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Show O. HP. 3Fi. n. Fvuriiury Stb, 1872. SAN FRANCISCO AND SACRAMENTO. Leave t,'u lust KiisT: Arrive Irom Knn 4 iiiii 7 UO aiu ..BaD Fran.. i 8.30pm U 20 nni i lib " j 7 35 " L.Oaklaud .. H.OU " j 1 SU " 4 10 " I 7 tW " .Baa Joo. 8.30 2 10 6 36 " 8 Ml Niies j 7.05 " ,12 45 ' 8 IS " 11 M " j ..Btockton. . 4.07 ' 'J 07 " ID 16 " I 1 4i m ; Sacramento, j -U pml 7 l.iam Arrivo frim WiJlj lavo (toint; West SACRAMENTO. COLFAX, RENO AND OLDEN, Leave Ko1ti(f Eut Arrive from Kail a no pin .Sacramento. Jiiipm & 16 " ...CoHas... 10'iliain 1346am ...Beuo.... 3 10 ' B 10 " WltinemDcca ( 16 pn VI 00 m SaltlnMoont 1 36 " 4 JDpnii ..Klto.... 8 16am fl !io hid ....0gden.. 6 'Jupcc Arrive from V-1 Lenvo k'K We.-t Explanation. For trains runni.ni: "from" San Praneisoo, take tho loll hand columns and roud downwards, down-wards, or "Kasiward." For trains running ""towards" San Frm-ci?co. Frm-ci?co. take tho risht hand columns and read upwards or "We? twurd." 'Sunday? c.Tcoptod. tSundajs only. A. H. TOWS E, P. D. 0WDMAN, Oeo, Snpt 0n. Pu qJ Tlck.i ArL |