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Show ! .!:!. iial. Tlse IlccciUloiii of tho Pilaui-, New Y'ork, 21. "When the reception steamer Mary Poicclt steamed up along the Shetland, minister Uatafazy and the Hussian Counsel Gen. Bodisco, with their secretaries went on board the Shetland, to inform tho Grand Duke ' that Iho reception committee awaited his I arrival on llio Powell, to tender tho i hospitalities of tho city to him. The Duke immediately boarded tho Powell, where ho was received by General As-pinwaH As-pinwaH ar.-l tho executive- committee, win? formed n lino on the lower deck whiletho Duke passed through to tiic upper up-per saloon. Arriving there lie was received by the reception committee. General .lohn A. Dix delivered an address of welcome nu follows: "Your Royal Highness; Tho citizens of New York are ghid to welcome you lo the United Slates. "Wc aro glad to welcome i ouo who represents his imperial high- j ncsstho Czar of ltussia. We arc glad I to welcomo a roprcientativo t f a power for which wo havo so much I , respect, kind feeling and confidence. : j We aro not ns old as Jiiiropcfm nations, 1 as our civilization dates back but 1UU years, but among our institutions and customs you will no doubt lind many things to admire and carry back to your own couutry. "Wo aro glad that you are here to carry back to his imperial highness yourself tho well wishes of tins government. Again J. welcome you to our shores. Tiio number of military in lino was nt letist irUKil). Tho 22d and 11th recimenU marched on either side Iho grand duke's carriage as a guard of honor. The ride of the prince from tho buttery lo Union square was one continued ovation. The shout that was sent up at tho battery was rolled in one huge volume lo the Clarendon hotel, and the repented bows of tho prince and his smiling face showed ho keenly appreciated tho great honors showered upon him. As tho procession arrived nt the grand stand at Union Square, Indies and gentlemen, gen-tlemen, rode en iiiussc and gave Alexis a perfect storm of applause. To this ho responded with genuine feeling, and rising in his carriage took oil' his cliti-peau cliti-peau and bowed right and left. The head of tho proce.-sion reached the Clarendon, where the Duke alighted and entered. A few moments alter he catiio out upon tho btilcoiiy, accompan-ed accompan-ed by his stall' and reviewed; tho troops marching past by companies, oach regiment reg-iment presenting arms as it enmo by. Tho ULh regiment band, 1U0 pieces, lead by Carl Bergman, gave a serenade in front of tho hotel itt 11 o'clock tonight. to-night. To-morrow tho grand duke Will go to Washington and pay his respects to the President. Tho New Jersey railroad company have two splendid drawing-room drawing-room cars in their depot which they willteivier tho diikc mid suit for the trip. Tlie inv Uoinla. .11 Hilary litci ulla. Wnsiiington, 21. The commissioner of internal revenue rules that tho principal prin-cipal and interest of tho now bonds are exempt from taxation in any form and thai tliis interest need not bo included in iho amount upon which a dividend or other taxes arc required to bo paid. Tho superintendent of the mounted recruiting service has boon ordered to forward available recruits to tho lllih cavalry, which has been under recruit, and is by general orders assigned to duly in A rionn. 7 A Vct.r. Atlanta, (ia., 21. Acting governor Cowley has vetoed the bill onteiinga special election to till the vacancy created crea-ted by Bullock's resignation. 7 Tic niooklj ii ''Ring.'' New York", 21. It is slated that it is n-certnincu thai Heavy trauds on tho Brooklyn city treasury havo been perpetrated per-petrated by tho "ring" there, by which some $2i,!lK) was illegally drawn by the lh-o commissioners. It is rumored that James M. Sweeney, Swee-ney, brother of Peter li. Sweeney, has lied to Kurope. and that evidence is in the hands of Charles O'Connor of frauds committed by him, ia connection with Tweed and others. Dni'S-ioitN I Hues. New Orleans, 21. Governor Dunn h very ill of congestion of the lungs. The physicians despair of his recovery, K Y)lo-llOl. Tei-u Haute, link, 21. The boiler of Crabb's "louring mill at Clinton, lnd. ex plod id to-day, demolishing the mill and a planing null. One man was killed and tcveral seriously injured. Shocking MuiiUf. Cleveland, 21. John H. Sa'.ing, a mulatto who kept u small tinner's shop on Cedar street, was found dead in the hack room of his .--hop with his head Iwi rihly battered by a hammer, and r M.ld.-nng icn thru-t down his throat, ilub'jery was the object. Kxtcation of a Marilcrer, A!,rt n. O., 21. John II. Hunter, who iv. ir.b rt .l -Mr. nnd Mrs, (iargett, at Uiei-iii 1-1, O., on the liTih of .May last, w:ii bailed here to-day. Hunter went iVuio Graii t county, .Michigan, to renew re-new an encasement with Cliloe Garget t, and on tlie rolusti of Iter parents to permit per-mit him to enter the houo lie fhot and killi-d bo'h :t;.d Ciiloe, tinou his incarceration incar-ceration he ha feigned in.-anity but a coininitt'.-o of physicians declared him sane, lie tried to commit suicide yes-ti-rday, but. w-is discovered and prevented. pre-vented. He relu-edall -ustenanee since Monday, lie was entirely unnerved and had to be supported to the Ecaflold, where ho made a rambling speech denying de-nying tbe premeditation of the murder. The Notional Finances. Washington, 21. Treasurer Spinner, in hia annual report, complains of the incn-issing delav on the part of some of ! Ibe banks in making returns and ihepsy-1 ihepsy-1 ment of duty. He recommends that a I percentage on all du"y bo added for I evorv teii davs delav after tho month allowed by 'law. lie reports the re-I re-I ceipts for tho li-cal year, including the , balance of il i'.',0(.-ITl in the treasury, . June 'CO, t7U, at ,.'K,0U4,:J-1'.; expendi-i expendi-i tures "rTO.'.O.Ti; balaneo in treasury, j June oO, lf?70, fUitV.U 7,477. Total num-I num-I ber of national banks, Juno ', ! Moiitlmy nuJ Slocki. i New York, 21. Specie shipment lo- day j-s,lJO silver. Wall street very i quiet. Stock board and gold exchange I adjourned early on account of the re-i re-i ception of Alexis. Stocks strong. W. i:,T,t r.s; W-dli, 'argrii 0.-,; l'ncitic 1 msil, -t7i. Paris, 21. Bent' s uo fr. Co c. |