Show DIEHL SCORES CHARITY mm THIEF Man Who Robbed Contribution Boxes Gets Three Months in Chain Gang After thinking over the matter all night Fred Silver the looter of Salvation Sal Salvation Salvation Army Thanksgiving contribution contribution tion boxes announced in the police pollee court yesterday afternoon that he was ready for tor sentence Judge Diehl on hearing that the man IUan was prepared to receive punishment delivered a brief homily on the shame of stealing money which had been con consecrated consecrated consecrated to charity Your offense said the judge was of the most despicable kind It has been shown that you yu bear a bitter an animosity anImosity animosity toward the Salvation Army and anal that you have created disturb disturbances disturbances ances at the barracks of that organ organization organIzation organization Your act in robbing the con contribution contribution contribution boxes may have been due to this enmity toward the Salvation Army but in carrying out your re revenge revenge revenge you did not injure the Salvation Army but robbed the poor for whose aid on a day da of general rejoicing the money placed in the contribution boxes was given Silver SlIver stepped forward Speak louder he roared I 1 want to hear what you have to say Judge Diehl lifted his voice In the hearing of this case he continued I have entertained some doubts concerning your mental condi condition condition condition tion and for that reason am not dis disposed disposed disposed posed to inflict as severe a sentence as your offense deserves Silver Interrupted the judge Those girls at Franklins store said there were dollars in the contribution box they say I robbed he exclaimed How could dollars get through the lit little little little tle hole in the boxes what I want to know And even if I took the contribution box I had a bill against the Salvation Army and v was as justified in what I did More than that If 1 the money was put in the boxes to buy a Thanksgiving ing dinner for the poor why were the boxes collected on the day after atter Thanksgiving How could the money be spent for a Thanksgiving dinner anyway It was collected on Friday and Thanksgiving day was Thursday Judge Diehl made no response to this outburst except to say I will sentence sen sentence sentence tence you you to three months confine confinement confinement ment in the city jail Silver will wUl join the chain gang today |