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Show Mll. Lu HA K l'Allt liJri f i ' 'I : tl: gallows ami ahlmu.li -till a : or a w.li i my a n-w I rial, lim g-mii j tli.' luat-n.:: 'il'law, and iii. H in lu r own i jiLoj..-r h:uiiL- and handwriting an air j flivvr Lo the cmipluint ul" lite widi-w ul j Lit cmhi-.tI Kliliu CuoLf, who ml U. i r.-cuvt-r n balnmu of SU.m alnyd l I In- du.; liiM'a-i'Xi.-i-.-trix ot L-t lni.-laudV i i:uU, tlut cntiro 1 o t' Mr. i'ouki) luiv'uii? bituii hi, ODH, ul' wlii.-b himi tin; rrucipt uf ihrri! IouiiIish ai hiiuw!-c.l.it.l. hiiuw!-c.l.it.l. The gentle l-:mra claims that tho amount paid i? full ompi'ii.-ation lor tin' legal ntivio.'s rtmden'd. By lid tinit) dlitt h;H pavuM lliroiirh the ordeal of another trial .-ho will have ndded to her oilier aeeoinpli.Onneulfl that of a lawyer, an bi-nidcs her own trial fur murder, .-uiee her aire-.!, .-he lias been civilly sued twiee, ami lias brought one suit ai-ainst her own mother. Jil'l.uMA'V. Tim (leneva aibitra-lion aibitra-lion coiil'erenee, a sort of appelate eoui t from the ourt of lirt in.itanee, whieii , framed the basis of a settlement uf the j Alabama claims, known ih the Treaty of Wa.-diington, illustrate in its eon-j duel the general humbiiggory of a di- ! pl;)m:itie settlement of ihlVeivinvs between be-tween nations by a ce-m t especially appointed ap-pointed I'orthat purpose. International law interpreted into plain Knglili, simply means (hat might makes right, and is a max of quibbles ai.d tcvhni-cililii'at tcvhni-cililii'at whieii power laughs when inelineit (o pursue a poliey hi c.mtra-venli-m of the taws uf nation-'. And yet we find lhe-e international arbitn-tors arbitn-tors at (leneva, intead uf endeavoring to et!h' tho disputes between Amer-iea Amer-iea and Uritain upon bmad prineiples ol' equity, pettifogging lh:i ea-e alter the manner of police couit shysters, and resortini,' to all (ho teehnieal tricks and mi btor limes uf uiierupuluin attorneys at-torneys in petty comity curt cie.-, to v,in uiilair adv.uitai's over eueii other, htphmiaey ti"eil to pride ite!f noon its dienity, ami tt'i'aly law.; were lu-ld more sacred than any other human enactments, but all (his is now charged, and diplomacy in the sctiiement uf international in-ternational ditbV.ullies i eomliieJed upon principles of bimilar moral obli gation to ihoso which govern the Irau-i-:ic:ions uf hore-swapier-. |