Show CHURCH J 7 ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNO 1 N All An notices for foe this column must moat b be handed ed in h by noon noun Saturday Baptist First Baptist church hurch corner Second S o and Second V D A Brov Brown Nn n pastor Preaching at 11 it a n m D m In Subject In morning pi vin Pattern Before B fore Divine Power evening David Who Killed a Giant Sunday Sund y school at 1215 1216 F J 1 Lucas su BU superintendent dent B Y P U at h p m Evangelistic mooting led by the Ufe noted evangelists Mr and Mrs George W will wUl bo held each afternoon at 3 and nd evening at during the week and anha anda a cordial invitation Is extended to all to come to these thes meetings Burlington chapel corner Indiana aye ave avenue nue and Navajo street Sunday school at ji m G J Badertscher si pert n ni tend evening service at 7 4 i J i Rio Grande rande chapel Second South be lie tween twe n Ninth and Tenth West Sunday school l at D p m Miss Bertha F Moore superintendent East E st Side Baptist church corner of Third Th d South and Seventh East streets F Barnett B rnett pastor Regular services at 11 a am m and at p m special singing at both loth services Sunday school at 1215 p m mi mr young peoples meeting at p pm pm m ni general prayer pra el meeting on Wednes day evening at A cordial invitation to all services Methodist First Fl t Methodist Episcopal 23 33 3 East Third South Preaching by y the pastor p stor 11 a t i uL nf and p m Morning theme g Free Iree theme Satisfied Thirst Sunday school a am am am m class meeting Immediately after morning mb ma ning preaching service Junior league m m Epworth EP league a T by 1 gp 1 ea Chin g service sex probation probationers pr b a ers rs class cla cli sr s Monday ll nd y evening ev at 30 teach ers em one hour precedIng Ing prayer grayer r meeting e on Wednesday W n even evenIng evenIn Ing In quiet hour A d 1 p m Saturday Cor Cordial CorI I dial Invitation to alL Seats Se ts free tree Scandinavian M B E Church South Second East street Emil E ll E Fl Mork pastor I Sunday Sunda services as follows Sunday Sun school loa It a m ro preaching Scandinavian language e 11 a m gospel gospel service with good d singing at t n m prayer meet meeting inc ing Wednesday da dat evening nY at tP 8 All are Invited to these thes services The TIle African M lI E church 42 Franklin avenue B F pastor Preach Jug 1 at 11 n a m and S 5 Sp p m class meeting 1230 Sunday school at aU 2 p m Endeavor at 7 p m tn midweek prayer meeting Wednesday night t All AU arc are wel welcome welcome come Episcopal St Marks M Cathedra 1 Rt lit Rev Re bIel Leonard S T D l Very Reve James James B Eddie B t TO no dean de d tn Second after arter Epiphany h ny Jan JanIS Jan IS 1903 19 13 Holy communion cot S S a a m Sunday school 3 45 a m rn litany ante communion i and sermon 11 a m Th The Gospel as a Divine Force in lx the Worlds Redemption evening evening prayer and third in the series series of or addresses u on social unrighteousness un unrighteousness righteousness the subject beIng boing Our lOur Pantheon 8 O p m tn B S S A meeting for Bible study In the vestry vestI rooms The public Is la cordially invited tp attend the services Free Fre seats sea S St Pauls church corn corner c r Main plain and Fourth Fo rth South streets Re Charles E Perkins B D rector Services 8 S a am am m holy boly communion a m tn Sunday i school missionary ml fi Ser ae 11 it a m morning prayer sermon by ay the toe rector p nv m evening prayer pra or sermon ser on by Bishop Leonard All AU seats free and the public cordially invited St SL JOh Johns S Episcopal mission ml lon Perkins I addition Rev R H Barns Barnes aln in Sn n I charge chu gc Se Sunday after atter Epiphany I Sunday school school p m m 1 evening prayer pr 4 p m mSt mSt mft St ft Peters Pet rs Episcopal mission Fifth I c North and Fifth West Rev R H I Barnes minister In charge Second Sunday after Epiphany Sunday Sunda school 3 p pom m even even jag Ins prayer 4 p m in Girls Friendly Friendly Fr sacre c e et ty t candidates class Tuesday p m Lads Si guild guild I d Wednesday edne y p m Presbyterian Pr Westminster f Presbyterian Pi i church ISO 13 South Fourth West Street Rev John pastor residence 75 is B street U 11 a m services s conducted by Rev Re Mr lIr Moore Moores formerly missionary in Korea Kor a p m lecture by Rev Mr Moore under the auspices of the Ladles s Mis Missionary Missionary society collection will be taken up In aid of ot the Ladles Ladies Missionary so society society 0 lety to help belp on the work 1215 p m Sabbath school p m tn Endeavor Sabbath school 32 West First North street 4 p m Junior Society of Chris Christian than tian Endeavor p pm m Young you R Peo Pee Peoples Peoples ples pies Society S clety of or Christian Chris tan Endeavor Wednesday evening lecture by the pastor pasto at 8 S p m First Presbyterian church corner orner Sec Second Second Secand ond and East and Second South streets W WM M Paden pastor John C Lincol i t aid aS a pastor Morning service 11 U A Page from ruin One of Pauls Letters i Sunday school 1230 30 Po p m ro Junior En Endeavor Endeavor Endeavor deavor society 4 t Senior society evening ening service serviN M Is Orthodoxy Necessary Necessary essary for Salvation Seats are free at atall atall atall all and the public Is l invited Southwest mission Second West Vest and Mead streets Sunday school 5 p mr mf m preaching service Congregational Phillips Congregational CO 1 l church Rev