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Show MlNEKS A3.DIir. AI. LS i' ATE MEN. Fitters uj Sl'-r-xU: In this question of ''Notary Pub-' lie," what redress has a man who purchases pur-chases a mine, say tor ten thousand I dollars, and it turns out that the p ur- chaser's deed was duly acknowledged ! by a party who had, legally, no rii;ht I to take such acknowledgment? Is it ladeed, or no deed at all? Suppose I the parties who gave the deed go to ' some other State; or perchance some ol tbem die, what intinite trouble it must cause the tiuly innocent purchaser to pet his money back, or a correct deed! Novr, isn't it the duty of the press to r.otily the people that there is a grave question regarding these appointments? When the legislature and the governor have agreed upon their appointees, every one admits there can be no question: ques-tion: but when the legislature appoints one man and the governor another, who is the legal appointee? Men who have business transactions arc thoroughly disgusted, and will not long submit to be "humbugged" when it comes down to dolbirs and cents. 11. II. The above communication opens up a question of more than ordinary interest inter-est to panics buying or selling mines or real estate cf atiy kiud. Our position posi-tion is plaiuly that a notary public is, und-.T the laws cf this Territory, a county oflieor with whose appointment the governor lus nothing whatever to do; and this position wo set forth before be-fore the meeting of the last legislature. He is elected fur a county, and is so spociiicd. Kveu in the list of names furnished by governor Woods to the legL-lature, lor appointments to fill the olticc of notary, if we are not greatly misinformed, each name was accompanied accom-panied by the name of the county for which the appointment was desired, thus recognizing the principle here maintained. The legislative assembly decided that notaries were county officers, of-ficers, and so elected a number of gentlemen gen-tlemen to the ollice. Some of these, we believe, have been commissioned by the governor, and others have not; while ht3 excellency has commissioned some, we understand, who are neither elected, nor confirmed after appointment, appoint-ment, and who clearly have no authority authori-ty to act other than the governor's appointment ap-pointment made during tho sitting of the legislature and not confirmed by that body. This is how the matter stands at present; aud while people |