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Show PACIFIC COAST XEWS. CAtlFORXlA. Salinas City is going to build a calaboose. The Pacific Methodist college, at Sanu ltosa, has lSy BtudenLs in attend at-tend a qcc. ! The Gilroy brass band has "basL" i It wanes to sell its ins tram cats and wagons, Spearing salmon in the Sonoma creek 13 one of the amusements of the .grapt-growers .grapt-growers just cow. i Peter Donahue contemplates tho coustruciion of a narrow-gauge railroad from Cloverdale to the Geyaera. Hollister has a local poet who inflicts in-flicts twentj-two verse poems on the poor editor, and makes him puff his lines. : The snow on tho summit of the Sierra Nevada, where the railroad crosses, is seven feet deep on the level. A whirlwind at Catargo, Inyo county, coun-ty, a few daya ago, completely destroyed destroy-ed anew warehouse and brick building. A printer's devil on the Calaveras Citizen, killed a California lion, last week, which measured nine feet in length, and three and a half high. A Santa Clara widow, proprietress of the Seven-Mile House, has sued Wm. Raynor, a San Mateo sheep-raiser, sheep-raiser, for $5,000 damages, for breach of marriage promieo. On Thursday last, the cupola of the meltiog furnace at Taylor's foundry , at Grass Va'ley, was blown off. Brickf, etc., were hurled a distance of 3CU yards, and several parties slightly, but not seriously hurt. e HJUVADA. Marriage ppcare to bo spreading in Gold Hill liko the epizootic. Three oar loads of swine arrived at Virginia from. California on the 6th inst. Pioehe thinks some of her citizens have caught the 'zootic from the equines. A rich strike of copper ore in tho Columbus on tho C. P. railroad, The ledgo is four feet thick with the vein twelve inches thick in places. Sobrieski, an eminent Pole, died at Virginia last Friday. The friends of senator Nye are proposing pro-posing him for the mission to China, OREGOI. Portland is to have now steam baths. A Republican nowspapor at Hills-boro Hills-boro is talked of. Against the law to kill deer id Oregon Ore-gon until July 1st. Portland editors arc wailing because the Chinese "em ell bad." Oregon boys carry pistols to school and ohurcb, aud the old folks think that the "youDg idea" is learning to "shoot" rather too extensively. An Oregon whale was found to have a gold ring imbedded in his ticsh, and now the Webfboters think they have captured the identical whale that swallowed swal-lowed Jonah. An East Portland street is settling down and tho unhappy residents thereon there-on fear they will be obliged to uac ladders to reach their front doors that is, if tho houses don't go down too. An Oregon woman who slipped and sat down in the street didn't faint or scream, but the way she swore sot two membe;a of the Young Men's Christian Chris-tian Association into a dog trot after tracts. Io Powell's Valley courting is got-tiDg got-tiDg to be a rather precarious amusement, amuse-ment, as tho old gent has a custom of entering the room suddenly in company com-pany with a shot-gun and a preacher, and there has to be a wedding or a funeral A Portland man has fifteen daughters, daugh-ters, and although every opportunity is offered bo can't get an j body to elope with any of them. He saj-s that if there isn't either an elopement or a decline in the price of provisions his financial condition will be poor. John Murray, a gay gambolier of iAnkvillo, feeling in a war like mood, and not being hostile to Mod oca, made a raid on an innocent German with a bottle of benzine, and by superinduciog a Elato of helplessness on the part of the nitiye of Fatherland, helped himself him-self to some loose chaoo, to the amount of about $200. John M. is now stopping in Jacksonville, in the care of the sheriff. |