnoticed unnoticed noticed rather than have the law take its course in the matter |