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Show Commercial. Salt Lake City, Vtu. 19. (Jni.D. fiuyioe, 107; selling, ilO. A notice of Fist, Clark, k Fiaffg"s "Five socialities for gentlemen," is to be found in our advertising columns. Amis in runnircz order, the P ALACK AL-ACK BATH KUO.MS, "o. 18 Cominer-t Cominer-t il .-trcct, corner of Olive. I 10 ()yri s and parlor deiKS what- I nots t a 1 1 r. us lor sale very cheap at J. D:i'n''r & "iLi-ic store, east of the jjji uilice. f 18 Bound East. Some fifteen passcn-g?is passcn-g?is fir the cast arrived at Ogden yesterday yes-terday morning, and wci-; joined by several pilgrims for the Atlantic from this city, 'fhe entire party is prepared in respect of provender, for a month's blonde. 1'iiltENor.ooY. l'rof. Fowler'; PuMi-Ciiiietts PuMi-Ciiiietts fur mIo at Dwyer'a Hook stjre. fl. OvorconL;, atcost, ntdiegol Uru's. OlO 1''or Santa Crl'z harne-s and sule leather go lo W. L. Pickard's Ad south, and corner :;d "West streets. Harness sole :i2e. Tub "Grbat Unknown" i3 exquisitely exquis-itely perfumed and contains nothing injurious. in-jurious. Try it ladies. j3 Go to the- Crystal Pnlaco, 78 Main street, for Furniture, Bedding; Crockery, Crock-ery, China, Glus,Silverwarc and household house-hold goodd generally. d!7 Largo stuck of lino and heavy boots at tJiegel ISro's. o24 , Ku. IIaukis has ut received a large fclui'k of the tinost cigars and lobaceo, and gonthjinon's notions, lie has tlio largest and beet assortment of imported eiiliirs in tlio Territory. Call at the "Little Cigar K tore round tho Corner" and see. f 1 1 Fashionable- Huts at Siegol Bru's. olO Fine-Furnishing Goods at isiegol Itro's oil) Cutting & Co's California Canned Kruit and Jellies urn tho best in the market. Ask your grocer for thorn. b'i'RS ititrk. lust roooivod.nl llonrv Piinv.n.d.'y's, t'AXK, ;KaTKL1 l- 11 AL KtS. To bo sold very cheap lot cash. il7 Tvi'Ouraimucal Balu The managing man-aging committee request us to give publicity lo the fact that the trustees of iho I Ith ward hall, last evening no-Mi'd no-Mi'd thorn that, inconsequence of the de.Mro to have tho hall draped in mourning for a short time, out of ro-s;-oot for the deceased bishop, all en-ieiuMits en-ieiuMits for parties there for a few week-; must be dispensed with. The devotees of the "art preservative" are, therefore, compelled to announce to ihc.r patrons that tho invitations will boiGd for the same evening at the Ht.i ward Music hall. Two Hundred TRAILS wanted. Apply to D uk ant &i Cutting. I Largest stock of clothing at Sicgel I Bro's. olO Salt Lake City National Bank.. This is the title of the new national First National Bank ODP UTAH, SALT LAKE CITY. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Wakbkk Hussrt, C. L. Dahleb, President. Vice Prest. Anthony Qodbi. Cashier. Authorized Cnpltnl, - - 500,000. PAID LP CAPITAL, - $150,000. EAUNIXGS, - 8130,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per csnt. Oldest Banking Institution in Utah. A GJ-eiiei'al UanliiiiK 15n.fciiie.ss Transacted. AGENCIES IN COLORADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDTD TO, INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. I TH03. riTCn. GEO. 1. WHITXEY. Ml UN & WHMNtT, ATTORNEYS-AT-L A W, 36 Firat South Street. m SALT LAKE CITY. SALT LAKEJHEATRE Purdy, Scolt Si Foslcllc's MINSTRELS! (Lato Eiuorson'a. of San Fran.) TUESDAY EJ1, FEB, 20, GRAND FAREWELL BENEFIT Tie Tliree Autocrats of Minstrelsy Messrs. Pimly. SeVtl & FostoIIe. LAST NIGHT iUT ONE. Largest Programme jot oilVrcd ! ENTIRE CHANCE 01' niO C3- !R.A.!iVE lv2E GLORIOUS Fox the Ladies ! MBS. C0LEBE00K Is now SELLING OFF At her New Store, i A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OK HATS AND BONNETS To make room for Spring fashion0, ANTI-DYSPKPTIC, COMPOUND BONE SET PILLS. Home-made and purely vegetable. They relieve Jaundice, Dj-'pcrn, ItnlicM-tion, ItnlicM-tion, Livor Complaint, liciniaoho. Loss of Appetite and Foul Stomach, will bro:ik un Calde, Fcvor., CouBhu.and I'uril'y tho lllnod. Thoy will Cleanse tho Stomach, Kenovmo tho System, and dispel Di?c.-vce- Arc Rood in all ewes where Physic is needed. Try i l,x. You will like them, and never want .my other tort, Thoy uo Tonic, Cathnrlic and Kipcc-tor&uL Kipcc-tor&uL Xwenty-6 re cents per box Twenty-fire Til !. Waxr&ntod to eivo sahr ;ction, OPTIIALMIC IMLSAAr, Or K-c BrIiu. Valuahlo in most Difeises of tho Eyes, lte-movM lte-movM Inuauinialion. Slrcncihcns tho Sicht, and ft ak or D roo rir.c L-,d'. and i. ccncrally healing and PlrcnL-thcninB to too sicht. but cu?es no pain, ll is n'.st goud for Teller, Rmuworra and bad Soros. J. K. JOIIMSO.V, SI. Ucoigc, I tnh DEATH & MILLIGAX, ! MANUFACTURERS OF WHITE LEAD, ; Zinc and Colors, ;' l03 Randolph street, CHICAGO. I f I M!3QLILft?.E0US. NOTICE. A LL r-er?on3 are hereby fort i ilea and warned ncain't lur.'hajics nr any w.-.y cesitiatinc iriih any perFon whonni-ever whonni-ever fr cenain min:nc rropny .irua:e. Ivirr. nnd bt-i:ig oa Chloride Hill, in Dj-hir Minmc Ijistrict, Tooele County. I tih Terri-trry, Terri-trry, recently filed for record as the Jim Fisk lode, or for any ores a'rrady extracted, or that itay hereuiter be est-actcd. therefrom: there-from: or lor any property whatever be-1-ncinc to, or in aai wi-o ai'periftinir.c to, f iid n.inc, or lode: as the jlujq is the rrop-ertr rrop-ertr o!" tb e un dermic ned, who arc the lawful owaerj -( s.nd mining rrupcrty. atiJtr the mite of the Ctlorid"! Qucr, h 'virs been . cited March 15, 171, by D. U tmnton. Georce H Kaueht. John Davis, lUce Davif a-d .v. urray MfffinFcr, and re:crded :n tt t-Ece ot 'he Kecnr er i" the iliriE; Diiirici aKTcEiiid, April 5. 171. D. W. FTAN ' ' 'N". UKulili :i 11. P. -M"GiiT. 11. A. UOLCOMU. fl7 ANNUAL BALL Of THE I Mm Bxvoleiit Sosictj ! Will be t'iven at ;ho i,i i ? i:i;v I. IXSTJTUTK, SALT LAKE CITY, Thursday Ev'rj, Feb. 22, 72. S. Kalm. -T. Orn.-tctn. L. Arnsti-in, CUas. Atilcr, J. Wut (.:.-. ii rittii ton Cum in 111' -' Sol. Levy, Sam. Aucrbacb, Louis Cohen. HiCcpHoll CoMHlittrr , J. Bchrrnan, Th. Ilollander, M. Armor. riimr Mtinfticr J. Sultan, II. Aru.cr. Sul. Sigel. TitJceh, - iiu-'udiiig Curiaijts, - C'o. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. riHIE rO-PAUTSER3IIIP heretofore ex-i ex-i istinc butween Levi Garrett ;ind Win. Wood, under the lirm n;truo of Garrett A W 1.0.1, Butchers, in lho City Slarket. this day diss'dvcd by it utunl consent. All rcr-sonf rcr-sonf knowing themselves to be indebted to lita lirru aro reiuesied to iiuuic Jia'.c'.y come fvjrsvard and settle tho same, imd thoo hiiv-iiigclaioB hiiv-iiigclaioB ehouid ireso:i L lliem for liquidii-ti-n at tho old stolid. The biuincs? will bo continued by LF. I GAIUIKIT, at Stall Number Urt.-. LliVI GAUKLTT, w ii. WOUD. 5.iltl,ake City, Feb. lii. 1672. 1'lti LOST SOME TIME in tho latter part of November Novem-ber or early in December lint, probably I on FiriL South sti'oet, between the Episcopal I Caurch and Filth Last itrcet, , Lad) -s Watch att.tclifl to a tJurldinn's Heavy Link, tiold lliiiii. The rhnin is ralurd by the loc beyond it? Intriii;ic worth, ind a liberal reu-ar.i ,TIH bo paid lo tho timler. Aidy at this Ouii;e. Private Hospital, I3tli Ward, SnltLake City, W. F. AND M.D. - Proprietor Terms, invariably in advance, for Board, Medicine- and Medic-al attondanof, jiy SSi to S2" for week BATHSi BATHS! Sjirinj; (iafiis ! Private a.u:t PlunRC. I Thcificcl.jI;tT.eil l-iiihe arc open to tlio pnlilio at all Br,'. di th Priatc UutU, the largt- aud haiidBome-' haiidBome-' ii-.m'.-'h, Fluufii Bt Vi f i v Luticx and -1.11".... ".r,,o ..-;.e:i H. !i10LD. V Sierra Hotel and R;staurauts Kail side Comiut-roial stveet. Metis served in tho hc3t ty!o. RooiU3 1'ur-ni-hud and unfurnished, fl Wm. GLOW, Proprietor. LUMBERYARD. AU Kinds of .Lumber DOORS, WINDOW'S, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SIIINULUS, LATHS, CHAIN AT WHOLESALE. j7 Half-block sonlh of TJ. C. Depot. I ' SALT LAKE BRANCH oy tub Great Western FUSE INSURANCE CO'Y. OF CHICAGO. TI1KO. F. TRACY, i'reildcnt . C. II. BASKET T, ") HKMiVW. Ii A WHENCE Dlrec(or CIIAS. L,. UAI1L.UK, j Itt ARII8ALL, A CAAtTKll, Atioriuyi, II. R. HA JIN, Malinger. A Branch or this SOUND and RK LIABLE LI-ABLE $5,000,000 COMPLY HaviDg been organized in our city, we arc now ready for business and earnestly earn-estly solicit publio patrunapc, guaranteeing guaran-teeing that all fire risks will be carried at a fair rale K. R. FalANN, Emerald Hill Mining Company. I OCATION of Worke. Salt Uko Cuunly, XJ Utah Territory. Notice ii hereby eivon that at a meetine of the ii'-,ard of Irutcci of cij Cymp.my. held on Ihc eleventh day of January, I'TZ, an ite?.-ment oi tweniy-Gvo cents por share 1 wf levied upon th Uapitil Slock uf naid Cotnfanr. payable immediately, in c-,ld and , ptlvcrcoin. to ih stccrriary at tbo U::ice ot I the Company. Kom No. -A, .Merchant Ex- c!ience, California ftreeL, bin rancncti, Cahlornia, Any ;ork uj..-,n which Faid aic;?inent ' ihall remain uiy ,n J on M 1 1 N D A Y the Nice- tec-nth day oi i cbruary, liTithall be deemed I dc.irj.acnt, and will be duly advertised for , fie at public auction, aud unlets payment l .