Show Weeks Social in iii towns Cowns of State i iI BINGHAM I Miss Bertie Bertte Goodwin who has been I visiting In Evanston Wyo and Ogden Utah has returned Dan Clays returned to Salt Lake City j Friday and will soon return to his home borne at Blackhorse Nev Nov Mrs Irs Fowler of ot Upper Bingham has had her mother visiting her for the past week Mrs Sadie Williams special organizer of ot the Women of Woodcraft is In camp visiting the members of ot that order Miss Nellie eUle McEvoy returned w home Sunday from a Thanksgiving visit to friends In the city Mrs Lillian Baker Is out ou from the city dt spending the week with Mr Baker la IIi In Copperton Mrs Irs Annie Hicks Dicks visited the capital city the latter i I art of ot the week Rev R E B of ot the local Meth Methodist odist church has returned home from the Sunday school convention at Ogden F Miss Henrica Wallace and Miss Gray were returning passengers from a holl holi holiday hollday hollday day Jaunt to the city on Sunday jt j Mrs Walter Ward entertained Mr I t and Mrs Ed Potter at dinner Tuesday evening 2 Mrs 1 Anna Adams of ot I Salt Lake for formerly V j merly of Bingham was the guest Mon Monday Monday day of Mrs Myrtle Noyes Mr and Mrs D D Crawford spent u Thursday and Friday In la Salt Lake the guests of Mr Ir Crawfords parents Mr and Mrs D C McEntire re returned returned returned turned Sunday from a visit to friends in American Fork I Mr Ir and Mrs 1119 W E Alexander had ad the pleasure of entertaining a few 1 friends from Salt Lake for a few fe days f last week j C f P Daniels of southern Utah made madea ry a few days dars stay In BIngham last week Alex Colbath returned Sunday after ti a few tew days stay with his sister In Salt Salta Lake r a j Mrs Urs W H ZIon who has been In iny y Iowa for a several days das stay returned homo home Wednesday morning Grandma Rogers Is on the t e sick nick list this week and has lies been confined to liar her bed for several days das At present ushe she Is somewhat Improved t Miss Cora ca Hocking entertained Miss Louise Barry at dinner last Thursday Mr and Mrs Irs Ernest Erne t Trask have re returned reo returned o turned home after a a visit to Salt Lake Mrs B W Richardson and sister Miss April Sorensen returned Tuesday from a visit with relatives and friends cat at Lehl Miss Gertrude Green teacher of the thea a primary department at Lark has resigned re resigned signed ned and accepted a position at New Newhouse Newhouse house Mrs Beatrice Coughlan Coughian returned on Sunday from American Fork where she Bhe went to spend Thanksgiving Mrs Irs Ade Heaston Is spending the week week In town the guest of ot her sister 1 Mrs Smith Mrs Rae Miller and family of Bing Bingham Bingham ham but now of Salt Lake made m de a brief visit to camp Sunday Mr Ir and Mrs Irs Charles Brink enter entertained entertained tamed at dinner a few friends last Thursday Mr and Mrs Robert L Herrick and children are visiting at the Junction this week Mr and Mrs Andrew Mayer entertained enter entertained entertained Mr r and Mrs Forrest Darre and children at dinner last Thursday Mrs Greenwell who has been visit visiting visiting visiting ing her son Charles Greenwell of the Highland Boy returned this week eek to her Ogden home The following officers were elected last Wednesday evening by the tho local lodge Woodmen of the World Council Coun Council cil 11 commander W W Wright advisor lieutenant Charles Cornell banker Os Oscar Oscar Oscar car B Young Toung clerk R L Henry es escort escort escort cort Charles Booth sentry E Batti Bat Battison l lson son watchman Frank Haskins trustees trus trustees trustees tees Joe Russell and E H Lovesy The Womans Unity club had an anen en enjoyable time at the home of Mrs H C Goodrich at their regular afternoon meeting The Thursday Whist club was enter stained this week by Mr rr and an Mrs Irs C L 9 Countryman LEHI The Austin family reunion Tuesday was attended by over descendants of Father John Austin Among those prom rom outside cities were Mark Austin of Sugar City Heber Haber Austin of ot Idaho r Falls FaUs George John and Thomas Aus Austin Austin Austin tin of Salt Satt Lake City A banquet was served sered after which there was a pro program program program gram of music and dancing Mrs J Garn of Centerville and Mrs Dr Bates of Minnesota are the guests gu of Dr and Mrs H C Holbrook r Thomas Yates Tates of at Salt Lake City Is visiting with Lehl Lohl friends Mrs N G Whipple was taken to the theL theL L Jj D S hospital bo Wednesday where she successfully underwent an opera operation operation operation tion for tumor troubles The D R society held Its Us regular meeting Monday evening at the home heme of ot Mrs George The next ses see session session sion convenes at the home of Mrs J JM JM JM M Kirkham George Dallimore a Nevada N vada mining man with his wife are visiting g with Mrs M J Dallimore Joseph Otterson and wife of ot Spanish I Fork are the guests of Mrs Katherine Knudson Joseph E Taylor of Salt Lake City delivered a Thanksgiving address Sun Sunday Sunday day uday In the Tabernacle Mrs Darrow Lott of Montrose Colo ColoMs Ms Ks visiting with her mother Mrs Har Harriet Harriet Harlet riet let Jacobs Herman Allred AUred returned Tuesday from Idaho where he has spent the J past ast several several ral months with his hla hi sister