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Show OGDEN DIRECTORY. 1 I-'irsf-riiias Business Houses. 1 MERCHANTS, , Wnlkcr Iliolliers, 7. 1 oil's o-oi. Dli-rtuiilllt liisl M it (Ion, ' Jiiiiifs llnrrui-ki, - C. Waoiliiliiiinn:, . K. Aurrlmi'li Si Uro. IIUt'Kl,, Ug'lru llonit, Jolm Million, l'viriotur. n. a. Xtinoii, rronrictor. F SPECIALTIES FOR GENTLEMEN. FisU. Clurl; A Flajrc's celcbralcd Spccialt 10. are for sulo by nil lirst cla.j dealers in tli is eity. True Kit S2ilrJ.-, I'atciiS l";iitt;tH)o;j Drawers, llsi:iiiji Bracks, I.apin-lf's Kid (iiover, iNi'W SlyU's ol' JN't'ck Dress. N.B. Five Novo) ties .ius t out. Dover cloth Sliiris and Shir tines, Saniron Urnci-s. Patent Piititn'oi!! Dr:nvcrs (rtJ siainiu, Laporto's Cable Kid Gloves, and tho Ik-gent Slrcot Scarf. H-K, Cf.APK A FLAtiii. I fi 1 1 JJroadway, -New York. j AtlmiuistratDi-'s Notice. UAVIN'O 1.-H :iM.'iaicJ by lla Prabato Court ol Salt L ike con my, Adminii-trator Adminii-trator of I ha estate of llradlord Leonard, dei-o iso 1. nnt iao is hereby given to n.11 iier-80D3 iier-80D3 indi-bted to said cstato lo coiuo forward and stttlo ii.imedi itely, and those bnvirtR elaims as linsi the Fame to present them for adjuslniL-nt. wilbaiH delay. It. J. UULDINU. Aduiiuistratur, Oiliso, ltoom .N 0, 1 Court IIuuso. Salt Liiko City, 1'eb. 19, 1S72. IZQ CUKAP ADVKltTISIXC. Advertisements under this heading . not exceeding five lines, fifty cents for each and every insertion. Each ad ditional line ten cents. FOIt SALE. A HOUSE AND LOT, DESIRABLY Located Lo-cated on the Bench, in tho uth Ward. The houso contains oloven rooms and commands com-mands ft view of tho whole city. Parties who wish a pleasant home will find this property a bargain for cash. Amdy at tho Heal Estate offii-u, 1-iij Main-st, next to PaciHe Houso. ftU A. C. TttUB it Cii. FOR HE5T. frVO NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS, 1 with Board. Apply a, this oltieo. fO SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK U1-' U'I' A II, IShU iTaltu Oily. XJU1I1 Tei-. Successor to A. W. White A Co. Aittiiorizsil Capital - $500,000. Bkfj. M UiUem,. Prost. I.tilo riti-rt. First X.U'onul Unuk ol'ldnbo-A ol'ldnbo-A iiel W. White, Cashier, ' LiUe of A. W. While Co., 1! jokers, S. L. City Ukhpstsad & KtRKi'ATKicK, Attorney?. DlItLCTOnS; T. li. Jones, C. IT. Hempstead, M. B. (Jnllalittn, li. Jl. UuUoll, A.. W. Whito, J. il. Allen, li. W. Uonncl!, I'l Hlllll-il, I.A-.V-.X! ,V Co., V,V V.'l-L. This H.ir.k will tran";u-t rill kiiida ol'leeiti-uiato ol'leeiti-uiato li.mkiiig business, and ui:ai,s IV CJOI.Il AM) SJLVllH Gold and Currency Eschaago drawn and ' Totecr:ih Transfers mr.do on New York, i Sao Irani-isco and nrkcipit Atlantic and Pacific cities, available in any part of the t nitcd State; and Oanaia. Drpt?i and coneral busiacss solicited from Eastern and Fori: inn itanki and Bankers, Bank-ers, i irius and individuah ; Chook Accuunti kepi in Gold or Currency. Exchange on principal ritiea of Earopo and tho Lanadas luruiiLed iu suun to --ui at iho lowest rated, and Telegram XrauuferV ' on London. Loans made on Kullinn, Public Secnrittci, ' Bonds, Local Stock, Mcrchaniijo. or otaer I good Collaterals. Approved business paper i discounted lor deposiiors. Certificates of Deporit isme.l, j-arable in Gold or Currency oa call, o- at any s; cciucd ' ti-.nc, availaldo in -ilj- j,art of Ue I'aitcl i . Siatei and Icrfiiorics. Advances made on thii incuts of Bullion or Ores to Kew York. Sau i'raii'ico a-d Eur'i'c. CORRESPONDENTS : V vw vriRK" National Park BauV. SAN I'RANCI-DCO-California Iruii Co LONDO.N Jjy Cooke. AlcCulloch k Co. Treasury SJrpurimt'iit, On ice O! Com:-troi.li:e oc the CfEiiSNCY. WASldli.IuN. JANUARY U'-l. -UEKEAS. bysatk-faaory evi lctce j.rc-been j.rc-been uia-le lo aopear thai "1UK SALT Lr.Ul.' in !tc till Ut SALT LAKE. 11: 1 he - .unity ot SALT LAKi:. IET'LI'Ili-Ki IET'LI'Ili-Ki OF L lAit. La, bem aul 0... uvd under and a. i-'.Tdin- to ihe n. iiiireuzcn'- ot the Act of Cnr. tn.it:ei Aa A-.