Show AN OPEN CAMP Mine Owners Throw Down Gauntlet to the Unions Goldfield Nev Dec Dee 7 Encouraged doubtless by the presence of federal troops in Goldfield the tho Goldfield Mine Owners association as held a meeting this afternoon and tonight gave out a state statement statement ment merit in which It Is openly said that the members of or the association have de decided decided decided to make a determined struggle to free Goldfield of ot union domination and make this an open camp The statement of ot the purpose of ot the mine Owners wn rs Is direct and unequivocal and throws down the gauntlet to the Western Fed Federation Federation of ot Miners Unet Officers of the as association association association refused to say if It any steps have already been b Cn taken toward Im Importing importing importing porting nonunion miners In sufficient numbers to reopen the mines minOs which are arenow arenow arenow now idle and rapidly filling with water but stated that many telegrams are be being being being ing received hourly offering men and that within hours the mines could bo be opened with the Ute same number of ot men then as were formerly at work in them One concern in San Francisco It Itla la Js said offered today to send 1000 men menon m menon n non on one hours notice The officers of ot the association say sayI I p however that In their belief there are enough men in the camp who will leave the union now to make the importation of men unnecessary and they are look looking lookIng looking ing for these men mea to mak make application I early in the coming week It Is Impossible Impossible impossible sible the operators say sn for them to get set enough men In the mines at present to operate the pumps and keep them clear of water are constantly tak taking takIng takIng ing place and other damage Is being wrought by reason of the Inactivity |