Show I FAIR RETAIL TRADE Disposition to Defer Production in Loading Leading Industries New York Dec 6 GR R G Dun Cos Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will ill say Further improvement In the financial situation is facilitating the tho return of nor normal normal mal mill commercial conditions but there Is still a great deal of Idle machinery at mills and s In the leading Indus Industries Industries Industries tries a disposition is shown to defer pro production production production until there is no probability of cancellations and consumers show an in inclination Inclination inclination to place pl ce orders for forward de deliveries deliveries deliveries liveries Retail trade is IJ fairly well welt maintained main maintained maintained demand for holiday goods assum assuming assumIng ing seasonable proportions and collections are aro more prompt A few transactions in pig iron are re reported reported reported ported at further concessions but as a arule arule arule rule the furnace owners insist on former quotations and prefer to shut down rath rather er than offer better terms erms Restriction of steel production has bas gone still further some departments now operating less than half halt the total capacity Wire mills are the most active and output of tin Un plates exhibits the greatest contraction In all divisions the tonnage of new contracts is small and no developments are antici anticipated anticipated anticipated until after Jan 1 Improved finan financial financial financial belief cial conditions encourage belief that bus business busIness business iness ma may not be bo deferred much beyond the end oi 01 P this month but meanwhile the theIron theiron theiron Iron and steel Industries avoid a weak statistical position by preventing accumulation accumulation accumulation lation of stocks Coke ovens follow Iron furnaces in closing output now being at atthe atthe atthe the rate of tons weekly against tons recently There is improve improvement improvement ment in hides tanners taking more Inter Interest Interest interest est at the further concessions in prices and there is less pressure to make sales by packers and dealers |