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Show cojvg u ESS io. A I.. Counting the Kleetoral Vote. Washington, Feb. 12. Tnie ' being the da v for the cerotnonv ol peuinLmir the electoral votes for President anil Vice President, the senate and house of representatives met at one p. m , in joint S"ssioQ, in the hll- of the House. Vice President Colfax called tho joint session to order, and announcing the Dusiness before them, began by opening the sealed package containing tho cer-, cer-, litice of the Governor of Maine, as to the persons cho?on for elector? of that Stale, together with the certificate of the electors, and harded the same to the tellers. Senator Sherman thereupon read the certificate of the elect.. rs. shewing shew-ing that the votes of that State were' ftr U. S. Grant for President, and i fnr Henry Wilson for Vice President. ! The fame ceremony was enacted with the Stste of Now Hampshire, when it was ordered that inLead of reading the certificates in lull,, the tellers should sirapiy annource the result of the vow of each Siate. ben Georgia was reached, reach-ed, Beck announced the vote for President Presi-dent : B. G. Brown, ti, Greeiev 8, (.too. ri. Jenkins, Ga.. 'l for Yioo President do; Col. tj'-iilt, Ga. 5; Banks 1. Hoar objected to counting tha three votes for Greeley, as ho was dead at the lime the eiecLors assembled, aud therefore there-fore was not a pron w;:t-.m the meinir.g of the Ccastttu-J.n, Ccastttu-J.n, The Vice, PreiJnt read th- rule requiring in ca of ar.y que?-tioa que?-tioa aning ir. the vote, that iho two houses sba.i separate and vote up. .n the v -inL At the euc?-tion of (Jon fc ling Hoar's objection wn? withlic.d, UM-kp.ir-a.iy, a- it was lively other quer-iions wo. ild arise, ar.d they nvgat ai. be d; p sod of at th same- time. The cert -cnte from y isis.i rri was read, and j T:ua.bu objected to its tn-irn C"Uu:ei ' ou t;.e 7sv.:: ;V.ai the cert; I u:,:.-t,-rs ra.J, to ;t ;h-t thoy voted bv ba.:-c ' ::er c;,ocd to .:;o of tL-j v- ;ts of Missi's'ppi. on li; prour. i or.e of the e.ect-T was -L..t;t-ted Jr ar.orher teat was abs-.L Tne ienate then witr.drew to its chamber cham-ber to coni; dor tea points raised. Tne 1 houfe by lu2 to 74, adopted Ue resolu tion that the votes of Georgia cast for Grevy he not counted; the resolution resolu-tion ilnt'tVe vo: ,cf.he elector of Mi?si-- p;-i be e-.'ULt- A Was aJvpted. 101 to ' P'-'Li.-r's i-' vh? also overruled over-ruled by ti c l.-'Uro Meantime the sen-oi sen-oi re: urn in c to its chatuber, deci-d-l, 41 ; iP. llial ll-'- votei of Georgia ' for (.ir.-c '-v b" c nr. tel. Trumbu'l i wi:b .r-tv a - ('jv-'i'on W cnntine tha I cf iiif-i-- iM-i. ai;d iViter'g objec- I U --i v..-. i d wn. j Ti." --i.-tf re its re ixl U the hall of the bou-e.si : :ii" -:r.t .-t-sion was resumed ! ;.-;i :io l-t'liiics:- .-f the vote of T-i:.- rrad. T.-uiiibuil objected t-- )-.- rt I'-ptiv'ii. on :he ground that nit-re a- r.o ccrtir: . a:-' by fieeu-'. fieeu-'. v nut: iijiy i-f State, and that the per--I-.- h.i vol- J forTJresiieat and vite-Pre.-dont ba-t bt-en appoinUd elcct.-rs. Dickey objected beoaur( it ap- p-art-d Wub Lot a iegnl Ulsj-THV of vottr. it!v four of the or-ieitiS' -electors liavirg bt-eii t-rtr-eM, and they had un-derutii-i: i: nil the places of the four ab--eaL '1 ho .fnu'.e withdrew &'-d the lioiii-- ovf-uied the objections of Trumbull Trum-bull .l; Dict,-y, and uecidod that the vui? oi 7x5 ii eounu-d. The senate tjok simiiar action, and the joint session was nsumod. The vice-President, in presenting the certificate of the rotate of Arkansas stated that he had received a copy on the iltn of December, and the secretary ot slate bad received a copy 'ii ti.e nd of J ?inu:iry, 'Tii; acd thst on the -kh t 'j-.h of February he received, by uncommissioned messenger, what purported to be the certificate, which was wholly informal and was so treated by him. Kice objected to the reception of the vote of Arkansas, on the ground, first, that the official returns of the election elec-tion in Arkansas, made accerding to the laws of said &i.U show that persons certified by the secre-tary of State elected, elect-ed, were not elected; second, because the reiurns read by tho teller wdre , not legally certified. Edmunds moved that tho vote of Arkansas be not counted, they wanting the governor's certificate; adopted. A resolution, by Carpenter, that the vote of Louisiana be not counted was adopted. The senate sen-ate at 5 oU again proceeded to the hall of the house, when liice objected to the vote of Arkansas being counted, on account ac-count of the returns not being certified according to law. The senate at 6.15 withdrew, and the house defeated the motion for a recess till to-morrow, and voted to receive iho vote of Arkansas. On motion of Gartield, the returns from Louisiana were rejected- The senate again returned, and the vice-president announced that the votes of Arkansas and Louisiana were excluded He declared de-clared Grant, having a majority of the electoral voles, was duly elected President Presi-dent for four years; and Hon ry Wilson vice-president for four years. The senate withdrew, and the house adjourned at S. In the senate, on motion of Sherman, a resolution was adopted for the appointment ap-pointment on tiio part of the senate of one, to-join two ajipointed by tho house, to inform the President and vice-president elect Sherman was appointed. Adjourned. |