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Show ULOKIOUS lAIlCJfil ! Weduetday Ev'g, Nov. 22, i IV ill bo presented tho domeslin di-nmrt. of 1 I erc-it intorept, founded on Mr. Cliiia; ' entitled Never Too Late TO MEND! To conclude witti tlio laugbaljlo fiirco, entitled, A ricasant Jfeiglibor ! FRIDAY EVENING, Nov. 24, 1871. BSNEF1T OF MR. "W. T- HAERIS. TEASDEL &C0. Ho. 65, 67 &69f Ea3t Temple St., SALT LAKE CITY. To accommudate our IN OR EASED UU3-ISES3 UU3-ISES3 wo nrc now moving oar CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Oils door cib! of llic Eult; iIivU!c. Teasdel & Go. Owing to Hi c raiiidly incrcftsing ehIo of tbo cclebra'ed Glees' Link Motion Lock Slitcli SEWING MACHINES, Wc aro now making a specialty for MORE room, with all conveniences for tho m!o of tho best Sewing Machine In tbt ito:M. Teasdei eg Go, Havo havo now more room for DRIED PEACHES and aro Giving! the advanced Iriro. Teas&el C5o. Aro yet keeping iii tho STANDARD for j low ricc3 on lirdt tlasi g rue dries. i Teasdel & Go. Arc receiving ccw fruits of tho scueoa. I I Tessdel sS Go. Arc now opening a new stock of Boots and bhoes. Rubbers ic. Ilidua wuutud for which a liberal prico will be paid. CALL BKL'ORl'J PUKCUAS1NG. Gooda delivered to ail the railways, stages and any part of the city frco of charge. TEASDEL & CO. CHENER7, SOUTHER & CO,, Importers and Jobbers of FOIt.fc.IGN A.VU UO.UKSTiC BRANDIES, WINES, .AND LiaUORS, 311 Clay Street, San Frftnclaco. 1 Jjii CHEAP ADVERTISING. Advortiicnicnl.s under litis heading not cxo-vdiiii; Cve lines, fifty cents lor each uud evory in,ertkri. Kach ad-ditioinl ad-ditioinl lino ion cait. WAXTED. UMSlLD IMMEDIATELY. Al'l'UKN-Mr. Al'l'UKN-Mr. XVdkitjs.jn'i, Xu. v-,. ila;u Sired- A CIHL TO Lm lilZNERAT, 110CSK-. 110CSK-. wt-ri Euniiire at Mi s. Tilui. TYLO!i"s. llth wurJ. l'Olt KE'T. : pLEUAXTI.Y Ft" US IS 11 1-D AI'aKT-i-A incut', sitiifle ur cuuilo. Dejirblo In-entity. In-entity. Ai-i.ly oi -hh uili e. ulJ Rooms to i.i:r xv tu hoard, fi r-iiilIiuiI r-iiilIiuiI or imiurtiinlieJ: one ot tbu iilens-aM'et iilens-aM'et localities in llii city. Helerein-'ti i cscumtrd. Inquire ;U Ut lleiSAMJ Uiln-o three iluj. iit'J : A UUIE CONTAINING KOL'ti H'lOMS V uii.1 KiUlien. with Coalhiue.XVcll aii-i other eon ven'enee, oi'1'O.-ito J coLii' oru'h- ids unit cumplini; wuiks, K'ih Wurl. Aiu'ly od tho (j.-caiLee. nU ' OtVice ul'lhu i!likjB.- Milling :mJ Tunnel Co.. hru.lL Lute City. iNov. 'J. 1' 1. 'J he StoekholJers (r tho 0. M. k T. Oum -' puny are re'iucsted to mcel :U the ollieo ot , ihe euui.:my on December Nib. Is7i. tr che clcelivn Oi Tru tcei lor ibo euuine ycir. n21 C. f. S5UTU. Sec'y- Orillll & CAMP FLOYD. WINES & KIMBAL.L, Are riinninK n iJuilystneo from Oiihir lo Cutup Fioyd Alining Did'riet. I'lisicnKora eiin buok through to L'ntui Flyd itl tho oiTicc : ot Wulln. Fargo .t Co.. in ihia city, j Faic S0.5U. ull EMMA HILL TUNNEL AND PilNING COMPANY. j 'pUK STOCK BOOKS of tho Emma Dill I J Tnnaoland Mioiotr Uompiny aro now open in Reid'n Uuild ing. and a limited natn- bur of ijnii38C3?abIo eharea "or jlc. 1 Tho ESaimu Hill Tunnol und Mining Cots- pany was loc:itod