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Show BALD HEADS. :idv Look Oct Tiie great stock of hand made Statuary, etc., will bo open for public inspection Friday, Sept. 1st. at ourS.ik'i Koom, one door wtt- of Walker Wal-ker Bro 8 store, at which time all are invited to call and examine. Kemember, auelivn sale to begin Saturday at p.m. PALMIERI & liOLONKsI. TnKRE was seen ft rush lust night for tho celebrated Jlocr of ilie Pnilndelphia Brewery, San i'ranciaco, at. t lie Grand Saloon, that wo had to cluso nt nine o'clock. This will not occur again, as wo will receive frosh shipments every day, boing eolo agents for it in bait Lake. Sax Fkaucisco Laoeh Beer Saloon. luiv BALD I1KADS ndv A LAKCiB stock of PIANOS at the New Store of Calueh linos. aufi-7 Ask your Grocer for (Jutting & Co's California Canned Fruits and Jellies fur superior Lo all other;. for sale everywhere. tl Graxd Excitement. One of the largest and most select stocks of Marble Statuary and I'uney Articles over brought, to tho United Stales, will bt. opened in this city by us, ono door west of Walker Bro'a storo, and will be sold at auction without roservo, ealo to begin on Saturday evening, September 2d, at 7.o0 o'clock. Our stock consists ol garden and parlor ornamonts, ruiintol sots, vase!1, match boxes, paper weights, fancy boxes, tlowor and fruit stands, baskets and various other arlicloB. All ware of the finest Italian Marble, manufactured manu-factured by hand and imported direct from Floronco by us at groat expense, sepl Palmieri Jb Boloski. Miiukum and Mknaoi:rik. For n taw days tho celobraled EDUCATED HOG will bo on exhibition and perform his astonishing feats in calculation: will tell the tinio of day by any watch, Ore oil' a pistol, nluy 11 game of cards with any one of tlio company, etc., etc. All tlio usual sights at tho usual prices. aug'JM Jos. L. lUnrooT, Manager. JUiT runnMKD. Magnificent Views in AMEIWCAN F01UC and M'JL'TLK COTTUNWOOD CANONS, lakon by 0 H SaVaok, and for sale at tho Pioneer Art Gallery. Como and seo them. nuglii BALD HEADS, adv J Express "Waqonb for salo at the Council House yard. Warranted a tirst-class articlo. Timber and workmanship work-manship guarantood. adv TifR demand for Cutting &, CVs! California Canned Fruits is constantly increasing. Their shipments to Utah within the past six Uiuat!i3 have been enormous. atig-l) PRosi'ErTORs should osimiipo the STUDEUAKEU SPUING WaGONS, at tho Council llouso yard, before purchasing pur-chasing elsewhere j they are just what they wan'., adv ' "Wanted. A Goat giving milk. Ap-I Ap-I ply at tlio Herald Oiliec. aug"J-i i Furnitcrk. Crock kry, Glass and I Silv-irwaro, etc. Too largest stock west ' of Chicago at the Crvdal Palace, auglo "Barb att oi Co. Ligut String Wagons, suitable for Soeers and provision dealer;; ju;t the ing for running around town deliver-na deliver-na a-ood:. adv 1 TuuiE are telegrams at the Western Wes-tern Cuiou office for John Flaherty, iGeo. 