Show r It i f f This is Your our Store Now Ready in Every Detail with Practical Useful and an Sensible S ens e et f t Ya HOLIDAY SUGGESTIONS rl t t I l c Sofa Pillows f Silk S lk I Fancy art N covered sofa pil pillows i T ii 4 Opera O Per a lows ruffle with to match wide I i beautiful ul floral noral t design each S cars Very fine extra V rr heavy sateen Nw cov covered a I S Woven silk ered pillows s pret prat pretty 1 f f ft r ty h t floral and opera In Japanese 7 J Japanese designs g 1 r black bl ac k and a n d cream wide sateen rut ruf l only 2 yards fie C 1 i 1 oo 00 J each pach long special Tapestry T covered c ve Inc pillows In a va variety of tapestry J 1 1 50 figured tops well filled tilled with silk each p 1 35 E EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTION HANDKERCHIEFS GIFT for Ot P EVERYBODY g ri FAMOUS FAS lK S p H M GUARANTEED t SALE OF 0 SUITS S S SILK PE 1 K One of the Most Remarkable Expositions of Holiday Handkerchiefs Ever Specially S pecla II y Reduced R e d uce d h ENTIRE R STOCK Shown in In any Store t Unusual Purchasing Sagacity Has Made Possible l This Week r I These Exceptionally tiona H y Low Prices Varieties are Positively l y indescribable This is the store the only store t r 1 1 that sells the famous S H M L p A 3 Off Silk Petticoats the petticoats 9 N that are guaranteed tho best 1 I I 1 f 1 f petticoats pet coats in the land because Ev Every cry woman thiis in n Salt Sa It Lake City is N r l N J f the m most o s t fully f file guaranteed Every ve interested in this sale This is no t 1 t J S H M f Petticoat is pure silk 3 1 mere purchase sale of or odd lots The Th J t beautifully made perfectly l 1 1 garments in is this thin great oat reduction sale 1 jt shaped full of style and wonder wonderful I u ful fol value val u e A J shipment just Gust re received Z i were vere bought for our regular trade from I contains an aU the tho th o favored fay o r ed edi i our high class manufacturers In the shadings an broad broadh lot are some of the most beautiful and r enough gh h and varied enough h to aT af p s most tastefully selected suits snits that it has 11 most justify just y the thc phrase All AU col eol colors t ors of the rainbow Come to tomorrow tot t ever been b een our pleasure p I to offer 0 ff er for your d morrow and see these splendid n some have only been in the o petticoats read the liberal guar guarantee S Shouse house a few weeks Such suits are sel seldom 1 antee sates and make your selections i r from assortment which in includes inslight an in f dom dam offered at this season at even a 4 U n o eludes every c ry desirable color slight mark down Prices begin bp at St atI r t I 1600 16 00 Ladies Suits one third I reduced off now to 10 67 Lt 9 5 j h 6 2500 Ladies Suits one third ji tJ c 3 Ladles Ladies He Fancy Corner and Plain t l loff tJ 8 off 4 SST a Hemmed Soft Cam e IT now 16 C J Jr brie rP 3 i ii n r 0 67 Ra W Handkerchiefs Jj C r reduced re d uce d to t 0 3 O u t i t 2500 Ladies Ladles Suits one third de leaks Pure ure Ien Initial Handkerchiefs Second and Last Week of the theoff I off chiefs CIS inch hem good cloth and reg rec w now 2334 23 2 34 3 ular Ute 12 value fancy em emi oj G d fl reduced to z er initials O 1 i I r 4 0 Ladies dies Suits Suite Childrens Handkerchiefs Handkerchief 2 hi in a fl fn n SOIl Sh I atrI nce S Sate a I e 1 off re reduced reduced educed now no to f fancy tone box per er box bon H 1 uC U Fancy Fa Swiss and linen embroidered lace t rimmed a Handkerchiefs broidered if ra scalloped corners scalloped scalloped Ages horn hem embroidered em 1 i 4 41 TO 0 ta V REDUCTIONS DEDUCTIONS 1 N er ered l etc ec Hundreds of patterns tg to e roeNie from f 1 1 DRESS SILK tai GOODS worth and for CREPE DE DL DECHINE t REMNANTS REM NANTS A T 3 Our ail all great grea beauties bea Ues leader pure in linen handkerchiefs lace trimmed in at this scalloped aa price T Thousands edges hemstitched of or st l lall d au J Every yard of silk in the house reduced for this sale plains fancies 5 and embroidered beautiful b nU embroidery initials and other Ib innumerable m 4 4 plaids checks stripes brocades in fact everything in silks of ot every de description CHINE styles including mens plain and Initial handkerchiefs r I h to h 2 BELOW ORIGINAL PRICE values up to for 25 C now reduced Full Fall line of colors in is a good E grade g rode Hundreds of remnants rena ti embracing 1 t Beautiful lace trimmed handkerchiefs and ard anda a great variety of sheer all N Soc Sc a Peau Pe eau au