Show Jg M S S X o o I 4 Exchange Vi t t ct tt HEN I read of liquid glue I felt feltI w WHEN I could help you yo and your corre correspondent correspondent and do so cheerfully Here Sere is 18 a good recipe easy to make and always ready for use Take as much glue ground glue Is quickest to dissolve as you like and add to it about double the quantity of acetic add By putting in a bottle or jar and keeping well corked you have glue that thatis is always ready nady If It it gets too thick add more add acid and in cold weather warm slightly I have hav used this thin for tor years rears and find it excellent even oven for tOI rd arod glassware H IL A A AJL A AU JL J U 7 you b be kind enough to l let t WOULD me know how the ivory keys on a Plano piano can be b made again white Old age asre has hu turned them a brownish color A P F FOne POne One correspondent says Wash Wadi w with alcohol and when dry wipe carefully not to touch the wood of the case with a flannel wrung out oat in acetic acid Another says Clean mean with alcohol dry ary and paint several veral s times with per iodide of hydrogen K TI T II Ti you yon kindly let me know what W is fa good to remove hot plate marks from an oak table tableT Also what is good Lu polishing a walnut wal war nut not bedroom suit MRS A D V Y 1 Hold Rold a heated iron a it couple of inches above the white marks taking king care not to get it near enough to draw the varnish Do this several severa times withdrawing the iron then lowering it again to the former position position tion 2 A mixture of two parts crude linseed oil one part turpentine with witha a n teaspoonful of salt to each quart Rub Hub in well with flannel Hanner and polish with chamois 4 EING a constant reader of your cor correspondence BEING B column I 1 have always looked to see If it there was any one inquiring how to clean chenille portieres but did not see sea anything Can you l inform fonn me how to go about it and what to clean them with Also how shall I clean a blue serge sergo skirt B E S 5 Put the curtains into a large wash boiler or other vessel that has a tight lid Cover them gasoline fit fiton on the lid and leave le ve them thus for eight dg t tor or ten hours Uncover them and souse up and down in inthe the gasoline a dozen times imes lift shake shako and hang to wind has dry upon a line where the free course with them Let Iet the gaso gasoline gasoline gasoline line alone when you have put the top upon the boiler until the dirt all set settles settles settles at the bottom Drain off carefully care carefully carefully fully from rom the dregs and use again You may wash the serge skirt kirt in inthe inthe inthe the same way wayON wayON N the womans page of your paper ON O one day about abou four tour four months ago among the queries and answers was one from a person seemingly a man manin manIn manIn in reference to an operation he had on his eyes He Ho had some defect I think end and whether It was waS through your paper Jio he had learned of ot some physician who bad had cured him or not I do not know I do know that looking over this portion particular lax Jar letter to which I refer reter this young man seemed to have had bad his hla eyes cured and was wu so ao glad and grateful gra h he offered to o tell ten any anT person who would write to him the name same of ot this physician He also said eaid the operation was not painful and did not cost him much Is 18 there any way I could learn who the correspondent sat satI IB IBI t tI I shall shaD be very vary thankful if you will help me out in this matter VASHTI The operation is as ns you yon gay Bay not painful Any ADy good oculist can per perform perform perform form it As AB business addresses are not given in this department the best I can cap do for you is to t put you yon into communication with the young man manin manin manin L r in question and let him ten tell his own L Send stamped and dressed envelope for this purpose s1 21 reading over your column I saw r IW I something eon which Interested me very ery f much about a biscuit pillow Now NoU r I 1 would very much like a pattern of gin gingerbread gingerbread gerl read biscuit pillow also the crushed i rose and I 1 wish you would oblige me by r sending one Cine block mode made up of cf each Put t into a a box and send by mall mail Please dome do dome dome J me this favor as I 1 desire desiro very much to 3 have patterns JJ pf both If It you make mak one block that Will show me how to do it as 1 would wo ld not understand from paper paper t M I L L C While the th Exchange has no rio r regu refU regular lar fancy work department mores 3 the tho pity we w we have scores of members member B who can supply supple this correspondent t wishes w so much So Moh o have kive ve Will ot a a fc law few such each su h come ome cometo to the th res rescue rescue j I cue cue rid and send through me a pattern that th may make the Coveted An 1 actual act al possible possession i have had in ray rap mind for fora a ton long longtime s time the bold project of asking iron from i such deft needlewomen n a a biscuit P each emili on my my own account that may be 8 wrought into a souvenir B pled pied p e jf J s for or r my y especial use e and del delec ec tation Each E biscuit in in this dream dreams s pi of tj mine i 1 should db be 15 wrought or orin or orn in n some some wa way with the donors donor s ind mid the white w i silk ti l lining ping be bear rj aph P y me dy jr t r r I r z may take the matter up by nd md by when rest seems more essential to the th i mother of the Exchange than now now and