Show r WILL RK MINES Boston Montana Properties of the Amalgamated Company to toRun toRun toRun Run Full Pull Blast Butte Mont Dec Dee 7 AH of the mines of ot the Anaconda company the Butte Boston company and the Washoe Par Parrot Parrot Parrot rot and Trenton companies will be closed and the operations operation of the Amal Amalgamated Amalgamated Amalgamated Copper company confined to the properties of the Boston Montana company which embraces the largest large t mines in the Butte district No men in Butte will be thrown out of work it being the plan of the Amalgamated to operate the Boston Montana mines to their full capacity which will wUl afford work for all of the miners in the prop properties properties properties affected by the shut down order The Washoe copper smelters at Ana Anaconda Anaconda Anaconda conda will be shut down and the ores of at the companies smelted hereafter at atthe atthe the Boston Montana smelter at Great Falls The suspension of the Washoe smelter will render about 1000 men idle at Anaconda It is stated by Amalgamated officials that they can mine copper at a profit at the present price of the metal through a concentration of ot their oper operations operations |