firs Lenore Otterson Mrs Leon Taylor of at Sugar City Is spending the yearend with Mrs 1 John frown rown Wilford rd and Jesse Woodhouse of Ida Idaho Jio ho 10 Falls are the guests of Mr and Mrs Woodhouse Mrs B C Earl and daughter Clara pent the past week in Eureka Miss MIsa Iva Allred AUred spent the past week visiting friends In Salt Lake City Mrs Irs Josie Johnson of Provo Is the guest FUest of ot her parents Mr and Mrs B BW Bw JW W Brown 3 Archie Gardner Bert and Clarence Mired Allred and Norman Anderson who are attending the B Y 17 U spent the week weekend weekend weekend end end with Lehl Lehi friends 1 The stork during the past p st week left l ft baby girls at the homes h mes pt of J R Giles j T A Goodwin A H Bone David Tones and Mose Hart Mrs Irk Letta Hanson of Garland Is the g nest of Mrs Annie Goates Mrs Joseph Broadbent returned Monday bionday from a weeks visit In Eureka the he guest of her bel daughter Mrs C W Earl Mrs Laura Knudson Nye of Garfield Is ts s visiting friends in Lehl Lehi Mr r and Mrs John Shaw of ot Nampa are fl the guests of Mr and Mrs Irs James uckfield Professor O 0 A of ot the L D JB iI U TI spent several days the th past pa t week leek I Lehl Lehi I friends t E W Schneider nd Chicago q tl ago tr hav located In Lehl Lehi and engage g a 1 tI J In the poultry business on an extensive scale Mrs Isabel Jones of ot Spanish Fork is the guest of Mr and Mrs Nate Rock Rockhill Rockhill Rockhill hill Albert and Dan of ot Raymond Canada were the guests of ot James Kirkham several days this week A L Yates has opened a book and stationery store on Main street PARK CITY Mrs Charles Watson and daughter Martha spent Sunday in Park visiting Mr Ir and Mrs Dan B Shields Miss Amber Bardsley entertained at atan atan atan an informal dinner Sunday at her cozy home on Park avenue for tor a few of her friends Harry Hall came over from Evans Eans Evanston Evanston ton Wyo Wo the first part of ot the week and wilt will visit friends In this city for a afew afew afew few days I Miss May Hedges returned to Ogden Monday morning where she is attend attending ing the High school Mrs C W Street entertained the members of ot the club at her home on Empire avenue Wednesday afternoon James McDonald returned home from Nevada Wednesday morning where he has been for several months past Mr and Mrs Wm Vm and child arrived in this city from Goldfield Sunday and will remain during the win winter winter winter ter months The first meeting of the O 0 N O 0 club since their adjournment last spring was held Thursday evening at the home of ot Miss May Bailee when plans for the future were discussed and the seasons work outlined Mrs Thomas Fanning and child re returned returned returned turned to the city Wednesday after afternoon afternoon afternoon noon after a pleasant ten days visit with relatives in to Park Mr and Mrs L B Wight right entertain entertained ed the tho Pioneer Bridge Whist members at their home on Main street Thursday evening After Atter several games had been played the prizes 1 were awarded and re refreshments refreshments served A pleasant plea nt time was had by all present Mrs Grose and son Fred have gone to Everett Wash to spend the winter Mrs C R Drake was a Salt Lake visitor this week Miss Pinknie one of at the local teach teachers ers returned home Sunday morning from Salt Lake where she spent the Thanksgiving holidays visiting with friends The High school pupils of or the Colum Columbian Columbian Columbian bian Literary society gave a very pleas pleasIng pleasIng pleasing Ing program Friday afternoon In the assembly room An unusually large number of visitors were present 1 resent who enjoyed the program very ery much Mr and Mrs C W Street entertain entertained ed the thc members of the M I E club at their home Friday y evening Mrs rs Lock Lck hart and Mr Short won the prizes 1 The next meeting will be held at the homo home of Mrs McEwan on Dec 26 6 Mrs C M lI Short will entertain the sewing club next Monday afternoon On Wednesday evening the blue lodge of Royal Arch Masons elected officers for the ensuing year as follows Chas Pink W M 1 Dr Wilson S W Wm Doidge J W Wm Rad on secretary Eugene Giles treasurer Mrs Thomas Kearns and Miss Bessie Bessle Faddis came up to Park Friday The local hive of ot Is pre preparing preparing preparing paring for a bazar and supper to be given Dec Dee 17 Spencer Clark is visiting In Park with his sister Mrs Davidson Mrs Arthur Weeter entertained twelve young people 1 Friday evening at ata ata ata a skating party In honor of ot Miss Vina Wilcox of ot Salt Lake who is the tho guest of Mrs Weeter Mr and Mrs Dan B Shields enter entertained tamed Ined af at n dinner Saturday evening the occasion being the third anniversary of their marriage MANTI The marriage of George B Cox jr and Mi MiSs s Charlotte Madsen both of this city has been announced to take place Wednesday of the coming week Miss Nettie Nettle Alder is visiting friends and relatives In Salt Lake City Mrs Frank Tuttle entertained dur during durIng during ing the week In honor of her sister Mrs W V G Crawford of Salt Lake City Dr and Mrs errs W v H II returned from the metropolis during the week where they visited for a few days The South Ward M T A Intends giving giving givIng ing a dancing party in the Assembly hall Wednesday of ot the coming