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Show Ob'FM'IAL DIRECTORY. OMtTtD HTAT KS OFflCCK FOB UTAH: .cnnoM)nrp L. Wwsjj. Oier ro- CtiitJ Juittco J. B. Hiau., Sew Taik. asx-int JuDu 0. F. &mckind, Mich., ud 1 H. Hmwlr-r. lit. NC.vr.lwl -M.T. rtnck. NtbrMlu. D.B. Att'Tnry Willi m Carey. Tt--7"r-0?ti-Ts! C. C. Cletnmtit, ln-1. IUmim ! I'td Ic Nor.fj.-J. B. 0rU.u, Pa. HfisTr I -an 4 Ofll Geo--. H. Huvtll U. S. A.. J. P. Twirtrt, f U. U H Ontect o. J. HollMfer. Cat. TEKMTOllAl. OFFICERS: tlicUA t 0"uirf Wta. H. Hoof Mlij-Df-J-OencrkJ Zembtsbel floow. Urhl J. D. T. McAllister, amdier Wm. Ctiea. rrowurrr J.r-! Ja"k. d'lpeflaUtnleot f Commoa fctcxils Robert L. HALT LA K S COLKTY 0 mclE : prvl-aU' Judc-, KIlm Smlto. ..lim, R nmt Miller, laso M- e.w. rt, GunnaT, i i K. A. Tjlor. HI er.1T. B. T. Hurt on. Pr. iilJiiK Athjruf j, Z. enow. Mwwr uid Collator, R. J. GoMlot Tnvmrr, TrM-orlun VcKmr. tVuntj Clerk, I). Bockboldt. CoQOtj Hocarder, Edwin D. Woollej. Sh-wl Poperln undent, Robert L. Campbell. CITT OTFICIRfl : Ma TO. 9(.tdel H. Well. AXntxaait. 1st Manid'4l ffud, Lsaac Qroo. ibid " A. Miner. 3rd - " N. H. FelL iu " " Jeter Clinton. Ui " " John Van OotL OocnoiLoma. K. T. Burton, Theodore McRean, Joseph F f mlth, Bngtiam Touep, Henry Grow, John Olark, 4. 0. Pjir, John B, Winder, Lewie 8. U11U Reoorder Robert Campbell. Treasure. Paul A. Bchettler. M&rsh&l JoLd D. T. McAllister. Anditor of Polillo Accounts Robert Oompbell. Axmiur mod Collector John R- Winder. Sapnrrlaor of Streets Isue Oroo. HnrTsyor Jesse W. Fox. Board of School Inspectors Professor J. B Park, Robert L. Canipbell, Henry I. Doremtu. Beoler of Welnlite and Measures Nathan Daili Oaptain of Polioe Andrew Burt. Water Master Iaac Qroo. Inspeotor of BaitdiDfi A. II. Raleigh. " Wood aud Lumber II- Diuwoo-Uj M " Liquor Robert Campbell. " " ProYiaione JteC. Little Quarantine Pbyslcian Jeter Clinton. Chief Engineer Fin Department John D. T UcAlliiter. Bord of Bzamlnlng Phjilciani Docton W. I lu-!Tn, J. S. Ormaby, Jeter Clio ton. Olrj Market M"ter Albert Downy. " Sexton Joeepb B. Taylor. " Block Inspector II. J. Faiut. Superintendent luane Aaylum and Uusi'lHJ I beudore McKeao. Phyilclan Insane AJylom and Hotpltal Jeter Oil to a. ruica tuwu. let Maolclpal Ward Lot 1 Biter. Ind " ' Baoiuel Turn bow. orJ " " OLleoD U.0.Qlbbm. Ufa H " Mlllen At wood. 6th " ' W. 0. A-Binool. . |