Show LEADING OF LEAGUES Cobb and Wagner Seem Se to Be Most Sensational Sens iona Players of We Year I ISome I Some Seme we weeks ks ago the athletic director of a great groat university gave out an arm in interesting Interesting interesting interview on the tha various phy physical ph requirements necessary nee ry to the athlete who would excel In any of the great gro t outdoor sports Ho spoke of the ilie short lower leg and of the jumper the frame of the runner the broad sturdy frame of the tho football player and so on But when he be came to baseball he h threw up his hands I Baseball players are of all shape shapes sizes alze and ages and there is not the slightest warrant for naming anything but good health as an essential he said saidY Young Y ung Ty Cobb champion batter batier and hero of the American Am Amri ri a am 1 League and the veteran Hans Wagner W grier who again distanced all comers corners for honors in the j National League seem S em to show the tha wisdom of the experts views Both men arrived at the place but by i widely different methods Rise Is Sensational Cobb shares with Hal Chase the tha fame of being the tho most remarkable young player of the day and Cobbs rise to ta first place was even more l than the Yankee stars Coming t tn a very minor league the South Atlan Atlantic Atlantic ri tic in two years of ot big league ball he is the most player of the thes son Besides leading the American Amen tn I IL League L gue in batting with an tn of the young Detroit player snowed showed d the veterans of the league how to steal bases leading the list with pilfered bags This year y r he has been the sensation of baseball His batting and baW b ba run running fling ning were the fan talk of eight citie eif Of medium height with straight clean but muscular build powerful legs a quick accurate eye a Wonder Wonderful I ful throwing arm and above all a a su att superbly insolent confidence in himself If he became the greatest ballplayer of ot the league while but little than thun thana thuna a boy Big Bg awkward conscientious nUo good natured Hans steady and anI strong in his l s years of b baseball seb 1 lore lord greatest ballplayer in the IB is the direct antithesis of ot young Cob So much has been written for years y ts of or orthe the virtues and ability of the graft Pirate shortstop that even a lation atlon is almost superfluous TIlts yr however he accomplished on one feat adds to his honors Record of Long Batting Success He established a new record for fer Ien batting success on the diamond this being the fifth year that Ka he bas hs heM haM the National League title He lie Hethe won W the time batting championship mh th h a II m of and the honors lionora with stolen sacks He te Is just behind Cobb in batting honors os and aral far tar ahead in base running tm the year ye r rNo No one ever eer saw anything graceful or picturesque about Wagner on the diamond His movements have hare been likened to the gambols of ft caracoling elephant He is ungainly and tid imd so bow bew 00 bowlegged legged that when he runs rum his biB limb Ih seems to be moving in a Ii circle alter after aft the fashion of a propeller But he can can run like the wind When hen he tart Marts after a grounder every outlying por per portion portion tion of his anatomy apparently h ii ideas of its own about the proper Ha JIM hiDe of direction to be taken Hie His position po at the bat is less awkward and tIN th muscular swing of his great arms ai a il shoulders Is strong enough to drive the ball farther than most batters who hit from their toe spikes up |