Aril 1S70. incorporated Aiumt II. awl has tho mou U.ntorinc ' prospects of any mine in Little Cottonwood. For pnrticular3 iinjuiro of 1 XV. S. WOOU11UL.L. VifJK Pbes.. I Kcid'e UuiMing, i Or JA5. A. MURPHY. Skcketary, j aui( : Koid'd Uuilding. ! PJOT1CE. Ofki;k op VAi.t.KJO 51 ixixu t Tuxxm, C.;., Suit Lake Uity, November Oih.lSil. Tho Ftoekholdora of tbo Vallejo Mining and Tunno! Company, aro rcfiucslo 1 to meet nttboolliuo of Lno company, on December nci. 1871, 1'or tlio oloc ion ot"Trii3lcc3 for tbo onsiting year, pljj C. V. SiMTii. Sccrotary. Fiirnacemen Attention ! A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. TaUB AaESTS FOR THE GOLDEN CITY NI3.E IMtiCK, XX'hich aro ecjial if not superior to tbo best English. Special rates given by the car load. octl2 ANOTHER SUPl'LY OF AND PARLOR s a? o v E s Cheapest in Town ! Alto a big stock of WINTER DRY GOODS! Just Received this 'day. GROCERIES A FULL SUPl'LY. All af which will h Sold T . I .. J 1 lAt ) ll man uluii House in the Trade AT TAYLOR & CUTLER'S Opposite Salt take House. aug26 Revolution Extraordinary ! THE WILSON Look Stitch Shuttle SEWING MACHINE FOlt SALE AT J. Daynes & Co.'s RflUSSC STORE. ' I JJKY nro now prepared to Turnidh tbeso A colehratoj -MachLnej lor Fori y-cigiat Uollsirs j nr.J fcivc u warrant from tho eomiiauy ' I'OR FIVE YEARS. &-;'" Any person doubting tlio superiority su-periority of ihesc Machines over all others, can havo one a month on trial. Wo invito nit person? ic3pc:in.lly mechanic?) to call utid examine them at J. DAYNES & CO'S, Two dooin ens I of Pott Cilice, SALT LAKE CITY- j Certificate of Wan-aul y of the "Wilson "Wil-son New Underfeed Shnlttc Sewing I Machine. ! W warrant tho natural weir :ind tear of ! In-YVtlvjn New Underfeed thattle Scwieb Ma hine. m.inufat urcd by the Company nn-de. nn-de. licned, and hereby aerce lo koP tbe i :u .e in ri)nir free ul"ch:ireo for tho ttrm of j FI 'E EAKS from the date of tho crifiinftl i iurcliHoof aii Machine; crccplinK only i the wear and breakage of nccillei. bobbins j nod shuUlcs. WiLov Sr.n-ijrc M irnivn Co., W.G. Wilson. Prei't. I Cleveland. 0.. Jan. laTl. si j Z. G. M. I. COLUMN. Wholesale DRY GOODS DEFT i Up St'iirs, Emporium Buddings, j A full, trit-cluaa stock ot j I STAPLE PHY GOODS, i BOOTS and SHOES, Wholesale huycra and Co-operative j Dealers please inspect. GROCERY: HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, CONSTITUTION BUILDINU3, Puroliaors C3U liorc God An Immense Stock AND IN I ACH BRANCH A GREAT VARIETY. IMPLEMENTS, TGSLS AND on nimcirnw ALL ON THE 1'KJSUISES. 'diners Supplies a Specially 3- FIRST-CLASS FITTERS AND WOKKMKN TO FILL ALL OKDKR5 PROMPTLY. CLOTHING DEP'T. HOME-MADE AND I M XJ O B T E D ALiNUFACrUfvED FROM HOME-MADE, FRENCH, GERHIAS, ENGLISH and AMERICA SI FAUniCS Fine Casshneres, and Cloths Trimmings! On haDd, for Gentlemen ordering tneir own. Retail Departm'nt, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY AND ASSORTMENT 01? GOODS. WE CUT IN ANY LENGTHS AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE. This is the Department for Families. DRUG DEPT. Fancy and Staple Drugs. PATENT MEDICINES, LIQUORS IN GREAT VARIETY i:NCLIMll ALU AND PORTER, A V ER1LL PAINT WHITE LEAL), OILS, COLORS j LASS. ETC. J 4 rscriptiont from Physicians will I havt special attention. 