ana a wealth of pillows i lows a go gothing t thing for jor weary head and limbs Meanwhile send iL M L I 0 C her pat pattern pattern at attern T tern biscuits j 4 44 4 i you kindly insert in your yom W WOULD vy columns a 8 recipe for cleaning a ablack ablack black corduroy coat H iii S Scrub with a good suds ends made of f warm water and borax soap using it i freely Then with strong ammonia ammo 8 water warm Bub Rub dry gently and aId J go all over it with alcohol Shake S Shard hard and dry in the sun 1 I IW TILL ILL you kindly let me know trough through WILL W Y Y your column col the best bert way via to Cl clean white mite fur tar The kind if T is ermine ern ne MRS hIBB J J T W v Sift equal parts of f powdered pow ed starch and table salt together three times to mix them th n thoroughly Lay Laythe Laythe Laythe the t fur skin shin downward upon up n a cloth cl cland s and rub th mixture faithfully gently t tand and long into it down to the root of each hair This done don cover with a supply of clean starch and salt throw J a cloth eloth over it and leave aH all night Next iNest day shake beat and brush out the powder fr d oJ J fr S 55 N a late paper I 1 saw a request for IN canned corn com I read it aloud to my mother and she told me how bow she he does oes it Take 9 cups of raw mw corn 1 cup salt and 1 cup sugar Put together into a pan and 4 work it until It forms fores Juice enough to cover It when pat into Jars Do not cook It It but bat fill jeers and scat leaL If It you wish for tor more moro than S Sea ctr cu use tise u uthe the same amount over again as ha best results are obtained in is this way My mother never n ver has trouble in keeping it if U Udone done In inthIs this way In return CC U am selfish s h to 8 will you please tell ten me mo in what poem these thesa lines occur Taught by that power po that pities me I learn l to pity them THOMAS A L A L Who will furnish our brother morn mem member ber with tion a v t f L s f f i 1 ij i j i iA ANEW A NEW correspondent whose de delightful e letters are a most mast satisfactory sat satisfactory satisfactory passport has a bright word anent marzipan and sends recipe for same which will be found ia is its rightful place Though not of German extraction a sad not by any means means a wise housekeeper I am yet able to do something I have haTe wanted to do for a 8 long time send you yon some information that may be of use to you In the Exchange I was quite delight delighted ed on looking through your column to today today today day to find my passport at last into my hands S Though do you not demand a a a passport still I have heen receiving for tor so 80 long from you and yet giving nothing to in jn return that I bring myself to tb ask for tor more m without paying my way my W as it were I feel sure that l e a end and Mend Marzi Marzipan pan are one and the eama ama e thing though I never saw the former name to my knowledge until this morning and if you had boo not mentioned it I should uld have haTe turned from rom my big English cookery book pointed at not finding Marzipan But Bu t I 1 found the recipe after a r the word March Mm pane From my knowledge of ot Marzipan as 88 sold in our English confectioners shops I am certain the two are ar identical Identical Identical cal The very word is enough to bring a delighted ted smile to too many young English En Ush faces but their owners often otten wish ardent ly 17 that it were cheaper The recipe sounds quite does it not LADY BETTY IF F you can make 1 use of the following I 1 j shan shah be glad to feel fed I have have done d ne my part In helping your good g od work Two years ago I spilled some of the Contents contents of ot a bottle of 1 Iodine on a red wool challe dress My first thought for tor I J am sum a graduate nurse was what is the antidote te Starch and water I made mad madea mada a paste of starch applied it and let Jet it dry lr brushed it off ot repeated the process 1 8 twice The iodine was entirely absorbed by the starch and neither color lor nor cloth Clot was wa injured I find few faw people know the dih bh called cooled by PennsylvanIans scrapple Thirteen cents worth of or materials will make z ake enough for three or four breakfasts for tor a small family and if It carefully made should be very appetizing app in cold weather One pound of sausage meat one table tablespoonful tablespoonful spoonful of salt four quarts QU rs of ot cold c td water one pound of yellow or white cornmeal The sausage meat should ba be b mixed first with a small quantity of water until the th particles pi are separated Be sure the mix ture is boiling hard before ore adding the meal very slowly at first stirring con with a wooden spoon or Ot paddle Add tha thE neal meal as as In makIng mush never never allowing adoring it to stop boiling and when W ell it in is 1 the consistency of a stiff stitt batter J at r turn tom into moistened pans p s for fat the next D nest mornings rn a breakfast i It should be bo sliced sneed thin and fried tried c in hot fat and should be b served and eat ec et eo as is as meat met Perhaps some of ot your your YOUl readers care to know what a German friend told to 4 me In making stew add two teaspoon teaspoon t ori fuls of vinegar to Cea each pound bound of ef meat This does not give a pour taste but ire proves pr s the flavor and a ddS adds dr to l the th tender tenderness t ness neBS of or the meat J JI I hope you o will pardon me as if I have uselessly usel taken A W B B t tWe We are always glad ive vet e to t d t such eu valuable r i ire ti Il c cy mil us y ur 1 I y h |