Show WE W CAN SAVE YOU MOY MONY The rh Fh Best B st Place In Salt Lake City to Find fio Nearly N alyf Everything very thing You Want and a d PRICES PRICES ARE LOWET I I u AN STREET GRANi r l Table tumbler i for iOe cu Coffee or teapots 3 Seh handkerchiefs for Sc Table tumblers engraved Sc c Wash bowls to e a Sc 50 Butter dish dishes Sauce pens pans ise 1 to tty embroidered auco or r it dishes six Jk I or pu puddIng iUn Silk embroidered and pepper peper shakers Se Tea t ISe c Men Mens s white handkerchiefs Sc Water hers e ng lic white b glass Glass l Cuspidor r v Mn es s red pItchers u Soap d Mens blue lue handkerchiefs Se Pie Pic pares pans u Mens bordered S 50 And maR masy oth other r styles NOTIONS White anti saucer s C HOSIERY cup 4 e lOc lC To Tao sp spools machine thread br Sc Vegetable cup dishes and c Pie Hooks Ho i nr eyes eye 2 o e 5 f r or Sc 1 Meat 1 t platters I tt size J we U no v vV Ic hose n lOs teP and Sc Ladles Ladie f last lack black V bite p at ates 7 nd d i Sc C st Vat ater or milk Ilk herz t C Tape me t S Sc Ladle extra etra good hose Ic owl n an pt itch ii Curlin Curling Irons SC Ie Mies S or 01 boys beys Fanc ancy a ape 1 bo p and ji t er a Black pins pis 3 2 boxes for or Os Ie Bicycle ribbed hoeS Set Ct ot o dishes a es OO Hair pins pin p Ie Ic r ribbed e e Extra each ash bowls bowl Corset e clasps ps Ie 8 r ribbed hose ISo v U t U h Sc ie and Mens en s black blaek socks lUOn lee i Mens hen heavy socks Mens good socks 1 Laces pans pane It M and Ge Good g tic USEFUL ARTIC ARTICLES LES Coffee cr teapots Open or Embroidery ic Ta kettles Pretty Prett hOc Gm pans iDe Ettra wide FUt Fifty paper for Insertion ne on k Milk strainers lOc and l ic Sto Stove e polish Sc 1 arrow Val bce ace Ie pans a hine oil U Fr Frying ing pans pan tOe Oc Medium urn al Jace ace iC Lamp Sc ic QC on lace ace Water buckets lOce up S Shoestrings 1 dos doz be case lace Sc ic Wash bow bowls 5 So and iSo Tar soap Sc Meat broilers Sc Two doz clethes pins Sc Dippers Embroidery hoops Sc ie F Funnels Ie and nd Sc fRI BB Op rs u C 1 C itC Bab Baby ribbon 1 yards for Sc Feather dusters lee e WOODENWARE xO 0 D E A D E No ribbon e c Buggy whips hips TV I VT cia uri Box writing paper SOc Plain ribbon to lOc Shoe brush u lOc Chopping bowls 15 ISe N No ki ribbon Clothes brush Washboards rc Watered ribbon i e Lun Lunch h boxes lee P tato mashers No 15 ib ribbon on Bc Oilcloth bibs Sc 5 and ant lOc lOe racks iSo No ribbon ife Flatiron handles iSo c Knife and fork tork boxes plain jin silk ribbon l bc c Whisk brooms tOe lOe and c Be Coffee mills c No 4 satIn ribbon Ie Floor brushes l e BARGAINS FOR EVERYBODY WE E SEll NEARLY EVERYTHING I LESLIE N M SHAW SHAWl l I t U I S TREASURY I I I As s he appears with a aI Sweet Dempster D Co I TIFF HAT i a a a aI at t a as au J I both young yo n and nd old Ask sk 3 your our ou dealt deak deakI for Cor them th m I ax nOO roo L S I Made a e in all aU styles stales st les both soft and SUfI stir i If I I your dealer d does not itch keep Jt p them th m writ wrItt I 1 I us stamp for handy ha na nai i cleaner SWEET DEMPSTER o or r 1 r rI I 1 Pastry is 13 considered in indigestible indig indig digestible dig sti because be much ninth og J of it is made de of poor flour our ourI I Husi rs I I I Flour mak makes good flaky