111. E. CLAWSOiV, 8upl, MISCELLfiNECUS. FOR Thanksgiving Day! AND Till: BALLS OF THE SEASON. We present to our lady friends the following choice article GK-NI'IN'E ALEXANDRA KID GLOVES, in most approved tints, HUMAN AND CAl'RKRA SASHES, LACE IIANDKiaiOlllKFS AND VANS, CLOAKS FANCY, CLOAKS USEFUL, SHAWLS IMPERIAL!:, ; CHEMISETTES, LACE COLLARS, I BALlilUGG AN HOSE, MISSES' FANCY STRIFE HOSE, A very rare novelty, W1IITH MOLICSKIN; WHITE ANGOLA FItlNGH. Our PeiTumery is uucxoollod in any City. As usual, uniform prices! Z G- v. I. Retail Diiy Goods Depautjient, II. B. CLAWSON, Supl. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO,, Wholesale and Retail Dealers IRON AND STEEL WHIG UT S PICKS, IRON BARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF MINING TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, Pipo and all kinds of Fittings for Furnaces and Mills. II Ail D WAR E, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING, AGENTS FOIl Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G, S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOR CASH. WITCHES & JEWELRY! O. L. ELIASON, TEGS to inform to residents of Salt Lako City and vicinity, that ho not only guarantees to properly Repair, Cleau nud Adjust "Watches mid Clirouometcrs, : but lia will maka tboai or any part of them, to order, and warrant tho work. A KKW supply of ELGIN and SWISS WATCHES just received, which ho will guarantee as reliable time-koopers. Prices lo defy competition Rememlior tho address, Two doors east of the Descret Uauk. m m 15 m B mm s msi g ess -g g I jg t&s o R m l NEW YORK TRADE. 0. A. Longstrect. John Sedgwick. LS.STRET & SED8W1CK Manufactnrora of and VhoIcsale Dealers in MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. 400 GS nroadivaj-i New York. (124 HENDERSON, JUSTICE & Co ; Successors to Griffon, Henderson Jt Co., IMl'ORTKttS AND JOBilKKS OP nm GOODS, NOTIONS, UOSIH X-l-Y, FURNISHING GOODS. ETC., , SOO BUUADWAV, ! 0);oLto St. Nicholas Hutcl, j Mow York. ! ROBERTS, READ & CO., j Manufacturers aud Jobbers of I J4J jk. rnr .i 9 j ,371 BKOAD WA V, KHW YORK. I JuyU ! L. m. BATES & CO., 1 451 453 Uioadwny, ft' K W VOllIt, 111 i'OP.Ir.KJ AND JOUULKd IS Fa-ncy Dry Goods, UOSIEKV, W111TK GOODS, 'VOOLUN-i, SHAWLS, j YANKEE KOTIOXS, d c. ', J. II. Bl'LCKIt. luli VELIX CAMPBELL, 79 John St, New York, Manafacturorof and Dealer in ".Vrought, Cast and Gnlvnnlxed jl MOM I Aud every variely of fittings for the same. mil tiWMCitimawa .- -cri5rri c?g--0 275nic73sra3. uai . wss3k Ladies Buy your Furs at Wo havo Iho largest ami k'-l .'tol: of LADIES' FUES K'rtr (fl't-rcd for yah: in this ct'ti. We Ikivo Mink, Seal, Fiteli, 'iuirr;:l, Alaska Mink, Amoncin Sable, Canada Sable, French an lilaek Coney, Muk, Kte., Ktc. C-AT-.X A-3Srr LOOK jAT TELBC 1 ALSO Cents' Beaver Collars and Cloves! In srrut variety. WALKER BED'S. invito i.ttcUii'ii to diir 3VE.C3-ITI:'iaErT STOCK DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, RIIIBONS, NOTIONS, ETC., ETC., Wliicli