De C Cn gnes I Up Cp P to 16 I all the e most popular ar ara fabrics a of ot the pure linen handkerchiefs with or without initials 5 itc ac c OC J plain lImn colors Fancy Faney Silks lOI of silk crepe de chine exquisite for tot season will be e found oun ard d on our t handkerchIefs for k Plaid coon coun counters co un f Up 11 to 1 00 Fancy Silks 1 0 gowns and fancy waists also a at immense reductions They 4 r rotten broken lines 9 Silks C t handsome line of satin striped and come in various lengths suitable for X Mens fine quality good weight silk slUt Handkerchiefs pretty w n 00 Plaid Plain PlaID eO 50 8 every purpose and an unequalled equalled col color o initials Special Spec sal tj C lining 1 19 Silks so lk t plain lain figured s a o os crepe cre for the or assortment and variety of weaves Taffetas I IS 1 popular need nerk and head bead spec specially and novelties will be found in this Mens silk lik mufflers in all colors plain and figured also in fn Up tip to 1 5 C 50 Plaid J 1 48 3 50 olly l priced paced for this week collection heavy rich brocaded silks from to Fancy S Sills Silks d fJ Silks j jALI ji i o Of 01 All BIG RIG SALE S ALI Of OP GREATEST VALUES WE WF B Fur F i Scarf S f Big Ig ur car GLOVES KINDS HAVE EVER OFFERED IN l 4 OUR ou R XMAS S B BAZAAR AlAA R TOILET SETS an and Muff U Sped Spec C I For Christmas Christina 0 liday 0 a Leather ea er erYou You Tou can secure at this low price In n Reveals a dazzling array of holiday gift ft suggestions that take P practical sensible form fonn presents resents des destined our fur far department a fur r G d and sad one that aea wears r well made In to sable l tined to make mako happy nappy thousands of men women and children Nu No matter how long or formidable your 00 O S blend of Coney Cone At this price we offer list may m ay be you can fill all yo pF wants here with and sensible gifts g b which are after all the most t long throws 56 Inches Inch s in length ten h also t saddle l desirable and acceptable r saddle muffs um of ot the same fur turf very ape special cial values aid Some o Practical Gifts for or Pretty rat and an Useful Gifts x 2 25 Men en for Or Women omen J Sterling Sterlin g silver siler Military Brushes Stag Sta Horn and antI Belts hackles buckles buck 8 tones fancy combs and barrettes per perfumery 1 rya S fume sterling sterlin silver horn and Eb d toilet 1 et articles artIc I e scarf sear f pins pm handkerchiefs h an dk ere h Ie f s toilet sets sets Manicure Manicure sets Bets jewel ewel boxes boles brooches Holiday H oia d ay Sale S a ae I e of o 0 f gloves shaving sets cigar CI ar jars ash receivers beer bear gold a old beauty pins coral pearl jet and turquoise d steins cuff links finks ink stands picture frames collar c o jar necklaces Hold go ld filled fille Cavaliers Bracelets card ard antique lor hory Manicure a sets t and eases cases vanity bags hags fans fan gloves handkerchiefs sterling mountains regular j jD and necktie and cuff boxes boles handkerchief cases r aprons hat pm pin holders pictures a brae opera st sets for tor 50 RIBBONS R D I I BB i D O NS IJ C 1 countless count I ess other ot h er antic articles ar t IC I 1 es a 0 of f equal equa 1 unlit u I I y bags 1 ba n g s etc ete etc Antique Antique Ivory IV ry Brush and Comb Sets for far farRI RI 1 1 I ladles values or gentlemen gentl for men regular 1 OC 25 comb BOWS MADE FREE FROM RIBBONS a ENTIRE STOCK Of Japanese J Drawn D rawn Work W or k Ladles Ladies and finish mirror piece 3 flue flee sets sels Toilet 4 Antique for l que Sets Seta brush VA 1 fi Ow 85 CJ i l i PURCHASED HERE sets clothes brush and Mens Let us help you with suggestions s for ter EVENING EVE N I N G COATS AND BATTENBERG pair pIr 50 of at sets Military for tor brushes 1 oe 85 Childrens leather loather handles bandies Teddy bear purses making ma kl ng Holiday H 0 lid ay gifts 9 s of 0 f ribbons r Ibb ons we will w III f piece S combination Manicure and toilet i show you dozens of novel Ideas In mak make making SQUARES SQ S U AR E S ETC set in antique finish CO 2 i o Childrens wrist bags in all aft colors with ing up various desirable presents and Golf gloves for tor children and ladles ladies In all nIl regular set for i leather or chain QC i will you In making them mixed m the ined best colors colo solid per and pair OC 25 and COSTUMES M ES S AND AN D FOR THE HOLIDAYS Fancy comb gilt sets brush and v Jf 1 A WU 00 A Acomb handles Fancy Fart decorated Porcelain back three Big variety of new ne shapes in ift black and 