PA P PA PA A Simpkin pastor pas or Service this day dav at Hammond han hall Third East and Third South at 11 a m nr with sermon by pastor pas pastor tor Sunday school at 1215 C E at 6 f fp p Cm fm at home of pastor Seventh East no evening service sen You are invited Invited in invited to be he present at the several meet meetings lags ings First b Congregational church corner of First South and Fourth East Rev Clar Clarence Cl Clarence r rence ence T Brown pastor Morning service at 11 U sermon by the pastor Sub Subject Subject Subject The Price of Progress Sunday school school Jh j 1236 12 M 30 young o mg peoples e e meeting tl G service at vesper vesper service at a 5 Ji Special Dusi by the e choir tu 1 r an nF t I Our Oar Saviors Evangelical E Lutheran church c 1 Fourth Fo East Eist between iween b To Fourth rth and Fifth South southA A G H Overn pas r su services at nm m to n English and Uld p m in In Norwegian The afternoon services will be conducted by President nt T who will wUl also lecture in the evening c ning at You are cordially invited to attend Evangelical Lutheran Services In the German language every even Sunday at 3 pm p pmj pm mj m Sunday Sunda school at t p nv m at the Swed h Lutheran Luther n fi comer c Corner mer Sec Second Second ond South and Fourth East We R e bid you yen welcome wC COine J 1 R pastor SIB ro Eat East J Seventh V South SO Phone Ile II Holy Hol Trinity English Evangelical Lu Lutheran Lutheran theran chu church hu ch No 36 6 South Fourth Ea Jt it street e ev HEr Aerbert ert ns pas pastor pa pastor tor Second Sunday Sun after ft r Epiphany Sunday S school at IQ a nl divine service at Jl U a ao m TIle The newly newl elected d church of filers will bG b Installed d at At t this service serice sel ce ceN NO N evening service Yu You Y are r Invited I Christian Central Christian church corner Third t East E st and Fourth South streets Preach Preaching lug ing at H 11 a m and nd 7 4 pro P pl n by b the pas pastor pastor tor Dr T W VV Pinkerton r Morning sub subject subject j ct The Sum or of evening subject The sell of th the Re Religion Religion ligion At the morning service the choir will sinS sing Oh Lord Thou Thon Art My M God and at the evening service The I j Radiant Morn Hath Passed Away Sun Sunday Sunday Sunday day school at 1230 30 p m Y P S C E Eat Eat Eat at p m prayer service at 8 S p m Wednesday evening A cordial invitation ou ouIs Is extended to all to attend t these services t U held hed In Odd Fellows hall near I new postoffice site Market street at 11 U Ua a m Sunday school 12 1215 15 Subject of sermon sennon Religious and Mod Modern Modern ern Thought by Rev Re W H Fish jr In the Bible class the methods of the so called higher criticism will be illustrated r by b an an account of f the views of Professor r Wendt of the University of Heidelberg in regard to the thi authorship of ot the Fourth Gospel Music by Unity choir chob All invIted In Invited Unitarian literature for fol free distribution dis distribution Unity Social l club will meet Monday londa night 0 room 38 Eagle block Unity Literary club dub will wUI meet m meet t Tuesday night 73 room roomS Eagle block blo k Church music At St Pauls next Sunday Sun Sunday y morning as asan asan asan an offertory Mr Mn J 1 William una m Curtis will sing Glory to Thee My M God G d Gounod Y T 3 M C A g gAt At 4 I this afternoon the Rev Rov Rc T TW TW W RT Pinkerton will deliver the first of oC hs b series of addresses t to young men on The TUe Teachings of Jesus J esus The subject for tor to today today day dav is Jesus Teachings Teaching About the Father the first time Mr Pink Pinkerton eton erton to n has appeared before the young men of oi this city A cordial Invitation is extended to all al men Music at ogee fee Marys CathedraL EI Eleven ed mass ma S principal l service I of the day Voluntary Godard Kyrle Kyrie rl Millard Gloria d f Millard Offertory O Credo t RoseI Sanctus Peters Agnus Del ROS Wig Processional m mAt march arch At the 9 mass the music will be rendered by the junior choir Te Deum Hadyn 0 Gregorian 1 Catholic services will be held at the Utah state penitentiary in the afternoon aft The music will be rendered by b Miss bliss Owen and Miss Dunham Scientist Church of Christ Scientists Holds services In its church church c edifice at 1 East r Third esol South t street as dl follows f Sunday a i school at 10 a m church s sl at III 11 a m subject Truth Each Wed Ved Wednesday Wednesday evening at S a a meeting is I held to listen to the testimonials of heal ing i l of t and a d sickness sic ess Free read reading ins ing i room open daily from lt 1st 1 a m to a j p pm pm I m In Manitou tou hotel Kindly Kind welcome welcom to aU all l OUS j The Independent Free F reo Thought Spirit S lt church will win hold their n regular Sun day da evening services at Federation ot ut Labor Libor hall at S 8 Lecture awl ana tests I as usual All friends and aad an honest Investigators gators are arc cordially cor Invited I Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ or o are Saints Services in m mission I chanel East Second nd South street as follows fellows Sabbath school at M 9 a a IB tn I I by Elder William H If Kelley fat s charge char e of Rocky mountain twist at t U a m and 7 P B m ln in Scandinavian meeting I Ia a 5 6 n m on Wednesday night nI ht a at t 7 96 I mover Drawer r meeting m at the home hOD of or John HalL Hal i 34 South Fifth th East Bast s in teat Tear r i |