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Show IlfJTI'L AltRIVAl.. Nov. 21 . TUWNSr.ND JtOUSK. Henry B WilN. Mass.; BoU Beck, Sacramento; P B Ilohnec, Boston, Mass ; Mrs. F J,.?g?ctlj K Lloyd Jones, London; F Mane. China; T S Clark-son, Clark-son, Tintic; D M Ilo-mcr, San Francisco: Fran-cisco: B J Younc, London; Capt N M Natuiing. S M Swig.'.rl, H T Clark, U S army; P.l Lynch, Camp Doui-hi.-; II Hubert, New York; J If Hcid, Omaha. SALT LAKE UOUSB. Miss Mary Lasky, Sacramento; C C Fulton, Michigan: T Jones, Chicago; John AHollins, Bclvidere, Ills.; H W Hardin, Chicago: (J K Brittcl, W S Brown, Ophir; A Gariehaf. Bingham; W Wakcr, Piochf?, Nev.; John Cameron, Came-ron, Dublin; S Gaust, New York; AG Frekil. California; Geo Schlouson and lady, Denver. nKPAaTliilJiiS AND A It RIVALS By Wmcs it Kimball's Stages. Lcnvo Office t,T Wells, Faro i Co. ilaily, al 7 Nov. L'l. TO OPLIltt, STOCKTON, KTG. D Auerbach, L K Grander, Thomas Bennett, E W Taylor, H G Taft, CA Herman, A C Tichcnor, Mr ltoss, S S Phippcn, William Seamans, Johnny Young, Mike Monohan, Geo Williams, V Treorall, Jako Doran, W U Sherman. Sher-man. FROM OLMltlt, STOCKTON, ETC. Mr. D)kes, .) Gold hair, J G Brown, C K Bret lei, Thos Alien, Ilabcrgrast, Mr Sauian, Duke, l.iii'is, James J Gray. |