Show CHICAGO CHOSEN BY REPUBLICANS AS PLACE Julie s the Date l Kansas Git Badly Beaten Beate and Denver D Cut No N i t Washington Dec Dee 7 Chicago June 16 The former is the place and the lat hit latter latter hitter ter the time at which the Republican national convention for 1308 1908 will be held Both points were decided by the Republican Republican Republican lican national committee In conference at the Shoreham hotel in this city to today today today day The meeting began at 1018 a mand m in mand inand and adjourned at p m in and that time the claims of Chicago Kansas City and Denver for the convention location were all pointedly presented by b advocates cates of various places The vote stood 31 for Chicago 18 for Kansas City and 4 for Denver after which the Chicago choice was declared to toe be by acclamation acclamation tion Kansas City Will Try Again The result was wa ived by byall byall byall all the members of the Ule committee and even the Kansas City and Denver boomers of whom there were were Sixty or seventy present announced themselves as satisfied Kansas City declared through her delegation however that she would come back after It again ag in 1912 and would be sure to get It at that time The selection of a date was a compromise ise between the first of June and the thelast thelast thelast last of ot June all being satisfied on that point also Compromise Effected The committee after an hours de debate debate debate bate reached a compromise on the prop proposition proposition proposition as set forth in the call for the selection of delegates by primaries in instates Instates instates states having laws prescribing that method of ot election by giving state and county committees authority to decide whether the primary election shall shan take the place of the tho election by convention as in the past pastA A report on the procedure for the election from Porto Rico and the Phil PhU Philippines Philippines provided for a call can by territorial or central committees commIttS for an election of the choosing of two delegates The method for such election was pre prescribed prescribed prescribed scribed William F Stone announced the appointment of David of Milwaukee as chief as assistant assistant F Go Gowan wan and L 1 G Hechinger of ot East Orange N J chief confidential clerk Will Issue Call Today Toda The formal call will be issued tomor tomorrow tomorrow row ron Regarding the tho thoe e method of electing delegates deletteS dele tes the call can provides that dele delegates delegates delegates I gates from the tho state mate at large shall be elected by conventions called by the respective state committees that con eon congressional congressional gressional delegates and alternates shall be je elected by district conventions called district congressional committee b the hv by providing that delegates both state stare and or distant alternatives may be elected under the laws of any state laws pro provided provided vided sided by the state committee or con congressional gressional committee The call can of 1905 gave six delegates to the Republican convention to each ter territory territory territorY Including Alaska Alas The present call can reduces the number In n each case cae e to two I How They Voted The vote v te by states st tes and was wasas as follows For Chicago California Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Ida Idaho Idaho cut ho 10 Illinois Kentucky Louisiana Lo Maine llaine Maryland aryland Massachusetts MIs Hampshire New Jersey Sew New York ork North orth Carolina North Da Dao Dakota cota kota o Oregon c g Pennsylvania mho Rhode I 1 Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont ve nt Virginia Wash Washington WashIngton Washington ington Wisconsin Alaska District of Columbia t For Kansas City Alabama Arkan Arkansas Arkansas sas Indiana Iowa lowit Kansas Michigan Minnesota Missouri Montana Nebraska ka South Dakota Arizona New Mex Mox Isa Oklahoma Indian Territory Ha Hawaii Hawaii wall Porto PortoRico Rico Philippine Islands For Denver Colorado Ohio West Virginia Wyoming |