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Show Minister Waslibnrne's Defense New York, 11. Minister Wash-burne Wash-burne telegraphs the editor of the Herald from Paris to-day as follows: Regarding the charge of the New York Sun, that I received $10,000 for official influence in getting the Fremont Fre-mont bonds placed on the Paris bourse, it is to the last degree false and atrocious. I never received one lifmy itfefor my official influence in this or any other matter. These bonds were placed on the Paris bourse a month before I arrived in France in the spring of 1869, I exposed their fraudulent chnracter and advised the state department about them. My correspondence was called for by congress and printed. The parties who put bonds on the market were furious with mo for giving information as to their true character, and .Fremont published a pamphlet on the subject, arraigning me for discrediting a groat American enterprise. Signed E. B. Washburno. |