week Dan Olsen of Moroni visited friends in Manti antl during the week 1 James E C Scow and Miss Anna L Hendricksen of Mayfield were married at the temple Wednesday last J M Johnson of ot Spring City was In Inthe Inthe inthe the city during Curing the tha week doing busi business business business ness Reuben Christensen of Provo for formerly formerly formerly merly county commissioner of this county was as a business visitor here during the week Benjamin Christensen of ot spent several days In ManU Mantl this week doing business Mrs Belliston and niece of or Nephi were ere In the city during the th week vis visiting visiting Is at the home of ot Miss Ante Allie Farns Farnsworth Farnsworth worth Miss Louise Hoggan returned during the week from the metropolis after spending a few weeks with friends Mr and Mrs Fred D Smith enter entertained entertained entertained during the week at their home Mr and Mrs Arthur Jensen of ot May Mayfield Mayfield i field were In the city during the tho week Mrs Louise and Mrs An Annie Annie Annie nie Jensen of Mt Pleasant are in the city doing temple work PROVO Mr and Mrs Irs Rob Irvine spent Thursday in Salt Lake City where they attended the wedding reception of Mr Irvines cousin Miss Mills Coalter who was married to Mr Golightly The reception was given at the home of the brIdes bride s parents Miss Fay Loose of ot this city who is attending the Mills college at Oakland Cal Cat entertained the members of ot the Oakland Society of ot Musicians Miss Loose Is well known here for tor her abil ability abilIty ability ity as a vocalist she having taken the leading role r in the local opera com company company company pany Mrs A C Lund has returned home from Mt Pleasant where she has been visiting during the last week or two The Sixth ward amusement commit committee tee gave a basket party in the meet meetIng meetIng meeting Ing house Friday night The evening was very pleasantly spent in feasting and dancing d The Tho receipts were do donated donated donated to the meeting house fund Mrs B M Cunningham entertained at luncheon Tuesday evening Mrs Hannah Dunkley was very ery pleasantly surprised Thursday evening by a large number of her relatives the occasion being the anniversary of her sixtieth birthday The Nineteenth Century club met at atthe atthe atthe the home hom of Mrs O 0 B Suhr Friday afternoon Mrs Irs John Marwick gave a avery avery avery very Interesting reading on Child Childhood hood rood James F Dunn of this city who has been in Idaho during the last two months has returned and is shaking hands with friends in Provo this week Mr and Mrs John W V Stubbs entertained enter entertained entertained their many friends Friday even evenIng evenIng evening Ing th the the j occasion being the twentieth anniversary of their wedding The happy couple were the recipients of many beautiful pieces of ot china An elaborate supper was wae served and all present had a most pleasant time Mrs Joseph A of Eureka is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs James F Dunn in Provo this week AMERICAN FORK The social event of the week was the big banquet and social given by the members of at the Silver band at the Commercial club rooms Thursday night The rooms had been especially decorated for the occasion and surely presented a holiday appearance There were about fifty guests present In Including including the t e band ban members member and a d their the r wives and ana sweethearts An interest interesting InterestIng interesting ing program had been arranged con consisting consisting consisting of singing and music and passed off without a hitch A most delightful sumptuous dinner was served and all In all aU a most enjoy enjoyable enjoyable enjoyable able time was had by all present 1 resent The Ibe social and program at the Com Commercial Commercial Commercial mercial club night given by b the Commercial club was a very successful affair The program which had been arranged by the entertain entertainment entertainment entertainment ment committee was grand consisting of songs music and speeches by our local talent every number of which was wa heartily enjoyed by those present After the program the rooms were turned over to those present and games of various kinds were indulged in until a late hour The club will give a grand select ball at the Appollo hall next lext Wednesday evening Dec 11 It ItIs ItIs Itis Is expected that this will be one of the balls of ot the season The High school ball at the Apollo hall Thursday night was very successful success successful successful ful both socially and financially There was a large turnout and the dancing was enjoyed by all present In the forepart fore forepart forepart part of ot the dance there was a game of basket ball baU between the High school team of this place and the High school team of ot Pleasant Grove which result resulted ed In a victory for the home team Arthur Stout of ot Salt Lake City spent the week here with his parents Mr and Ms E H Stout The students of the seventh grade gave a very patty 1 tty surprise party on their teacher Mr Pratt at the hame heme h me of ot Mrs Annie Green in the Second ward Wednesday night There were about twenty present pr A delightful lunch was ass served Jack Firmage and his mother spent In Salt Lake City Robert Anderson of Provo |