-V to !-:oyJe.i U. .l tmri :.,y, se-rrJ b;. a l KJ,,ol I unci sure Ln.is. and to ,.r..-.viueL.r ,.r..-.viueL.r Ih-.c.r.-ula-.uu ,-,ai i-.icaipiVm tacrc f." AftToied Ju-.o , rd. 1 ;, .i-. li.io cmrli-ln, allthcrovi.-iii ,1 r.nJAct iEciu- ;ne ba-iLt,, oi l;.-.:,;;; uLUr.-aid ! ! Scre-y .-enir thjt - 1 11;; .m.X' 'LKt'' I in' h Ci i 'I - iLL " ' ' V ' 'U ' ' ! i sali LAivr:VVr.iaaiTt:i?rv'1i7 l:--j'j:s-Ti:L.!n cc.-iLC--e ill- lu-ias fi ! 1 Litki-io saltr'isAa j; j.-ed ; j J il '! t-. 1 'iln: uyhji.a-n.ji 1 J I" L'AVOi -:AMALiP 1 . Trc, ;.-v L-': I . I "" uri!:. iii.-L-t-;.j, .So. 1.01. CospireLer til Carre: C7. GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. FARMERS ATTENTION. 1 will pay CASH f.r l.uuo lil'SlIKLS WUKAT, 1,.10 BUSHELS HAR1.KV, 1.0.111 iii;sm:i.s oats. 10,1X10 l.HS. nn.N, l! JelivorcJ immctli.telr at my Grain Store, Main St., S. U. City. (iblt). 11. ltNOWLUKS. V'th'urn'ut and Aliens Extra Famih : And several othor brands, CHEAP for cash. I All klmli of Grain for snlr. II, KOWLDEIV. FIRST-CLASS GROCERIES THE EEST TEA IN THE CITY, (KvurylKi.ly.'uys.'o) ut U. W. DAVIS'. 'J'lio linest Q'liililies of COFFEE, SUGAR, RAISINS, CURRANTS. Ac, ut li. W. DAVIS". AM.n (,ks. i.oitsn:iE.s. sal-.iov. sal-.iov. sAitinM's. ovsr:its. l i nlls. NiuiccK A 1'lt klt'S. n -IT U. W. J1.W 18'. The Largest and Boat Stock of CHEESE, HAMS ill BACON In Town, at ti. W. DAVIS'. Our TKA Tit ADE'wo Uko particular pains to otu'ly, nnd from experioneo are ennblcd to suit our patrons with unrivalled facilities. house in Uub, and will not be undersold, C. W. DAVIS, Two doors north oT Kimball .1- Lawrence's. m Special Notice! II. WALLACE Respectfully returns his thanks to hia numerous nu-merous customers for tho liberal putronatto bestowed upon hitn and trusts that strict attention to business will merit a. continuance continu-ance of their favors. NEW STORE Oil Finl South Street, Noxt door to Airs. Rtenhouse's Millinery Establishment, Where I will have a very choice slock of Pure Candies Of my own manufacture. Raisins, K lit 3) t"'Si. .Lemons, Limes, Anil a general ivisortiueul of FANCY GROCERIES, Extracts, Pomades, Ilair OH, Fauci, iS'oaj), Etc., Etc. A5"Do not forget my New Store, Firs Sou tlx street. DANIEL GRENIG, At hid oM sUmd, East side East Temple St., Wishes to inform his numerous friends aud patrons that ho has a Full Assortment of y E 1 0 1 i A ii 0 i S E Usually kept at his Store and Bakery, And sells tlicui AS REASONABLE A3 ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. PRODUCE Of all kind.", lioulit mid Sold. FIRST-CLASS WEDDING CAKES Mado to order. Wc hio JUST RECEIVED A lot of Uunpoivucr Tea, Jajian Tea, Elack Tea, KuiL-h Breakfast Tea, i Which wo will sell WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at Very Low Figures. TAYLOil h CUTLER, j:-ist Temple Htrcrt. Z.U.UUUlRON AND STEEL At C. II. Bassett's. Oppom B< Lk.1k Boiuc, 61 WALKER BRO'S. Carpet Rooms, CARPETS I CARPETS! NOW 01'ENUNG NEW l'ATTKRNS l'Olt SPRING FURTJ IS IIITJGS, Whioli mito tlie Bost Scieclion WEST OF CHICAGO. EX a L ISM COCOA M A T TIN G a . i-4, 4-1, CI, 8-4. