Show FARMERS MEETING CALLED GALLED The farmers alliance executive com corn committee committee has called a meeting of the farm farmers farmers farmers ers who are the plaintiffs in the smelter smoke cases to be held at 2 next Wednesday day afternoon at the Granite stake tabernacle At this meeting the proposition tion then of the officials of the Highland Boy smelter whereby the smelter may con continue continue continue to operate on the payment of an indemnity to the farmers the amount to tobe tobe tobe be determined later will be considered d The smelter officials desire that the smelter m l lter ter remain in operation until the construction construction construction tion of their thelt new plant in Tooele county Is completed The call for the farmers meeting says I that Attorney William II H King will be M present for the purpose of advising the meeting in regard to the legal status of the Injunction It is signed by the fol following following following lowing committee John C Mackay O 0 OP OP P Miller W V H HaIgh Joseph R B Car Carlyle Carlyle Carlyle lyle Henry F Burton Mahonri Spencer James Godfrey A E I Lee ee |