W :i r J Selling at Prices that will compete with any City in ihe Union. WOOLEN AID COTTON DOMESTICS At a Slight Ailvnuce on Cost. WALKER BRO'S. BENEDICT, HILL & CO. JIANUFACTUKEISS AjXD WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Wos. 134 and 136 OiiAWI) STREET, On. .HXt&u!. J NEW YOSK. Til 8 Ej'Pa Ta i L8 INSURANCE COMPANY, on? ztTZQ-w "roi:. ASSETS, January 1, 1871, - $14,009,150 01811. Now, Oct. 1st, over Fifty Millions. P. S. WINSTON, President. HICIIAItU A. Mc CUiiDY, Vic Trei. Tota! Cash Dividends Paid to Policy Holders, $15461,086 Cash Diviftoiula paid in 1801), tleven monfUs, to Dec. 31, - . - $3,098,830.00 Tlio Largest Company in the World. Its POLICIES in Tu.-co number ten Unm-mul six hundred and forty-two MO It 12 tlinn those of any other coinimnv. Tho AilOUiNT liJSUHED is sixty million Fovcn hundred and fifty-two thousand nine hundred and ninety-two dollnrs MOliE th:m any other company. Its TOTAL AS.SKTd aro thirteen million six hundred and ninety-three thousand ono hundred ftt.d ninely-nino dulhira LA1IOEK than those of any other company. Its PREMIUM NCOMEis lour million threo hundred and twenlj-fivo thousand nine hundred and seventeen dollars Git HATE It tliati that of any other company. Its INCOME FliOM INTEREST is six hundred and eighty-oi-ht thousand one hundred and three dollars MORE than that oi'unv other company. Its TOTAL INCOME is live million sixteen, tlio'.pand and twenty dollars GREATER than that of any other company. Its CAII DIVIDENDS in 70 were ono hundred and forty-one thousand six hundred and four dollars MORE than thoso of any other company. Its TOTAL DIVIDENDS from its commencement hnvn heeii eight million nin.cty-.fivo thousand nine hundred and fourteen dollars MORE than those of any other company. Its EXPENSES in tho year 1ST0 wero only 9.2-i per cent, being LOWER than thoBO of any company. Its TOTAL EXPENSES and losses wcro Z-V2 per cnt. LOWER titan those of any other company. The RESULT of iU policies havo NEVI-'.U BKliN EQUALLED by any 1 other company. There are other good life insuranco companies, but none can adduca such 1 wonderful figures as Tuk Mutual Like in pij.l' of it u:iiU'Lio;i:L i lal.n t oo tho "Loading Life Insurance Company of the Continent, and l!io model one of tho world." RICHARD GQODHiND, SOLE AGENT FOR UTAH TEa.IT'JriY. OipoBl!o V11, Fnrgu &. Cu., S:'.( Lake City. Mlt. GOQDIHSD litis engaged Mr. JA V LAXD.ilti, r,f S ta F.-.meisco, a gentleman welt versed in the science of Life m t Fire In ; tru.icc, tc.'io will be glad ; to impart any information topartics desirous of ijmurtiiy. RIGGS, LBCHTEIBERG "fit GO, WllOLKSALK AND KETA1L DiOALKlU IN GROCERIES, WINES, liquors, Tobacco, Seffars, AND STAPLE DIIY (iOODS. MINEXLS' OTJTFITTIiTG GOODS! Parties doiriug lo purciuuc will do wil to inspect our tioek, wlncli is comp'ctc in every department. ONE DOOR SOUTH OF SAVAGE 2l OTTINGER'S. ii ilfi o it p m ll.ive on hand Largest and Most Complete Stock iu tho City QV WAGON TIMBER AND . IRON OF ALL SIZES, Which they oilr -A. T E JPLxT LOW PRICES. F'RKT EAST STUEET, HAI.F-A-lil-OCK SOUTH OF TIIEATUE |