0. Bridcr, . II. Roufiht. BALD HEADS. adv I "Wasted 5,000 pounds of DlilED APlUGUTd, for which CASU will bo paid. jllj26 PiIGQS, L ec n TEN bilk a k Co. Tho Cheapest and 15o;t Houso to buy Furnituro is at Jlrunton's Purnituro Waroh.ou.se, 3d South street. Spring ilattrasses a specialty. aug Dried "Apricots." We respectfully respectful-ly call attention to tho advantages of drying the surplus stock of APltlCOTS. I Wo shall give tho highest price fori clean, well dried fruit, at our Provision Department, back of Emporium Build-I Build-I ings. H. B. Clawson, aug4 bupt. ft CARD TO THE PUBLIC. I HAVE boon City Surveyor of Salt Liko City for tho past elitoan year, and have with great caro and cipcaso compiled and nearly completed ft Map of SnllLak City, oontniniac the numbers of Lut5 and Block?, U. S. Survey, 4c. I have a few uioro important additions to make to this M ip and it wtllbo completed. When finished, fin-ished, I design to (ret it lithoRraphcJ, and I offer il for tale to tho public While fcbient from this city attending to my duties on tho j Utah Southern Railroad, this nniinished Map was surreptitiously obtained, copied and is now bei-jg offered for subscription on tn streets of Salt Late City, by one J. L, Burns. This has but just come to my knowledEO. and is being done without my consent, and. as an officer of the City, aad in justice to the public, I feci oallod upon to make an cit.oir of thii it aud. Very respectfully. J. FOX, i"ii- Surrejor of S.dt Lake City Aug. 31, 1571. MEAT MARKET REMOVAL GARRET & "WOODS INFORM tb'c-ir fricsJa acd th ruMie. tii tf.-T w.ll r. S'.-f M tL .Vr- Ml:. ki't oa Monday, fcrpt. Illi. at tlie flrM 1 ktall on t he let I. soulli ntrat.ee, I will b g'iii to eee a,i incir L-aitotaer1 U ! fi -.u.r.-.y new i,ni as Will uvr,r them 1 with their rtrcae. il PLANTATION EITTERS -WILL Purify the Blood and Invigorate the Body. The blood is to the flesh what rain is to the grass. Why is it that Plantation Bitters Bit-ters outsell all other;? BeCaUSe it promotes digestion! BeCaiJSe it is the best appetizer ever discovered ! 3eCailSe it purifies the blood by removing the acrid secretions of the stomach 1 Because it imparts vigor aud vitality to the whole circulatory sys tem, and thus cures dyspepsia ! BeCaUSe it puts new life into a lazy Liver! SeCdUSS the most delicate ladies I can use it ! Because those ladies who have used it, all agree that, by cleansing the blood from all impurities, it ai once imparts the "rose-tint of health" to the cheek, and docs away with all cosmetics, emulsions and lotions for the complexion ! BeCaUSe it bestows a fresh and spotless complexion upon both sexes, simply by freeing the blood from all impurities Because it is a strengthening morning tonic 1 BeCaUSe it will cure chills and fever ! BeCaU5e it isa gentle alterative! BeCaUSe it corrects all the defects de-fects in the gastric functions, and cures nervous constipation 1 BeCaUSe all of its ingredients are pure I BeCaUSe it is always kept at its original standard ! BeCaUSe allofthe Druggists and Wholesale Grocers know this, and recommend it I SeCaUSe its spirit base is pure Santa Cruz Rum ! WIVES AND MOTHKK3.