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Show Still the "Alnliamn" Claims. New York, 27. The Tribune publishes pub-lishes an abstract of the case submitted to the arbitrators at Geneva. In this statement her majesty's government complains it had lo reply to nn argument argu-ment not yet presented: when that shall have been presented and the claims shall bcdei'.ned precisely, her majesty's government gov-ernment wiU exercise the right eonler-red eonler-red by article four of the treaty, to submit sub-mit to the tribunal additional or a more extended slate of facts, as the case may exact, until tho comparison cases presented by both parties shall determine- the points recalled in di-pule. It will refrain from all di-cussion and intends in-tends to sustain it po-itiua Ly submitting submit-ting for tho consideration of the tribu- i nal of arbitrati"U certain proposition:;,! in subsUiuce the same as bave been re-1 peatediy pubii-hed as a defence of it-couie it-couie during the war cf tUa rebellion. Xcw York News. ew York, J7. O B.ildvm will not light Mace unie the latter agrees on New Urleaur. The evidence for tuo prosecution in the Stokca' esse will commence to-morrow. The ciue of Hall L- adjourned til! tomorrow: to-morrow: no jury ye'.. The Kramer MunUr. PUrvlciphia. 27.-Jocph Browu uLd 1 Isaac Hummel, bjth V".-"c; men were arretted on cupiciin f the murder of, Uan;cl K:.ir.K-r ar.d broul hero this: evcDang. Brown male & par'a&i cotf-l sion, and acknowledged having an accomplice. Ho alleges Hammond com milled the deed. Mrs. Kramer is insensible, with no hopes of her recovery. recov-ery. Monetary and Stocks. New York, 27. Go'.d dull: governments govern-ments dull and steady; stocks irregular; irregu-lar; AY. U. T., 7ii: Quicksilver, AV. F., 73; Pacidc AlaU, o.'l |