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, 4-1, 0-ft' 0-1. f- 10-1. I'KIUKS O U A li -V X If! 14 1J . il Eun the Blockade ! GREAT REDUCTION L TIIE PRICE OF LIGHT ! Good News for those that like u liiUIhuit, Clem-mid Safe Light ! Large arrival of PETROLEUM FLUID at The Pioneer Lamp Store, ONIA' 2.50 l'OK J-T-E OALLONS. For those lhat liko COAL OIIj, wo have recoived a Laro Slock, of all nualilios, and nt Kedn'cod Prices. Tho Largest ASGtnact of LAMP GOODS in tho Territory. no E. BBESB &c CO. Sulo Agonta for The Dun fort (a Petroleum Fluid. S9 1st South Street, half block West ot'i'oft Uttiee. Coal Oil and Naptha Depot ' PAY & CULMER, 89 East Temple Street, Ja-EISTTS FOB FOREST CITY VARNISH AND OIL COMPANIES Gasoline 85 for Gas Machines, Do. 74 for Lamps. OCCIDENTAL BURNING FLUID, The Best and Cheapest Light Ever Offered to the Public. This Fluid is of much HEAVIER GRAVITY than any other burning Fluid ever offered in tho market, approximating closely to that of tho best qualities of COAL OIL, but yet possessing DOUBLE the ILLUMINATING power. It burns CLEAN WITHOUT SMOKE and docs not char the wick, which will not require attontion oftener than onco a week. This Fluid needs but one trial to eonvinco any person of its superior advantages. advan-tages. WHOLESALE RETAIL T Who want AGENTS in every settlement of tho Territory. j17 JOHN TAYLOR & BRO., Merchant Tailors, COMMERCIAL. STREET, KEEP conslnntly on hand a choice nsnort-inentof nsnort-inentof FRENCH, ENGLISH knd AMERICAS Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Etc., Of tho finest qualities and latest styles, which we make up to order in tho most fashionable and approved manner. PATKONAGE solicited- COAL! COAL! Having purcliaied tlie Spriggs Coal Mine We are prepared to supply this JuaUy celebrated WEBER COAL ly cur loud or retail. Depot at V. C. R. K-. Yard. O flic el Kxcliang and Heading Hoomi. BATEMAN & BU EL. ftug W. II. BlllD,AnL TRIUMPH Andes, Amason, FIRE millME CO.'S CINCINNATI. Capital - nearly $3,000,000. KtllabU LudcrM-rliliig. P.rftct Indciufiliy. We a.k Fair Kates and l'njmisu to Pay Just Ise.-'. Risks taken throughout Utah II. R. MA5JT, Ase)t, SALT LAKE CITY: Offlc Tajlr'i IiuildiD. Bfton Ko. 2, op-P. op-P. 0. Box &M. fl 1 HALL'S r. I&S, VEGETABLE SICILIAN II A I It Every year increases the popularity of this valuablo Hair Preparation; which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the only reliable and perfected preparation prep-aration for restoring Gray or Faded Hajr to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean, tt removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates stimu-lates and nourihes the hair-gland. By its use, the hair arrows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restorer the capillary piands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the tnest economical Hair Delessinq ever used, as it requires fewer applications arid gives the hair a spiendid, glo.vy aj-pcarance. aj-pcarance. A. A. Hayes, M.H., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "Ihe constituenta are pure, and carelullv selected lor excellent quality; and I consider it the Best Pkbi'ARATIO for its intended purposes. " AoW by alt DrugihU and dealers in PRICE OSE DOLLAE. Buckingham's Dye FOK T11K WUlSKKKs. A-- our ltcuewcr in ui:my ca.- "s re-nuires re-nuires too long a time, and to ni'i 'h care, to restore gray or tad1 Wiii-t-crs, we have prepared this dye in vr prrparation; which will quickly acd effectually accompih this re-ult. It is easily ar plit-d, and prodacos a color wb:.-h will neithrr rub nor wah cti. Sold by all OrulaLi. Price Fi(,y CcnL". Slaunractiircil fcj-H. P- Hall Maslina, X. H. FOR SALE AT Z. C. M. I. DRUG DEPARTMENT. o20 |