-!,:i,l be n.ade bf-fre, will ba (i,,J on 1 TiiL'KaDAV. the r'turitcath day oi March, l.'-ito pay ike dtULuen; a.-ef aent, to-j to-j Rcilier ith ciU of advertisiDs nd ex-perfes ex-perfes of the Eale- By order of tho Board of Trustees- F. MADGE. Secreiarr. Office Kft. M, Men-bant? Ei-hantt. f'aiifor-Dia f'aiifor-Dia itract. tut FrDciico Ciiforaia, 1 ii MISCELLANEOUS . CALDER BRO'S. Are in receipt of the cew editions oi tbo Standard Authors Each cmli-te in ono royal octsvo vol., bound in the moil approved style, and at iho Uiijrsceisilci Loi Price OF Cloth fxiru - ?ii.)0 Libmry Iicep - 2.75 We have, tu ifleot from, the tinost and largest stock of C 0 H Ci 0 C Y! i n HC J U S u v- L. II li rt n is g Ever brr.iipht into the country, em- ( hracirijr the pLiblifsaion? Af L. Prang & Co., T. iS'plson & Sons, American Tract Society, &c. OurStiKk i MUBIOAIiOOODS; Is complete, and consists, in part, of PIANOS'. Of tho latest improved styles ; ORGANS Of lho best makers; W CI t T . JWT ft, From Italy, France and Germany. Guitars, Banjos, Flutes, Acoordeous, Concertinas, Haraionicaus, Rocotvodnd expected daily, a large and splendid stock of MASON & HAMLIN'S CELEBRATED OEGANS Embracing Ten Different Styles which wc offer at Manufacturers' Prices Delivered in tlrs city. FOR $125. Eivo Oetnve, Double lieed, Fivo Stops, (Viola, Dmpiipon, Aleloda. Flute, Troinulant,) with two sets vibrators throughout, one of four feet pitch and ono of eierht frfit ; from prepared metal and riveted witli iron, and not merely stnmpeil out of brass. Tremulant and ICnec Swell ; self-adjusting reed valves; improved bellows. Solid' blnok walnut Cfto throughout, paneled front and sides, with carved mouldings and ornaments, orna-ments, carved antea. WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT FOR FIVE l'EARS, and Only $125. tof Wo respectfully solicit the publio pub-lio to call and examine our goods For tlsc Holidays. The Flace to Buy i GLAZED SAS11, BLINDS, AND PANEL DOORS, I')" Quaiily and I'ricc, Imported or Home-made, Id AT LATIMER. TAYLOR & CO'S 1'LA.NINO MILL, Niish mill lloor Factory, One block wc.t oFTabcrnacle. J17 PAKE, IS HO. .V CO., Impotttn ul Den la LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 33 and 37 South Canal atreel, LilLisu, IL MISCELLANEOUS. tBDIXCTOS'S1 O i Two Dlocka louth of tilt U. C. R.H. Depot, aatl next to Wm. Jen-j Jen-j nlngk' Tannery. I The sard is kept coasuntlj euppHcd bj ; several snw-niills with Full Assortment of i Native Lumber. W. B. eoliciu tho ratroDRO of his old friends, and by runctnalitj ami dilinonce in business hopes to merit ft share ofjuiblie npport. ! POH SALE In the 15th Ward, one i block and a half west of the U. C. R. R., a small bouse and hnlf lot. with fine orchard. For particular! enquire of aus25 WM. KDDINOTON. i SPECIAL NOTICES! EAGLE HOUSE, Nos. G5, 67 and Oy East Temple Street, nearly opposite Suit Lake House. Do not fail to remcmbor it as tho Centre of Attraation, the Centre of the Biook and tho Centre of Business. a. vu. nave ftjwys on niinu i as clioico an assortment of GK0CEKIE3 