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Show Bs XV. V. Telcfiraj.il. TI1K PKISCK OP WALKS RKCOV-BRY RKCOV-BRY CELEBRAT105. London, -7. The celebration in j honor of the recovery of the prince of I Wales was of the grandest character. I The streets were thronged; houses and public places decorated: and the spee- J tators numbered millions. Fabulous ; prices were paid for available seats to j witness the procession. Twelve thou-sand thou-sand soldiers and almost the entire i police guarded the fines. When the procession moved it was signalized by the ringing of bells, and a chorus of ! thirty thousand children. All the j great bodies ef the kingdom were represented re-presented and the army furnished de-1 taehmeuts. The prince looked stronger' than was expected, and immense' ciiceiing greeted the queen. 1 The queen arrived at the cathedral between one and two o'clock. The cn-! tire assemblage rose as her majesty1 entered, and remained stacdir-g till shetook her teat on the throne. A (e Jcum wii sung by a monster chorus of picked voices, alter which the archbishop arch-bishop ol'Canierbary ''sermocei."' At ' the conclusion of the service at St-i Paul's, ihe procss:en teturced to Buckingham palace, the prince riling in the same carriage vrith the quen. : The eh-y was oi. served a "a legal hli-j day throughout the entire kingdom ' and thanksgiving services were report-, ed in the principal cities. In Ireland a 1 special prayer was ottered by order of the bishops of the Irish church and in Dubiia a t- deum was sung at St. r Patrick's cathedral. |