-Only womnn knows wli it womon endure; aud if I tliore is any menu of ass arcing ilie distress o! body and m'.ud which bo many thousand oiiorioDcc, dny utter day and irook alter ivock, with a fortitude wliina puts to shams tho cuur;igt: oi inao, wJo will dny that so (treat a blowing t tho son should be found in orory household? Millions of Mon have boon benefited by its mo, but among iho fceblo and siok of tho opposite op-posite gondor, who, perhtipg, need it most, j its virtues aro not ;o widely known. This j foremost remedy of tho age this f poeifio for every species of debility, gonoral or local, 'constitutional or casual, is PLANTATION HITTERS- One right of womaij at leaat, will be concede j tho njiht oi glreuBth""'" , h,orselI to sustain 111 - "u(t Unauro fc - jf wilk'h lhft UwB il-- 111 udo hor tho unfortunate! uUiress. mya A No. lFire Brick.j SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. V RE receiving by tho car-lod an extra jL. nuilit-of Firo Urick, which wilt be sold in 'in nil or largo quantities- Thiy liaro boon used in Colurndo nnd olse-whero olse-whero Tjt yeare and are ciu'il iu ovory respect re-spect lo iho bcut Lnglish brick. ID EEP WELL VJEVER sets ont of order, nnd is cheaper J.t than any otliur lirpt-cl risa ump ol ciual c;inciiy. Invnlu'iblo lor PiirinklinB grounds, strocta ana for liie purpoics. HOSE from "A to ' inch. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO., mjlfi AGENTS C - a Z2 fh a? g P 3 s ll . 1 l?. Qj 0 A ! MISCELLANEOUS. j 1. SHIRES, j COMMISSION ! MERCHANT, GENERAL PEiLER 1 rtali, California aud Foreiga FRUITS, PRODUCE, FANCY GROCERIES, VEGETABLES, FOULTRY, And all kinds of SEEDS. A fine supply of CANNED FRUITS. Orders from the Mines and Country Towns solicited, whioh will receive prompt attention. EIST TEMPLE STREET, Opposite Bishop Hunter's, SALT LAH.U CITY. gZO NEW ARRIVALS AT TEASDEL&CO'S A L AUG pi LOT OF j NEW AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING Gents, Youths nnd Children. The Latest Styles IN HATS AND CAPS, Also the. unexcelled BLEES9 Sewing Machines They recomtuend tbemtclres. CALL AND EXAMINE T IIKJ1, I JEASDEL & CO. j Eagle House, j Kat Temple BtrceU 1 Jil2 GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. SAS FRAKCISCO TRADE cok. EOSEKBAUM & FEEEMMS, OAT. r. . nr m--- ! BATTERY STREET, YHP X "Sl-- rHAKCISOO P 1 jQ V li , I Iicrsr:.