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Show TELEGRAPHS. NIGHT REPORT. FOREIGN'. Thanksgiving for Wales-London, Wales-London, 27. Koyal procc;?ion commenced com-menced to move from lluckiupham Palace at halt'-pn?t 11 a.m. As the queen left tho courlvard, a choru; of thirty thousand children sang the national na-tional anthem, "God save the queen.'' The service confined of sinsinff. by the grand chorus, of tho i-' drum written for the occasion from tho 110th l'?alra, reading read-ing llie jirayer and a. sermon by tlie archLishop of Canterbury. Filly scats in the cathedral were set :uarL fur working work-ing men free. At tiie clo;D of th:3 vt-vice3 vt-vice3 the procession formed aain ami moved westward. Tlie whole route to and from the cfllheral was ieven inilei, and tho jiroccssion was four hours in motion. The mimWr of iieetators i.-estimated i.-estimated at four millions. TInirc were 11,000 troop?, beides the London police. Strong fences were built, and behind theso weredouble liles of infantry and police to keep tho eager crowd from overthrowing the barriers and obstructing obstruct-ing tho passage of tlie proceS;ion. Every shop and house along the route was bought for immense sums; ordinary lour tory buildings being lei for v0 for the day. One vacant space brought -R0. .Napoleon and parly had a liou.-e in Oxford road, though he had been invited in-vited to share in tlie hospitalities of the army and na y club, of which the emperor is ti jneml er. It is reported that Napoleon declined the invitation of tho Queen to be present at Buckingham Bucking-ham palace and witness the departure of tlie concourse. The decorations are said to have surpassed sur-passed anything before known. Miles of the distanco were given out on contract con-tract to be ornamented at the expense of the city. In l-'arringdon street a splendid splen-did triumphal arch cost JM,Oim), and another an-other spanned Oxford road. Flags, festoons, fes-toons, and tapestry were displayed from house tops and windows ana ticro.-s the streets, and a perfect wilderness ol scar-: scar-: let, gold and bluo cloth, gold fringe, and other gorgeous colors. At Berlin and elsewhere the English assembled in their churches and hbld thanksgiving service. A special from Bombay states that the governor and officials attended tho cathedral in state, the Farsees assembled in their lire temples, tem-ples, the Jews in their synagogues and tho Mohammedans and other religious sects in their several places of worship, and offered thanks according to their various rules for the recovery of the En-glishlprince. En-glishlprince. Great preparations are made fur tho illumination of the western front and the en tiro domo of St. Paul's to-night, with ship lanterns and Iimo lights. The Bank of England and ali public buildings, build-ings, with the houses of parliament, wiil bo illuminated, with thousands of private houses. Cliainboril. Antwerp, 27. Count de Chunbord has left for Dorcrecht, a town in the Netherlands, ten miles south-east of Rotterdam. Accidents lit Lontlmi. London, 27. There were several serious seri-ous accidents to-day owing to the pressure pres-sure of great masses of spectators on the route of the procession. One man was crushed to death in Trafalgar square, and numbers of people were more or less injured. Two stands, each containing contain-ing 100 persons, fell and many were badly bruised. |