piecrust that t I wont hut hurt P S stomach Your Youri t 1 i zU U about ab out ut it it COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK Capital paid in General Geher l Banking in All An Is Branches Directors Dr Theodore Meyer Meer John To h J Daly Dab CR 01 J Salisbury Moylan C Fox Thomas Marshall W P Noble NO ble George Georg GeorgeM GeorgeH 1 M H Downey John Donnellan A F Holden 1 NATIONAL BANK BAK Of I ITI TI U v S 8 DEPOSITORY Frank Fr Knox President George A Lowe Vice Vies President W WF F A Adams Cashier Capital paid pard in Banking in all aU Its branches bran hes transacted Exchange drawn dra on the principal cities of Europe Interest paid on time de deposits deposits posits THE TILE THED D SRn BANK II I I DIRECTORS W W V Biter Riter President Moses oses Thatcher Vice President BUss Ellas A Smith Cashier James Sharp John R It Barnes John C Cutler Culler David Eccles A W V Carlson George Goore ROmney R John R B Wieder Reed Smoot E P R Eldredge W F Jome Four per cent Interest paid on oa savings deposits En 1 M lis n rill i tig DMAr CO Main St Progress Stock of flENS MENS CLOTHING AriD AND HATS fiATS I FURNISHING GOODS I BOYS Bs and CHILDRENS SUITS I II I I We carry only the tb most satisfactory UI ant and ant lasting goods I I Dr J Ba KEYSO i f CENTAL f AL g I PARLORS PR I II T 4 I S Uain iain ain St StOver I I Over Davis Ulo 1 Store s r Good GO 0 Set of I 1 I J Teeth for II I I 5 Amalgam or Silver V Gold GallI fillings and up tip Teeth cleaned UlO Solid SoUd sold cold old crowns tOl tOlI Bridge B work per tooth Of I Crown sad nud Bridge Brid Work WO kS a Specialty I I I I 1 6 S Holmes flones nes Proprietor I Nez N and elegant In an afi at Its appoint a mt m nu nt so m rooms single and en an ant suite 73 25 t t t r reoma ra with hauL bam t f H If B I WINDSOR 1 ESTABLISHED ss General Gene tal Insurance I nee 1 and Adjusting ting m 2 SECOND so ii IF YOU lOll HAVE Hit liE liENO NO ACCOUNT Open Op n one with the BANK OF COM COMMERCE ERCE ATlAs BLOCK ELOCK J r A CUNNINGHAM CU I President PresidentE E B W WILSON Cashier 57 F O 0 CARBIS Assistant Cashier Casbie WELLS FARGO FAROO f TCO CO Bank SALT LAKE CITY UTAH C Established 1852 Capital paid up 9 M o Surplus and undivided profits I 47 41 Transacts a General Banking Business DRAFTS ISSUED on all prominent cities of the United States Europe Asia Africa Australia and the rest of the world HOMER S KING President H L MILLER Cashier JNO E IL MILES Cashier Cas WALKER BRO llERS BANKERS I SALT SPILT LAKE CITY GITY UTAH Established 1852 A General Banking Business Transacted Safety Deposit Boxes for Beet Beat BANK OF UTAH Corner Gorner Main and South Temple Streets Salt Lake Gity City I JOSEPH F SMITH President I WILLIAM r LIAt B D PRESTON Vlee President CHARLES S BURTON N Cashier s I HENRY T r A Bt Cashier br GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Accounts Solicited d Special attention to Counts country trade Correspondence McCO CORNICK CK CO BANKERS SALT LAKE UTAH V FH 1578 C Transact a General Banking Busloads B Sr L S HILLS President MOSES THATCHER Vice President H H S S YOUNG YOUNGE taAh E ES 3 So HILLS ss I IT 11 0 S DEPOSITORY D Deseret National Bank ank 8 Salt Lake City Cit i Utah ITAL FIAL r 4 Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent R nt |