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Show LiGHTNiNS FLASHES. The l'Vench government, favor i returning to l'aris. j Gen. Treviua h;is cut the telegiaph between tho City of Mexico and Mat-amorns. Mat-amorns. Chester Arthur hus been appointed collector of customs for the port of New Vorb, vice Murphy. Francis A. Walker, now census superintendent, su-perintendent, has been appointed commissioner com-missioner of Indian affairs. Ry an explosion of gas on a steamer al Rivcrpool on Monday evening seven persons were slightly injured. ! The bark Mary Baker, of Boston, j and tbe Lniwi stitp Arrow were sunk in the river Mersey with all on board. Judge Bedford charged tho grand I jury on thefrauds against the city and j sugecsted that they send for Charles j O'Connor to assist them The friends of Hargcnt claim Ir: is ahead for tbo V. a. scnatorship in Oregon, an 1 arc offering to bet odds on him. Colo's friends appear fo be equally confident. George O. Kates, of Chicago, the recently appointed U. S. district attorney for Utah, has accepted the oShce and will leave that city for Salt Lake on the 23th. i The report of tlie issue of fraudulent j bonds on the South Carolina treasury I is continued. Tbe governor charges the trca-un r with the fraudulent isMie, but that ollieer dmies it. The grand jury of the criminal court of Chicago have discharged patrolman Treat, who shot Col. Grosvcrncr, and entfjiscd the action cf mayor Morion and general Sheridan. The coroner's jury, in the stage 1 coach tragedy at iekenburg, Arizona, ; have rendered a verdict to the effect that the six murdered passengers came to their death at the hands of the ! Indians. Count Yon Beust, tho newly ap-; ap-; pointed ambassador from the court of J j Austria lo the court of St. James is : expected at London this week, as well I ; us the King of Italy and the Rresi- J . dent of (he Italian senate. j i The session of the Spanish cortes lias been prorogued tlii rebruary next. ' It is thought that the government has : concluded to defer the imposition of a tax of 18 per cent on its interest bonds : until ihe measure shall be apptoved by the cortes. |