Show PROSECUTOR TOOK HIGH GROUND IN BRADLEY CASE SAYS CHRISTENSEN CHRI Attorney Soren X Christensen whose testimony perhaps did more to free Mrs Anna Bradley than that of any an other othel witness with the possible exception exception t tion on of the defendant herself throws an Interesting sidelight on the trial at Washington Mr Christensen Christeneen was as called as a witness by the government but his evidence was decidedly de favora favorable favorable ble bhe to the defense Because of this fact District Attorney Daniel W Baker Raker was criticized for calling Mr Christensen Mr Christensen declares that such criticism is unjust to the prosecutor who he says handled the case in a manner that was a credit to himself and ind the government g On the night be before before before fore Mr 1111 Christensen was called to the stand he went over the testimony that he le would be called upon to give telling the he district attorney in detail of ot the troubles of Mrs Bradley and Senator Brown as they came to him in the ca capacity capacity Capacity of legal advisor to the senator At the conclusion It was seen that the prosecution could accomplish but little by calling the witness though such a move would aid the defense District Attorney Baker decided that although he was prosecutor in the case ca It was his duty as a public officer of the court to see that all the facts per pertaining pertaining taming to the case should be brought out He was as of ot the opinion that as a matter of justice Mrs Bradley was en entitled entitled entitled titled to have this testimony presented and for that reason he called Mr Ir Chris Christensen Christensen Christensen to the stand The verdict in the case said Mr Christensen was inevitable The sym sympathy sympathy sympathy pathy In Washington and the east was all with the prisoner and had the ver Yer verdict dict diet been other than an acquittal It would have met with a storm of ot disapproval disapproval disapproval I think there was more senti sentiment sentiment ment meat favoring the prisoner in the east than there was in Salt Lake Mrs Bradley had a peculiar quality qualIty quality ity that enlisted much sympathy in her herfa favor fa VOl In spite of all the revolting de details details details tails of her intimacy with Senator Brown to which she confessed the pub public public lic lie was glad to accept the die explanation of Judge Powers that she was more sinned against than sinning |