Show CLEM CLEMENCY IS ASKED Applications Made for Reduction in Severity of Sentence Dennis Holland Holand Richard Hawley and Michael Ichael Harrington convicted of the crime of burglary at Coalville Oct 21 1907 yesterday applied for tor clemency and their appeals have haye been een filed fled with wih the county attorney T Hackett Hackett con convicted of or having burglars tools In his possession Nov Noy 23 2 last and sentenced to six si months in the county county Jail Jai also craves official pardon Artemus R fl RAlston RAlston Alston convicted of or forgery and sen sentenced sentenced sentenced to serve sere three years Robert and Charles Long and John Price convicted of burglary In the third degree last Oc October O October tober and sentenced to serve sere nine months In prison request the indulgence Indulgence indulgence gence of ot the authorities Hiram Hirm Mosher er sentenced from Ogden to serve one year in the state prison for burglary and George Gerge Parry also ask pardons A parole arole Is asked by Dan Reese of gf Q Salt Sal Lake who was convicted of or for forgery forgery forgery gery in this city May 4 1907 1901 and and who Is serving sering a three year sentence Sidney Payne Paye convicted of or forgery Nov 8 1906 and serving two years year asks a commutation Frank Frnk Morris asks a 0 of commutation battery He WAS found guilty |