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Show "THE PROSECUTION OF EttlG-HAM EttlG-HAM YOUNG." Au article from tho Louden Tii., cndor.-iug the action of the courts in Utah in the present cru-ade, and calling cal-ling upon the government of the United Uni-ted States lo ''chastise ihe Mormon?' lias been clipped a a sweet morsel by several small soulcd papers which gloat over everything thai ex proves strong opposition to Mormonism. Tho f-on-don Tiiti-.iU noteworthy for the correct cor-rect ne-s with which it always treat.-upon treat.-upon Auietiean ail. tit-; j'tt as it was Mich a very stauu.h fiicnd of the guv-eminent guv-eminent during the rebellion, when its correspondent lhissc!! kept it o well f :!bru.ed with regard to Confederate -,- victories a::d the hopeit.-.-iiess i.T the Union eaiu-e trliu: l l. 1 1 : n r, and Spet.cer, the Conliderate :i'ent in :vcrpoo!, found ample spae :';r all his t kter letters let-ters against tlie North over hi? ,-igaa- ture of As ttio Times has fa vored ihe United Slates with a liule advice concerning cliastising the Mormons, Mor-mons, wc supplement it with an extract ex-tract from another Bri:is!t journal, one thv is i ho s'ip.-i'ijr of the Tim-s in h:.-i.i-y a .'.u xircises mre inilu-i-i.i-; ;:!i :i)Z i i'tcaivd intelligent Jlrito:,-, ;md wiiliout ll.c Mibtidy wluch Irn; 7V (l-s ha-: . k-iig enj-yed , h:'.i made it-.-'J' a rvpniauoii ee-'tid to j nvn'; in tlie Hriti !i t-mpir;-. 'i'ln' j"Ur- ; tj.d v.v r-d'er j is Udinhut-li j ni't;; , :tn i t'jc fsuact IVoin it will be ; f ui, I i n Mir iir-t. p:t'.".;, lb" "-'.'iniii'-'g j of (!::; :i- n.:i; b-'iiii'- :i very ln.-i I .xpo- I hitiun oi; i in r sl.it'i- of Ameritrim e.ti-j Z'-fis '.'t-idiiig in S tali's ar.d that oi ; tli"s. residing in Territories, with , v.ii h cur readers are huflicieuily ta- : jiiltjr. Wi'l our contemporaries be j kind -muffli to set th- S-.i.mtii igaiiL'-t tin: Tim-it.' ! |