Show SPARKS ASKS FOR TROOPS Washington Dee Dec D 6 A situation of the utmost and immediate danger at Goldfield ld Nev is revealed in the official I 4 cia cial Ial correspondence between Governor Sparks of that state and the president Just made public The governors ap appeal appeal peal Jeal for troops is construed by the au authorities here to indicate the imminence Imminence r nence of or great peril and ard if actual vio violence violence yb lence is to occur at all it is expected j before the arrival of the troops from California in Goldfield The governors appeal to the dent dated at Carson City yesterday follows At Goldfield Esmeralda county state of o Nevada there does now exist demonstrations d of violence and unlawful unlawful ful f l conditions and conspiracies which do now so obstruct and continue to so obstruct and hinder the execution oi of the laws of ot the state of ot Nevada am and now deprive and continue to deprive the people of ot said section of the state of rights privileges immunities and protection named in the constitution of the he United States and of ot the state of ot Nevada and which are secured by b the laws for the protection of such rights privileges and immunities And the constituted authorities of the state of Nevada Neada are n nw w and continue to be un unable unable able to protect the people In such rights and the reason of such inability InabilIty inability ity and the tho particulars thereof are therefore Dynamiting and Threats Unlawful dynamiting of property proper of ot felonies threats against the lives and property of or citizens the unlawful possession of arms and ammunition and the confiscation confiscation confiscation cation of dynamite with threats of the unlawful use of the same by action The lawfully constituted authorities of lof this state are unable to apprehend and punish the perpetrators of ot said crimes and to prevent the commission of other threatened crimes and unless the relief hereinafter requested is granted this state and the lives Jives and property of a large number of Its peo people people pie will be Irreparably affected and damaged contrary to the peace and dignity of the United Untied States and of the state of Nevada Therefore There Core pursuant to article 4 sec section section section tion 4 of the constitution of the United States and to sections and of the Revised Statutes thereof I 1 John Sparks governor do hereby fully request that your excellency The Theodore Theodore Theodore odore Roosevelt president do Immedi Immediately Immediately immediately send to Goldfield at Esmeralda county two companies of the troops of the United States to suppress un unlawful unlawful unlawful lawful disorder and violence to pro protect protect protect life and property to restore peace and to Insure protection of law to the people of ot the state of Nevada Neada Order The presidents reply dated today was as follows To the Acting Secretary of or War Referring to the accompanying formal request of Governor Sparks of Nevada for tor federal troops to restore restore e order at Goldfield please direct General Fun Funston Funston Funston ston to send a sufficient number of Df f troops to be wholly adequate to meet any emergency It is far better to avoid conflict by sending too many troops than by sending too few to run the risk of inviting bloodshed Signed THEODORE ROOSEVELT |