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Show THE "HERALD'S" GRAPE-VINE DISPATCHES. In yesterday morning's IIkkalp, under tho head of "Night Ivepnrt," appeared Homo dis j aii lie.i mi Utah oilairri, dated "New York .It)'' uud " Wasriiigtim 10," which would load persons to supposo that they canio in tho usual order by tho Western Union line. Ai the Tribune pays fur press dispatches the name uh tho Hkiialij. and as wo did not receive either of tho throo relating to Ulah wo, of eourfo, "went lor" tho manager of t ho Western Union lino to unravel tho mystery, knowing we had printed all that wero received from iho telo-graph telo-graph ollieo on Monday night. Tho genllonianly manager, iMr. iSu:dor, at uuee went into iho investigation, which terminated with the assurance that no Bueh press dispatches had beeu received re-ceived at tho otlice, and consequently tho presumption in, our enterprising neighbour has been engaging in the homo manufacturing business, and was tryiug to pass off tor geuuino "Dight report," per Western Union lino. some sensational clippings from late Chicago papers, revamping with the addition of "New York, loth" and "Washington, "Wash-ington, tOth." Theso "grape-vine" dispatches hereafter will hiivo to bo kept iu a separate column, otherwise wo shall bo after tho Western Union otlice. Salt Lake Tribune Tho above is about thi coolest piece of consummate importineneo wo have seen for a length of time, lu tho first placo, when wo request tho able-bodied assistance of tho Tribu no man to say which column wo shall put dispatches in, it will bo time enough for him to inform ua how they shall ho divided, lu tho nest place, tho Tribune docs not pay lor dispatches the same as the ' Hekau), for wo receive special dU-patehos dU-patehos by both linos which neither tho Tribuno uor any other paper in town receives. And. in the third nlane. tho dispatchea referred to wero telegraphed tele-graphed from Washington .aud New York, and how they came, or why tho Tribuuo didn't receive ihom, as our Dight report never says by what liue news is received, is none of its buiucss. Wo havo said tho articlo is impertinent; and we can add that it displays as much ignoiaiace of newspaper business as impudence in meddling with other people's affairs. When tho Tribune man can Cud out tho way to "clip from Chicago papers" an article published in Washington, 0.0 ,00 Sunday morning so as to have it in type in alt Lake oily the next day Mondjy it will know something with regard to gctliuy uewa concerning which it is now greatly in the dark. |