as can be obtained io toiro, both Whole- j sale and RotaU. THE NEW EST ATTRACTIONS in! Dress Goodn, Reps, Mohairsi Alpacas, j Morinos, Delaines, Calicos, with the la-1 test Btjlcs in Sbawls, Foreign and Do mwtio Dry Goods alwayq t(j bo I'oucd at the EAGLE UOTJSla, TIIB CLOTHINU UKPAHT3IE.NT RtthaEAtlLB HOUSE is carefully nnd attentively studied. There you can al- j ways ohoopo from a full stock ofGENTS and BOYS CLOTllING. Boots and i-hw, ' Data and Caos and Ucncral FurnUhing' Goods in endless variety, THE LAOIES' SHOE DKPAHT-MENT DKPAHT-MENT at TEASDEL & CO. 'a is now well supplied with all that can be desired. de-sired. Elegant Stylos. Latest Fashions and Lowest Prices. UliUES SEWOQ HI A.CI11NES lho ! BET IN THE WORLD for Family 1 Dfo, can be obtained of TKA9DEL & CO. i tho solo agonts (or thoTenitory of Utah, , Sieoial attontion givon to lonrnors, Instruction In-struction gratis. Pnyuioiits by instnl-uients. instnl-uients. if so desired. They arciiuut, :ity ; running, durable and a favorite m'.cliino TAUUKU - CO- aro proverbial for low prices and tho beat qualities of Merchandise, Merchan-dise, S. B. A complote outfit of lJjot and Shoe j Manufacturing Machinery, to bo sold at 1 low figures. Nearly now. ! TK AS DEL. & CO. SELLING OFF ll Now h thv. Time lo Rvt j I Our remaining stock of ' LADIES' FURS!' Will be pold regardless of cost. AL) FANCY DRESS GOODS, LINSEYS, FLANNELS,. JEANS. WOOLES GOODS, HOODS, NUBIAS, SCAHK3, HOSIERY, ETC. Tolher wilb a plrti'lid imortmt o( LAD1EIS WINTER HATS U BONNETS ah a MILLINERY GOODS, Of all kinds, which will be sold at cost to make room lor a large slct.-k of Spring and Summer Goods. W. B.WILKINSON'S, No. &5 fcat Temple Bticftt. 33 G.W. STAYNER'S COLUMN CITY LOTS! Hurry up and File your Statements for City Lots. C. W. Stayner Altends to it At Calmer Bro's every day nott week. - ' ' In ."'1 ! ;i - ' ' ? S ..t9 Figures Don't Lie! 1,500 Lndios aiullientlemen would not testify that this lNUKNlOl'S l'KKrAKA-1ION l'KKrAKA-1ION had ireserved the Hair iVom Falling 01T ! i j BAD I Beaullfied tho Hair by Making it : Smooth and Glossy ! Had removed all VAX.OXCFF rilOM THE HEAD I ' HaldVmlod persom W0UL1 NOT D KtMjAli K tlKit the 0 U li L K iSTUhlNGTll had produced from 'one to tliree inches of Hair on a Smooth and Shiny Surface ! J it Kirt not the cine, tflr Lnd'of. nj yru va'uo your Urmitiful Hair, censo to ufo OILS Hn.l DVKS which do si my iho h-iir and iniuro tho hoallh. but Hsk for ibo GREAT UNKNOWN I AND Take no Othor For anlr nt Tnliler Itrn'a, Z. C. 11 . I. 11 run Mnrr, Ami utoiti nil Ui ngpUl . l'riie for Toil. I, - . 81. OO. ltrL for Ladies' uce. Doulile Ptrontrih, - - fc'i.OO. For IialJiitsd. If You Don't Feel Well I'AKK t OF Til R ! AM unite in paying tlii. ll I Ian excellent and valua ble MEDICINE FOR USE IN A FAMILY. IT IS ALIKE GOOD FOR Tllli CHILI) OR TIIH PARENT. I, on,,. Catarrh, j Dyspepsia, n ri'lUI'JKS I'll K J5L00I) I , in,. I I , Builds Up tho Wholo System, for anlr Cnldt r Uro'i, and t j Ofctlrn Coxii, Inm n. Price, - 60c. and 1 per bottle. c. W. STAYNER, |