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Show From Little Cottonwood. A dispatch, from Alta city la3t night brought the following information: A man named McClinscy who has lately been working at Pardee's furnace fur-nace was found dead this morning in Central cits. Dr. Boatman who has been attending on him slates he died iVoni pneumonia. I Ic has been sick only a very short time. Uc h said to have a family at Union Fort, to which place he will be sent to-morrow. Oning to the late stormy weather during two weeks past, mining has been discontinued to a great extent. I'arlin &, Thompson havo just completed com-pleted a large and commodious livery stable, which is a credit to tho proprietors. pro-prietors. Ciasbey & Head's new store in this city is being pushed ahead very rapidly in order to be finished before the holidays, The weather is mild and cloudy; snow about three feet deep. |