Show the trouble is 18 that while we eat enough and generally too much nuch the 1 h from abuse buse and overwork does not properly digest t and assimilate I it which Is la the rea n so 80 many peo veo people pIe remain thin and under weight the I digestive organs do not completely di digest digest I gest the beefsteak and similar wholesome food There Thore are ar thousands th of df such who ho are really dyspeptics d although they may have nb no particular pain or i inconvenience from their stomachs I If It such persons would lay Jay their prejudices dices dla s aside and make maIm a regular regul r practice practice practice tice of ot taking after each meal one or two of ot Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets the tho food toad would he quickly kly and thor thoroughly thoroughly digested because these tablets contain the natural natura peptones pep tones and dias diastase diastase diastase tase which every weak stomach lacks and end by supplying this Want ant the stem stomach ach is soon eoon enabled to regain its natu natural naturAl ral r l tone and vigor Stuarts Dyspepsia la Tablets digest every form of or food meat eggs bread and potatoes pota and nd this Is ish th h reason they so 90 quickly build up u and invigorate thin dys dyspeptic peptic p mn woman and aud children Invalids nn children even the most delicate use them with marked bene bena benefit benefit fit as they Contain no strong Irrl irritating tating drugs dru s no cathartic nor Por any harmful ingredient Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets Is the most Successful and most widely known of ot any remedy for stomach troubles be because because cause canso it Us Is the most reasonable hInd and scientific of ot modern modem medicines I Stuarts Stu tg Dyspepsia Dys Tablets are sold by b every err druggist in the United I States and Canada as vs well weIl as in Great Brit Britain ala ain at 50 cents for r complete treat treatment treatment ment meat Nothing NoU n further er Ig required d to pure ure any stomach trouble t Or r to tom make k thin nervous dyspeptic people strong and well I 1 77 7 i Breaks up Grip Gri and COLDS Bank Clearings Yesterdays b pk clearings 17 For the same day y a year car ago they tho were For the week they were w For Eor the th same period last year they were w re i ie e m Dancing D cing Academy Opening of advanced v c p d adults class Jan 19 8 30 p m pi no Pupils will be ac accepted accepted accepted l III n leI lens ens class Jan J n 19 p TO TO GIVE ENTERTAINMENT I The Utah Federation of at Labor will give an entertainment and social at their hall hail Friday Jan 23 Refreshments R and cigars will be served and a fine musical pro gramme has be ben i arranged All officers and delegates of affiliated and Jated bodies bodia s are cordially invited FREE TO lADIES One Full Treatment of Dr Mary ary Locks Wonderful Home Remedy Mailed ailed Free to Every verr Lady Cures Every very Form of Piles Female Weakness Displacements L rhea Suppressed or Painful Men Menses Menses ses sea Falling of the Womb Change of Life Etc The celebrated lady specialists have de do decided for a short time to give free one full treatment to very every suffering woman In order to quickly introduce their thel M n Two of Americas Greatest Lady Specialists most wonderful remedy in every city ity town and hamlet in the States Statts They could not afford to do this only that they expect after you are cured that you ou will recommend the remedy to suffering friends who will gladly order the treatment and in way they the will wilt be e amply I rewarded for making this free offer Send your name and address to Dr Mary Lock Co 1382 1312 Englewood Station Chicago Ills for a free 5 00 treatment and be quickly cured in the privacy of your own home Remember this is not a patent medicine but a full treatment sent complete in a plain package so 50 that no person will know what it contains he above offer is genuine We ask no questions or references of any kin kint Every lady lad who writes stating she is a sufferer from piles or female fenzie ferr le weaknesses or both will be sent free Cree a trial package with special letter from tho the doctor do tor Yr today t daY Stockholders Annual Meeting 1 The annual meeting of the stockholders of oC the Combination C Tele Iele Telephone phone company will wiil be held at nt the office of the company McCornick k build building ing ng Salt Lake City GI y Utah on Wednesday wednes day Jan Jon 21 2 19 at 2 p m zu for forth th purpose of a beard of 1 direct directors