-! rJ Sauf:trK Aifan ot BKA E'J3:"E(N A-a V.SF.1CAN COKXJIEAL,' n cuor-D feed, hancy Dry boods, ETC., ETC., . , WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL, i SOTIOXS, ETC. CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, Compete lisiv :ri 1 their VrMfhw .i the 1T . followiat cos eoatuaiiy on hcd. xcd CEO. H. KNOWLDEN'S, i I Novelties Daily Received Allen's XXX Family Flour, i EarndST,tk , GLOBE BAKERY, East Trniplc Street, flnt door nortfa of Co-operative Grocery Dcptrttntni, G0LIGHTLY&HARR1S Kcer constAnily on liani GOOD FRESH BREAD Buns, Cakes, Pies, Crackers, Elc. Fiuo variety of CONFECTIONERY, 1Vhol..le aud Kcl.ll. Groceries, Flour, u,i3 Feed, &e. NEW STORE Is Now Open. Just Received, a Urge arrival of choice j "Xs ES j Direct from the Importers Aho a full 1 stock of Staple and Fancy Jgroceri ES. We have KEDUUED our best gunpowder gun-powder to $i pur pouud. It canuot bo equalled. TRY IT ! TRY IT I G. W. DAVIS, Ttoo Doors from Kimball d-Lawraicc'i DAY & CULMER, IlIl'OltTKBS AND Dliil.KHa IN CEXERILMERCUIA'DISE, rONSISTISO OF DRY GOODS, ii Atto v Aitrc, BOOT-, MIOKS. II ATS, tltltl lvf.lt V, LA .11 PS, (il.ivWAltU, &C. COnUAdK TWINES, VOl01i.. V A UL, CA l'K'l'S, CUAt IvKRS i II1SCL1TS, 1UUACCO, JS.C, A.C., A-C. Wliioh they ofior nt prions tbat luaraatoe EadaUaiiou (Hid duly comt'Uti-.iun, Tho ohoiCMt .oonetantly onli;(ut of th following kimle Onhowlrr - - SI.13 (nS4.!i,l jVouiiK lljnn - l.i.O to l..'t( Tycoon - i.:ir. to i.ir. Ko..liLii(f ... 1.15 o J..i,' I'fkoe - l.-.r to l.JO S.nnliollg ... 00 lo l.dll Oinmoiitt I-.. 1 . Anturitl l.tnf - UO to 1.U0 And ilia Ihiuuus lOiifilih .lllxcd Ten - l.?i Dealers in Tens will find il to their nil-vftuiapo nil-vftuiapo lo K'vo u' a c:i"- !oforo jurchns-inK jurchns-inK ihuir Tons, ns our fuciliiico in thin hruindi of our buainosa can no i 6o eicolled iu tin oily. ' ? - WW BAKE BY, Six iloom tmt of Post Office. CANDIES!! I -would call the nltrniloit of the conniryBUdclty trnile to my lrf stock of Pure Home Made Candies. I I urn elUng rery low at Wholesale H. WALLACE, CONFECTIONER, Kast Temple St., Salt Lake CI1 Of farlilshrt lns tboji anr oib-r t proprietary lutiitciiic hi lije duj' i luu Ji. tibbivt'b bltzi irir.T, ; Ad-1 f'r tiji t-h"-u : ft it tin (ti-i couji'er-j couji'er-j irt of vn of tle Wt1 tI,iI,U i,atMrl ! jucliuef in liio wornl. rf'r K, erflB-j - i hitr f-i.n:.c ! ;,ruj ini . iu wbi - ii V i u-ni-dt. ol the m -..'.ti-. it... i.iili'.u., tt,(. rheumalj; and vi:hu,i 'A vtunl di'ta-.tr fori nrsuiUj-. a,r,:i rtlurn Ui h-jr b'HiJ"- llltis tf,'TU n-.nri, t- r..r..-lT(.., it, a ,,',r-.lc ,,',r-.lc (ono. the popular ujili,1 wottri ol Larpe. row wnrchai only ,lr (c ii nine artt lc. White Goods. Iloltry aud tilov, Laces and Kmbroldrrlo. Silk and Velvet Rlhbom. Ladles' and Children's Indfrwur, Head y-niade Kolra and Drestrs, Dress and Cloak Trimming, Lare and Brorht Shknli, Sewed and Woven Coriets, Klig'h aud Am'n Sewing Cottons, Silk, Etc., Woolen Yarns, Ktc, Ete. f nperio r U-ai of K d Gloves. Viirotinir;i; nil our e h,"T vst- rious plsoos of pro.iiu-iion nil ovr tlie world wo aro otirtblcl to s.'ll tlio .smo Ht price to compare iHvoraWv with tlioc of iho leading houses in ev York or 1 n,t,in innll THK GEEAT BLOOD PURIFIER. V'-i-iv- s I ' -.. lij 1 . &s I : ' . v. a ;'; : , l V ( T 11 K GREAT CALIFORNIA VEGETABLE BLOOD PURIFIER ! nUIII IN THE PllliltA NFVAPA Mounuhi", in tho n-omKrful Htutp of Ciiiifornui, griiu n lii-rh Ioiik k:"W iho IndisniP a.