Show Industry Thrives in These Times tONG the several branches ot of ofA German industry which deserve A attention by reason reason of ot their economy their recovery ry or util utilization til t of Dr some some raw material rial which exists unused or because they in involve involve volve the most application o of scientific knowledge to technical l process processes pro ess esses es may be reckoned the manufacture of briquettes from brown coal peat ande and andJe Je be e dust and waste of ot coal mines Bri Brit t guettes form the principal domestic fuel ue a Sf Berlin and other cl es and districts in Germany they are wed ed for locomotive ve And other steam firing and are employed for heating in various arIous processes process s of Cit manu manufacture manufactUrE manufacture facture For all these uses they hive hae v three tangible advantages They are clean and convenient to handle they light easily and quickly and burn with a clear intense flame fiame when made of ot pg lignite nite or peat they burn practically w wout out smoke and ard are are withal the cheapest chea est form torm of t fuel f el for for most purposes p purposes says s ys Frank Prank Ha H lason on in Cassiers ler a for tor January fr J Like most other Important nt German in industries industries Industries the briquette manufacture is 13 controlled co n by a syndicate which includes among its members firms and companies or more than of ot orall all the producers in Germany and regu resu r I lates the output and prices for or each year From the official l report of or the syndicate te for rOI 1901 which has recently appeared it dC itIs Is learned teamed that the total output during the tha year was ryas tons to which is to tobe bo addled added ad ed the product of ot makers outside the tha syndicate Ite consumed at works w ks small re retail ret retail tail t 11 sales etc making a u grand total of tons It need hardly be said sald that t e general i use nse of ot briquettes tes for tor domestic fuel in a large densely built city as well as for r generating steam in a number tC of electrio generating plants and ind factories must havea have havea a decided and beneficial influence in reducing ing the smoke woke which in many places bas Become a persistent and oppressive nut nuis nuisance ante ance Berlin although a busy t ranks as one ot of Q the cleanest cl est kePt in Europe r S |