Show HAYWOOD BLAMED Los Angeles Dec 6 M J Monnette president resident of the t e Los mining exchange and one of the big operators of Goldfield In an Interview today oday laid the whole blame for the present situation In Goldfield upon William D Haywood Mr Monette is quoted as Is follows All of Jf the present trouble at Gold Goldfield Goldfield field Is due to the activity of William WilliamD D D Haywood of or the Western Federation of Miners It was due solely to his influence that the Miners union there refused to accept checks on the Goldfield banks in part payment of ot their wages wares some time i x 4 0 and at a meeting of the miners urged them to refuse these checks I am sat satisfied satIsfied that 75 per cent of the members of ot the union were not In sympathy with him In this move but they seem teem to be so thoroughly under the control of or a few leaders that they have been afraid to take independent action Many of ot these men are anxious to re return return return turn to work andy and In my opinion there will either be a split In the union in Goldfield or orthe the open shop rule will pre prevail prevail prevail vail in all of the large mines there The Mine Owners association is deter determined determined determined mined that it will no longer submit to the arbitrary dictation of ot a fe union agitators |