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Show (Bv V, 1-. Tvlviricb.) THE SPlMSlt S1TLATION. London, 12. bioee six this morning the dispatches received Irom Madrid tate that tli-re has btcB no distuib AtH-e, xitd there s--' ms a cispo.-iuoo 10 maintain or-1 t aiid sjn rt the provisional pro-visional auiliontics. ioslerday the two bou-'Cs ot tlic curies aa.iemblcJ at a late tiL.ur, winu the l'onual message of a'-li-atiuu a, ruad. U states that ihe kiLj h.i.i maturiA' considered his course. Ilf a:i.t(4t;i the auwo under Ui-iiot thit lIiu D-ulj won'd support him, hut he was dee ived. If his cu-tmi. cu-tmi. ii:ru ii-cri he would not have tak'.u th (-ni'v. naiu having bwn in perpcluil dii-j'-jt and all his t Hurts to put au ei.d to th; intrigues having been ujr.v.-.l :r? be had no wish to remain ou the ibruue ai king of a party. Upuu ih emp!uiiou of the read ng the senate- an'i otm Kress met tiigi-ther and euustUuted themselves a a ivereitrn oones. Ivivero, prenideat of the congress, in a brief speech declared de-clared himself ready to answer for the preacrvation oi or.'er and the execution of sovereign decree?. Iho abdication of Amadous was 1 then accepted unanimously. A ; commission from the members of the senate and congress was then a ppointed to draft a reply to tho messages, and another commission to accompany the king to the frontier. Senior Pio then proposed a resolution establishing a republic and vesting in the assembly supreme power. Tho resolution was adopted by a vote of twenty live yeas against thirty-two nays". The resolution ol Pio adopted comprised com-prised tho following proposition: That Spain was to be diciaicd a republic, the national assembly to assume all powers of supremo authority, and to appoint a responsible governmont to execute their decrees, aud to another assembly hcreai'tcp ulcettd, be referred the duty to detcrmiiie the form of constitution. con-stitution. Tho resolution was divided into several parts, and each part voted upon separately. The provisions declaring de-claring the republic and vesting sovereign sove-reign power in the assembly were adopted. adop-ted. The remaining clauses were then taken up tor discussion. Salmcron delivered his conviction that tho government gov-ernment of Zarilla ought to receive tho sjpport oftho assembly. He demanded that a new government be clcc!ed bQ-Ibre bQ-Ibre the proposals of Pio were adopted, llivcro answered that the president of the cortcs wai responsible for the prei Hcrvation of tho public peace and order. . ' Zorilla , oamo down into the body of tho chambers and urged the propriety of Salmoron's demands. Ho was called to order by tho prosident aud a-ked to resume his scat upon tho ministertil bench. ' iyiiirhn, tho minister min-ister of' foreign affairs, said it was to bo deplored that the ((resident kept up the forms of lyranny when monarchy were being superseded by a republic. Hivero thereupon left the chair of the house and Tigucrolo was called to preside. pre-side. 1 ' , ' Madrid,noo!n,12" It is believed Kiv-cro, Kiv-cro, president of the' cortcs will bcelcct-ed bcelcct-ed president of the provisional republic established by a vote last night. There ifl perfect order hero. The altitude of tho regulars and the national guard is satisliiotory. 1 1 '' . ' ' ' Paris, Pi. A 'dispatch from Madrid Mad-rid announces that arrangements were made for king Atnadeos and tho royal family to loave the city at G o'clock this morning. |