16 button taffeta Battenberg Tumbler loc pi toilet sets brush comb A A brown brow including the stylish h Swagger 2 gloves glove per pair c DRESSES DR ESS ES Do DolIes Iles in this sale for lOc 10 C and mirror per set 7 00 Bags at special t Drawn regular Japanese clas p French kid gloves In 1 tOe 1 all colors per pair 1 2 25 5 grades for Black and brown leather bags in seal and 1 16 ch Battenberg grade for edged DolIes regular RELlAS walrus shapes and pressed handles handle leathers specially variety 1 25 of r colors ported grades rench kid gloves finest styles Im lm Imported all AT 25 0 Off ch c Japanese drawn d excellent UMBRELLAS U UM M B priced at M 4 0 0 gloves gloves including per tan pair capes 3 6 9 patterns grades grad in this sale 25 C Fine pressed seal and Morocco bags A f fine tine drawn linen DolIes leather lined and c covered coe frames In Inside Inch Japanese 4 0 Women who are preparing for holiday functions or grades for 35 5 C side fittings specially sel selected styles a Exquisite X ui e of who anticipate antics P eta the purchase of or evening ovenin g or fine street Japanese linen exquisite rs t and at shapes Display tor for grade 3 wraps P a or gowns h owns etc for either personal arsenal P use or Xmas drawn work patterns gifts will immediately recognize the importance of or this Japanese drawn work Genuine Alligator ba bags gs finest S 4 i 75 leather wrist bal bags s seal al Morocco 0 and regular grades for C t FANCY fA N CY opportunity other 0 er leathers eat ers in n the t e very best shapes XMAS X M AS inch beautiful drawn work linen Squares 2 00 and mountings Q 50 THE DRESSES etc come in Messaline Peau de regular grades for at p DU Sy ne Taffeta Cashmere Crepe De Do Chine in all Japanese dj dawn wn work Squares SPECIAL HOLIDAY SALE PRICES APRONS dainty street treet and evening evenin shades beautifully made regular grades for far 1 25 i QUOTED BELOW trimmed formed and finished all at off beginning in in price Japanese drawn work tray cloths for Cashmere dresses at regular 1165 grado for 15 1 25 Fancy f ancy Mounted M oun un t e d Beautiful soft finished satin Taffeta rib ribbons Dainty Swiss Aprons with round fluted AN IDEAL GIFT 01 T FOR MAN AND WO WOMAN In all colors ruffles and ribbon Inch Lunch Cloths In beautiful ful drawn EVERYTHING C DONE bons 1 50 MAN FREE OF 1275 1 2 75 7 5 25 grades for drawn special C work patterns width No o 60 regular e CHARGE per yard C Lunch Cloths Clotho Japanese drawn Back B k Combs C b 20 ac om s width Fine FJ nhe Organdie 0 dl Aprons A square or round grades for Women s umbrella Paragon No SO regular shapes s apes lace a e and an ribbon r on trimmed ex ea excellent THE COATS GOATS distinctive distinctive in style fashions fashion fas ulon S very latest I B t es t frames silk sUk and linen gloria coverings per pe r yard and variety winter WInte favorites in In white or light h ht popular shades 1825 Inc h Japanese Ja D anese drawn work 1 25 case and tassels tassel handles are arc of gun gunmetal g gribbon un No regular width SQ at 50 e of chiffon broadcloth also a few f w fancy black gar garnet ga r fine patterns grade for tor iJ metal sterling silver horn gold plate Beautiful assortment of at mounted back per yard Ti bC l net Det castor cator green and nd navy in In lot Somo Some of o the beautiful Japanese drawn work pearl etc tf 2 s 25 combs exquisitely finished and mounted 4 Dresden and floral ribbons 4 Fancy scalloped tea ea aprons with fluted new Mikado Capes Cap s in 1 lot Jo Some very late l te arrivals arriva s designs noo grades for tor 2 25 choice chIce JU a 3 with extra quality rhinestones etc an L Land Beautiful ruffles ru es also a so ribbon r on trimmed tri r mme ne all at off beginning b in In price for loose braid bral bran Mens Men s umbrellas fine flue and 5 inches wide for I trimmed t coats at egi K Battenberg Sc rich r I c h showy S h Batten Battenberg 1 25 tapestry coverings case and tassel quality best endless variety to choose from fromberg I Ier ard grades for a per p er yard berg her g lace ed edges g es S frames Italian boxwood and horn han i Rich Moire all silk ribbons full 61 Exquisite and dainty lace trimmed tea Scants handsome Battenberg lace edges beautiful dIes silver sliver trimmed a good assort assortment Inches grade gra de for wide a aprons rich very for sheer and de decidedly rr 1 2 tJ 1500 1 5 0 0 grades es esi ese for tor In sideboard this sale or dresser dresler 3 7 ment rent from at to select o t 50 cl PI 2 5 CO to t 5 0 0 f i f e |