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Show THE TOOK LE POST OFFICE. Tooele Citv, Feb. 2o, 172. . Editors IJ.rald: A few days ao a prominent member of our community, evidently a strong " advocate of utilitarianism, made a com-: com-: munieation to your paper in resjeet to I the removal of the post orliee from its lormer locality; but as the language ;used in expressing the indiirnation of 1 the correspondent, is calculated to un-' un-' justly throw a shade upon the character ! of the instigators of the change, it i cannot pasfl without a comment from I one who is a little acquainted with the motive of such removal, lie makes : an unwarrantable assertion in stating ; that "the post office was removed only for tho purpose of benefiting one man,'' the real and true cause being that its former locality was, in many respects, unsuitable for that purpose, which certain occurrences of the past tend to corroborate. our former correspondent was wise in calling the special mail agent's attention at-tention to the matter, a his appeal cannot possibly lail to enlist the sympathies sym-pathies of that gentleman, and the ultimate result will undoubtedly be the establishment of the post office in his jlavorate place; which, however, will not be productive of any distressing consequences to the present post office functionary, ai he can easily dispense !with that department of his business. V. J. 11. Another commuuieation'on the same subject has been received by u but as it is anonymous wo cannot further notice it. Kns, 1 1 f.ha r.n. Upon the arrival of the Japanese in Chieago.mayor Mcdill welcomed them in a long-winded, salivated address, which has been telegraphed, but which it is unnecessary to publishes the character of it maybe readily imagined. |