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Show CHIMES AND CRIMINALS. j ' lm tin: nxn;v:l- hi whiJl c itnifi i )..:if!H ail.l t:vU U'.-.U. 'Vu- : i ji.-uil; ih in L'ab, an I " om- ; ) ijljinubeilii.-n:.; to ll.rt f."'.vwimL-iit" jl ti't ill, OtK wY ktn:V no m.-l'.er I u.ht 1,0 1: I ! tiirmiii'J that I'lali j a.l kfii M:til;d aci-1 m td what it is M day by a ban 1 of lawlc.-.i criminal-H i-til relink On tiiin point w have jometl.mg 1" 'l lic i-o lin.s Lcua ml U leu crim. in lliu 'iVniiory o!' j 1 !uh tlnu in any o i 1 1 : r put of I lie Untied State.-), population onijarcd. j Wit-it eiiino.1 liavo ben eonuiiiit ed and i vdiat laws d.lbd? Polygamy H dc- j dared a cnimj. $inc; wIi-jii Km it l.ccn ho? In ld- th Cuujji-e.-i.H ol" j the Uulted State.-i by .special fcta'Ute j ileularcd it to b a criuie, and lucre uannot be found upon tlio statute booLs I t nuetmetit ho declaring it. I!:aniy j )ia beun so declared, became tbo big- tni.it h:H always been viewed a.s one , win) having a wife e jiieeal.i tbe fact, : itnd en.iiiarcH another, making her his victim by deceit; and lor the wrung . dune to the sec jnd whom lie baa j linn eeivcd ho is bold amenable to law. ' We will go farther and say ; i hero y not a emit in any KngUsU upcaking part of the world to-day, j imtsulo the court of Utah, where j huelt trials could b had a-i are now pending in this Territory. Tho Congie of the United States . in lS'VJ first, declared polygamy a tiriino, but in so doing, the Mormons hold, it aetcJ in violation of the Mipremc law of tlie hud the Cm-ulilutiou. Cm-ulilutiou. Is it criminal to entertain that hcliul".' Of is it criminal to dispute lite constitutionality of a law so that it may bo letted and a tiual decision reached upon so important a point? Certain leading btincsi men of the ca.it have declared tbo income tax act unconstitutional, have rei'u-xd to pay it, and have declared thc-y will havo a decision of thu nipremo court of the United States upon it. Certain other gentlemen declared the legal lender net unconstitutional and refused to acknowledge it until the supremo court decided upon it. The Mormons say i bo ami-polygamy net of lSo' is un-, un-, institutional, and while so believing thoy are not criminal in refusing to obey it until it h:i.i boon pronounced constitutional by the highest tribunal of the nation. If a law deemed unconstitutional were not legally resisted resist-ed its claims to respect and obedience could never be tcsScd. But hero arc indictments found and prosecutions commenced by a disregard T sacred obligations and a wresting of law from every intent and purpose in its enactment, and prosecutions which lightly should havo been brought under the anti-polygamy act if at all. There is not a lawyer in Utah to-day who does not know that in a fair, impartial court a prosecution against polygamy could not bo maintained j under sections thirty-two and thirly-thrco thirly-thrco of tbo Utah a.t concerning crimes and punishments. Is it or is it not a cr'imo for prosecuting attorneys and judges to override tho laws ami wrest them from their true intent ? What other crimes are charged against tho Mormons as a people? Aro industry, temperance and order crimes? 0:io might think so from ' certain rulings and decisions encourag ing disorder, intemporanea and immor- 1 ality. liut indictments have been found charging leading citizens with murder. Is there au honest man in Utah, understanding anything of tho circumstances, who believes Mayor Wells or other gentlemen whose names aro associated with his capable of such crimes? Not one. Al! such view, and thoy oauot do otherwise, these indictments indict-ments as harassing and vexatious, and i a part of au infamous conspiracy to . drive the people into overt acts against j tyranny at once cxeerabb and con- i icmplible. I . Murders have been committed in , Utah, as m every other part of tbo ! country, yet no part of the west can ! show so clean a record in this respect, j But where murders have been j i committed let the guilty parties be sought and punched, instead of ( shielding criminals under the protee- ; tion of tho law and giving them j j oppoitunity to swear away the lives of, : innocent men. Wc sat and watched f tho progress of one investigation in a j murder c.i-c in ibis cUy, and we wish ! the world to make note of ono fact in connection with ii. The moment the i testimony pointed in a direction likely I ' lo criminate any other than a Mormon, ! the witness giving it was promptly , dismissed. And the investigation closed without anything being elucidated, eluci-dated, beeau-e th Mormons could uot 1 be connected with the ciime, while an .i honest .-il'tingof evidence would appar- ' entiyhavc fastened it in auotberquarter. J Is ueh a course as this not criminality ', of the grossest description? The world at laro will think so when it undcr-! undcr-! t-laudstbe facts; and it will also learn 'bat the greatest criminals iu Utah will be lim rid among those who are loudest in aceuing the Mormons of crimes. |