- en M..lulc fiiro U.r KHKl'MA-T1M( KHKl'MA-T1M( UOl'T, M;i HAlAilA. tilid all ih-en-rs in nuy way i'rint;inif irom impurilio.t of the bloo.l. .S-ioi.oo lui.. ; Icncli brtMi ht to light ita virtue, nnd m llii' p.-tout hoib haa compounded V K K 1 ' A SANTA, l preur-alioa preur-alioa tor iho 1'liK.HAK liNT CUUli ol Scrofula, Salt 11 heum, aud all Knii tlve and tuiincoui Ulicmci. (Jio? inniUMlintf and permanent relief in DYl'l PS1A, l.HVSll't.l.AS, Kmc i orm. rumors. Boil?. Svald tlccr and Siiroa; oriidioulea from tks syaioitt all Lracoa of murourUl dice two, IT IS FUrtELY VEGETA3LU It ia tSioroforo pculisirly naitahto for tine hy loiunlos ai.d otiiidriMi, iu a i(UAU l'l'Hl-flUi l'l'Hl-flUi aud HK.NLiV .-.'lXUi. HIUTllKllS, Who wi?h to ftiid a mr.tioino poulltirly .diqi od io lit- ouip t Hl'.M.U.S and l-.lirP-I'K'NS in tboir .Inl.irou, will Hud a pule and euro cure in V KullA SaKTA. lor eslo avury wliuru. UKUU1.UTI)S, IlUSTKTTIbil Jt CO. Agents, tiiV aud 51 Vrkel Ml., San Franclaco. REDINGTON HOSTETTER & CO.. mrOUl KE8 N1 JOnitF.IB OK KORK1UN AND DOMKS'J'IC DRliCS AD CHEMICALS, Flue Kssrnllnl Ollx. ;nni, Hoots, Heeds, Klowcn, fioiKes, Skins, I'liiiinilri, dee., AuJ all othor Flnplen conuoclcd with th Wbolcpalo and Koluil iJrug liunincfi. ConManlb' in receipt, hj fiii' 'l Iiiipi.rlntloti, of liuropeati and Am ti io prmlucta. Exclusive Ayenls for Quicksilver, Uotcttcr'i Jlilterf. DriiUeV l-Jn tilnli"i Ililter. WoiiV N, li.-id.on f-. himppfi Nowoli'.t J'uluioniiry rrui. And ell tho lendinu l'r'.rrlpinry Mrdicinei bi'tb Amoncuu mid I. u i up pun. ! Ordora Promptly nnd Carefully i'.xvoulod. Kol. 0'4U and o:il market Klreet, JjoIitccd Firrl nod Peeond San Francisco, California. my HI KHTAJH-ti-HRD is JtC2. ARMES & DALLAM, Imporlcr. Jobbers nnd Jll A IV CK ACT I'll KKS IK Wood sWillow Ware micxmc. )'An,.Ti"it. nti'itv--. nicu j . n -k i.i . 'iu r-i- i . ijtii ; k, MA'H H t".H. S t A 'I K iNI HV J' !'I K tiA'.s, cfnn wk iN; i ). y ATM til I'l S'ft'l'1- M-H- 'i a k i.i , 'i t riNti Af iiaij,, i ':., AND OI.MIKAL. House FurnMiIng (ionds. nntrT iMpoi'Tr.ii'j nr hakivis vhom L)'.Al)l:.'l f;i Ir'.lAN A'.D I'lil.NCH MAN L I AL'I I Itt.CS, ArjlNTB ml TUB flAI.I T S. K. Prrru..i..n Mut-h r.uwi.tvy't Mibf . Um.Tin.ti Nrl ui.d 1 wit: Ci.Uip) j iUVr, I B'.H.-N Flax Mulf.'I J I. OB, I J. C. C'.i,r-y k t-..ri.i.i,y'. Vifhinr T'kl a. I ll'.lln.K..rib W Litnry'f I'm t .-r l;m-. -L.-u.ht. :i!,fi,rH U-t,. W rn,..f... C. 1'.. i: i, ',..) 4 'J'.in pai.y'p FvolLvi Iuftari V. iUgiMtuiililiii' Btuftjpf. Our st-ck In U- Urn! oi. tbf I"lfSo r. J i rr, .-r 1 1 rj euli UI lb tell al loL mark el prion. M-KKND FOB CATALOOUB. 1 2I5&2I7 Sacramentp St, San F ran ICE! ICE! ICE! SALT LAKK ICE COMPANV, Establuiud Jan, 1, lot dwliTerwi daily in all pari: nbe 'Ity. in is; qaauiity, al rata Uj 'ui Uiuoa. J. K. XAWhtN, AOK.XT. DEPOT AT OIbwior'i lot Cream 8iloon( |