directors ors for tor the ensuing year vear nail find tho the transaction tran ac acI tion ton of such h other t tier er business s as mav may be le in legally r ralli I gaily gally brought Before said meeting i LA L A AMSDEN A Secretary Dated Salt Lake City Jan Tn 10 1903 1303 N Notice ot ce ceA A SPECIAL MEETING l OF THE TIlE stockholders sto bf the tho J Drug Dru company compa y for far the purpose of or authorizing the amending of t the articles artl of In incorporation tion changing cha biuS the name of ot the corpora corporation corporation tion to the th Pratt Fratt Drug company compan and in increasing increasing increasing creasing the from to t is 18 hereby called for tor Tuesday the mh day of ot January 1803 1003 at 50 p m at atthe the office of said company comi any By authority of a oI of the bo hoard boUrd rdo of directors of hf thu company 0 adopted at a meeting held Jun i 1 PARLEY P PRATT PR TT President c If Unwell Try a bottle battle of notice the improvement speedily effected e in ha Al petite Energy Strength and Vigor Watch how ho It brightens the spirits gives gies freedom e from Indigestion tion and Debility I i I Isaac I Stow Ston Ava Aa alo ido writes Sept 10 1900 I was in bad health I had stomach trouble for tor twelve months I also dumb chills Dr J 1 W Yo Mory pre prescribed j I I scribed Herbine it cured me inc In two 1 I cannot recommend it too toa highly It will do all you ou claim for tot it 11 Sold by b Z C JI I r drug department departments GW GWa s II I Z a C M r r L Shoe Sale Week commencing Monday Jan 19 I II H MD I II II I In I a Carefully Article Ar Article tide Recommends Dr D Kennedys Favorite Remedy i In a recent Issue of of the New e York rode i ii i Magazine 1 of Sanitation and Hygiene I the tho recognized recognised authority on all matters 11 pertaining to health James H Mont Montgomery Montgomery gomery gomer M D f says n s editorially j I After a careful investigation of ot Dr 1 David Kennedys Favorite Remedy a asp I specific sp for tor kidney liver and bladder j I j troubles rheumatism dyspepsia and constipation with Its attendant att ills we weare weare weare are free to confess that a more merito meritorious meritorious I rious medicine has never come under tinder the examination of the chemical and medical medi al experts of the New York Mag Magazine Magazine azine of or Sanitation and Hygiene In I fact after the most searching tests and rigid Inquiry Into the record of or Dr Da David DaI David vid Kennedys Favorite Remedy it be ba becomes becomes I comes a duty dut to recommend its use in unequivocal une term terra to 10 every ever reader of I this journal whose complaint comes within the he t list of ot ailments aliments which this remedy Is advertised to cure curc We Ve e have I obtained such overwhelming proof roof of the tho of oC this specific have so satisfactorily demonstrated Its curative powers through personal experiments i that a care for the Interests of our readers leads lends us to call calI attention n to ta its great gl at value JAMES H MONTGOMERY M D DAH AH U druggists sell Dr David Ken Kennedys Kennedys Kennedys Favorite Remedy In inthe the new nev 50 cent size and the regular LOO size bot bet bottles bottles bettIes tIes Sample bottle b enough for far trial free frea freeby freeby by mall mail m Dr D David Davd D d Kennedy K Corporation Readout non out N Y Dr Dt David Kennedys Cherry Balsam best beat be t for tor Colds Cod Coughs Consumption ic Gc SOc w Sale WILL CONTINUE I THIS WEEK t tOne one Half Price 1 On 2 Suits and Gowns Coats and Wraps Waists and Skirts t I THE CLOSING OUT PRICES ON ALL ATT BROKEN SIZES IN THOSE TROSE DEPARTMENTS ART ARE GREAT INDUCEMENTS BARGAINS IN INFINE INFINE FINE PINE GOODS CAN BE PICKED UP IN THESE LOTS 1 H ami It on s Ot MAINe LL Correct Dress for Women FIRST REGIMENT BAND ANDt L taP L P CHRISTENSEN Bandmaster GRAND GR ND TONIGHT THEATRE SUNDAY SUNDAY EVENING JANUARY 1 18 8 CONCERT Vocal soloist for the occasion Mrs Della Delia Daynes Kills Hills Admission 25 cents to all parts of the house Cures Gures Tb Tbt t St Stay y Cured DRS SHORES AND ANI SHORES SALT LAKES LEADING SPECIALISTS ARE THE ONLY PHI IN INTHE INTHE INTHE THE CITY WHO FURNISH YOU THE PROOF THAT THEY TREY CURE THEIR PATIENTS AND AD THAT THE PA PATIENTS PATIENTS PATIENTS STAY CURED IF YOU ARE SICK DONT TEMPT FATE BY BUYING UNKNOWN MIXTURES COMMONLY CALLED PATENT MEDICINES DONT TRY TO SAVE A FEW DOLLARS IN CASH AT THE EXPENSE OF YOUR HEALTH IT IS NEITHER WISDOM NOR NOg ECONOMY AND THOUSANDS OF MORPHINE FIENDS AND AD AlI