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Show NAIr i.AKto "NEWS." Associated press Gould BLartlos tho outside world thia way ; Salt Lako, February 9. Nothing, since the arrest of Brigham Young uud ot Iters of tho priesthood ovor a year Hgu, has created suoh a commotion commo-tion heie as the telegrams of the last few days upon Utah affairs. A Washington Wash-ington Hispatoh is publinhod this morning morn-ing that 'ho President has been to the eapitol consulting with members of tho houses and eommitteoH regarding Utah, and urging tho nooessity pf decisivo action this session. This has almost tho effect of a bombshell in tho Church of Latter-Day faints. Suoh imminent danger uuver before, it ia admitted, threatened tho Mormon power. Tho Ukkat.p, however, has got a defiant, attitude on tho i sue. It fays if (J rant chooses to couio down from hid high position to log-roll a pet theory of the Utah "ring," it has no particular objection, and -if it had it would mako no difference. It favors tho appointment appoint-ment of a commission to investigate, lt acknowledges, however, that Utrh is likely to ho logislatcd for in some shano soon. There is continued rejoicing and increased in-creased hopo among tho Gentilea aud dissenting Mormons. As the benighted inhabitants of this inland capital weren't aware there was such excitement in town, wo givothem tho "nows" that they may be postod. Gould had previously said: Salt Lako, February 7. Considerable Consider-able scnaation was caused here this evening by a dispatch from Chicago, that the President had determined, aa a matter of policy, to remove all the troops from tho Southern States, and alation them in reasonable contiguity to Utah. Tho Mormons affect a disbelief dis-belief of the report, but they aro evidently evi-dently much disturbed. Tho Gentiles and dissenting Mormons all rejoice. Claggctt's speech on Utah is universally univer-sally applauded by tho Gentiles aa tho best exposition of tho truth of Mormon Mor-mon rule ever gtvcu congress. It is stated that a company is forming form-ing iu Washington, D, C-, to establish in this city a first-class daily in tho interest of the anti-Mormon sentiment. with a cash capital of $100,01)0. Tho Hkuald (Mormon) sajs tho Logan bill on Utah ia clearly unconstitutional. uncon-stitutional. That about tho "first-class daily" must bo a heavy blow on tho "organs." How could you, Gov.? A largo proportion pro-portion of "tho Gentiles," aud some "disseuiicg Mormons," don't like very well to bo represented in this fashion, but they haven't control of the wires to tell it to tho world. |