COCAINE SLAVES SLA YES CAN TRACE THEIR THE DOWNFALL ALL TO THE USE OF 0 F THESE DOLLAR CATARRH CURES BEWARE OF hF THE PATENT MEDICINE FAKIRS IN SOME OF THE EASTERN STATES LAWS HAVE BEEN PASSED PROHIBITING THE SALE OF SO CALLED CATARRH CURES CONTAINING G OPIUM MORPHINE AND A D OTHER NARCOTICS BECAUSE OF F THEIR DEADLY WORK AND YET SOME PEOPLE WILL GO ON RISKING THEIR LIVES Ln S BY TAKING AN UNKNOWN DOPE MADE M DE 4 FOR SALE BY UNKNOWN AND OFTEN IRRESPONSIBLE MANUFACTURERS I DOCTORS SHORES CURE YOUR NEIGHBORS AND CAN CN CURE YOU AND IN THE LONG RUN THE EXPENSE OF A CURE WILL BE FAR LESS THAN YOU WOULD SPEND EXPERIMENTING WITH DANGEROUS PATENT MEDICINES I READ THE TESTIMONY ASK THESE PEOPLE PERSON PERSONALLY All Y ABOUT IT Catarrh Permanently Cured I j I 4 1 I F t i 1 i t I f fC I C I I t I I 1 I e I 1 L J I i t 11 t 9 I II J H HoRR HURR H ii I West Vest sL Jordan J il I I r a Mr Horr sa SaS s I d fro what Q r I considered i M d the worst ort S as te vf f Catarrh j t I t S 1 a man could possibly have I Id f 4 4 p q i z hardly smell kerosene I could not D t Tf tell teU one food t from another by smell I Ij j r if blew scabs out of my nose two inches long I could hardly speak at times fj had constant colds with bead stopped st 1 up 11 and generally felt sick and mn down I had about given up hope of ofa a cure until I went to our Home Doc Doctors Doctors tors Drs Shores Shores In a very few weeks I felt f lt all aJl right all my m old symptoms left me My iv head got clear and to all aU outward ap appearances pe rances I was as cured I spoke of ot this splendid work to my friends front from frontI time to time thre but I WANTED TO SEE IF THE CURE WAS VAS W AS PERMANENT PERL NT I so I have hs ha ve e waited now no over OV r fifteen months and FIND NO RETURN OF O 0 A Benstrom City Ci says MY M TROUBLE but on eu O the te contrary ct 4 I never felt better In my y life hIfe I heave have i neve It I has las been ben nearly nearl four years year now flow since Drs Dru Dr Shores Shor Shores pronounced no n trace of Catarrh I weigh more me than an me cured Since that tl t time tj e I have hae had hd neither ache nor pain except e pt a a I ever eer did di have ave a good appetite aptt Sep sleep welt well wel and I feel fel like a a perfectly sound injury to my hand had and have felt like a new man My Iy Y stomach trouble truble and healthy man m and ad I have hare concluded soun kidney trouble and catarrh are all al things tings of the the past pa t and nd I considered e my there ther id is no doubt d about a t mr ire r beig ABSOLUTELY PERMANENT AND A D cure cure absolutely permanent COMPLETE WE TREAT AD CURE d Stomach Troubles Troubles Nervous Nerous Diseases Kidney Deases D Bladder Troubles Tro ble Reg Diseases Diese Diseases of the Stomach Stoma h anti and n Bowels Bowels Piles PIes Fistula and Rectal Diseases Female Fele Complaints Complaint Complaint Diseases Dl DI ae of f Women a V Children Rickets Spinal I Troubles Skin Diseases Deafness Dearness Asthma Bronchial and a d Lung LU ng Troubles Consumption G n a In itt I the e First Stages Rheumatism Hay Fever Neuralgia Hysteria Eye jye ye and Ear Ea Diseases pise Gite Goitre or Bg BIg B g L L La Grippe Firt Lost Lot Manhood Etc Blood Diseases Special Diseases Scrofula and ad all al forms of Nervous Nerous and an DS that are curable CONSULTATION FREE GALL CALL CA OR WRITE 1 I HOME IE TREA Drs Urs Shores 4 c Shores Shores x No bo one deprived of the benefits of Drs Shores Shore 1 skill kl because of living at distance from fron the office The Q iP fl Q same wonderful and uniform success attending the t treatment of Drs Shores in ja their ther office is found in their HOME HOE TREATMENT O PATIENTS PATI BY MAIL AIL L j Block BI ri ji w iT t c ther k 6 C By the th use of a symptom blank Of they are able to ding diagnose Lyon yon OC 56 O Qu W P t Second S a South Oil nose nos cases and an prescribe for them tem and by their re reports re SALT S i 4 T qi LAKE L T T s T UTAH H W CITY OInY r j jin ports keep a close cio watch upon them Patients living In the country may enjoy the benefits of ot Drs Shores skill as a well wen as ast those thoe a e In the city ef cit WRITE FOR SYMPTOM SYl 7 Office Hours Hou We days aS s 9 a m nl to tu 4 4 p m TOM BLANK BLAIK n K and a have base ave your sour our case cas diagnosed free jj E VJ 7 to t i 0 8 In 6 Sundays S un d and an a h 11 10 0 Drs Dr Shores low w tee fees and easy terms make it i possible PossIble b 0 pm p I I s o l for as s well weil wel As s the rich to be cured c red at home j I a m in to tC t 12 1 noon |