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Show MEDICAL. W.f.;5K.M.O. H 1. SIMMS. M.D.j Surgeons IIU1 I'll jsitians, j Ore". f-.r tho j.r.t.uf. ftt tboir rwr.ecti.ei rwiJence. in tbo L.iti aadlTia YS Mdi. f--T". DR. GROVES, Or.c Mint South Ht., Hlt L.I.. CUT' Three .I'.'.r. Wert of kevero Honso. half B-liock B-liock ll.utof the Herniat Store. tl?lC.l DuCliS &') J A.M. TOfjP.M. ml) i J. D. THOMPSON, M. D.,l l'llYrjlCIAN AND SUHGEOM, j Offer' bi r-rofe"ion.l fleryi-es to the peni'le . nf -.il L.knCitr. Kwi.iec.'e M IWivar, Hil..'rt..' brick bouse, oi.uosito St. Marks: tourih. UL I 0. C. GRMSBY, M. D. I PHYSIUIAN. tiUKGKON AND i DKUGUJST, i UltlUUAD CITV. UTAH. . J. n F. 1). BE-101lCT,j -.URGEONS AND PHYSICIANS, ! Office Over CalJer Bro'd Muaic Eiuiioriuia. HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OF U T II JAMES TOWHSEND PROPRIETOR. Thi? li'iitf-e is centrally nnd pleasantly lo- , OAtoil, well furnished, and bap aooomnaoda-tiune aooomnaoda-tiune fr 1 SO gueafa. THK PK0P1U15T0R, in now preparing to build larno additions to his llotel, wliish whon finished, will roner it the Mott Complete EstaUishineat in the ROOKY M0I!NT1N REGION ! mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Seloct and First-Class House. OSK II LOCK EA8TOFTIIKATRE, SALT LAKE. CITY. Terms $3.ft0 prr tiny. Doard wltli-ni, wltli-ni, roonia H'i.UU iec IVceU. Batlia fi ce lo gueiti. J. C. MTTLE, jun24 Proprietor. STOCK BOARD, Fot ni.-rly lU'ld'n.j Tvoilioi' bouIU of Wollt, l-'arpo Si. Co'a. Utir Itur ii fucni-UcJ witlmll th-l rnii ha fi.iind i in uiiy iir&t-cln3 mloon. j Altoutivo ami polito bur-keepers tu annul upou i all who nmy fnvor 111 villi ft iivll. ZABRISK1E & CO. ru TAYLOR'S HOTEL, Went Bide ICAST TliMPLKSTllKKT, ROOMS UY THE SINQLB NKUIT, VTKKUI.Y Oil MONTHLY, TAYLOlt & CUTLEli, Proprietors. Wo UiiTO rented our UK 8T AUK ANT to Mcrs. GLADE GOODMAN . Washington House A hli-a Sou tli .sn-oot, !S ,Y Li X L A 1: E C I X Y Uoni-,1 and Lodging, .r Week SO 00 ln- Uoartl " 0 00 Utila, per NtglH - 5 .Mcnl - - - 33 ill FASHION CHOP HOUSE, (Next door lo M'hito Hoiife'. ,MI. Slrcrt, SU Lake Cllj . r-mihi'itcJ in iir.l-claea Fiunoh flylc. at ' NICHOLAS JiKRN HIIS. I ; l'roprleior. Taylor's Hotel Restaurant, ON i!n ICuropom n, is n-w open an J j ii iui i with cvi-ry iolic,u' of the, Meal at all Iinra. Oyntera in I onry fylc. buicr i'lirtio.-1 supplied on liort mnioc. Tcciuh (o mil l He I Inn. til. MHO &. (iOOUM.W, M'i l'roprieiora. Kaw Commercial Left Rooms, "oiimerclrtl Sireti t)ii.'.-iU'LiL'rm!iii liiikcry, ult Lulo City C. U XAVPAN. Proprietor. Ol'KN A I- 1 1 N Mi 1 i T. Sl.oO lu sJ.OO pev W etk. Mtmlc Hnmit. 7Sc. yrr MrIHi ! iJ.iO to 1. AO per Wcfc. UTAH HOTEL, ?Iaiu Mrect, 0(.1KX. i"'ie only jlr&t-cUisi House in the Vity. ' OuioiVii) to auJ troni all Uuiu. c EUDEY & WILLIAMS, rioi'riown. - CENTRAL HOUSE, . lilTTLK COTTONWOOD, T. F. Fuller. Proprietor. T the PuMie Thi hon U nnw refitted )f l" "I pi fiT irnvilor nt re J iter d rato. H.rd and Udtine. br week, I13.1W. MeaiR,fio. Bt4f,7M. H ill han LEGAL. II. !H. MOKGAX, f ommissionfr for Hah Tcrrilory. I"i CALIFORNIA STREET, ! . . V . M - V , A T T O K N K Y - A T L A W, No. 3.'. TirU South Street. Cj Snlt Lake City, flab. 1). OO OPKK, A'lTOiiKKV AND COUSELUUi, Ofllcs Kxrhnng stl Keaitliif Kooiiid. up-tatrB. juJ StLT L.m rirr. CASH FOR MINES! Knmiro of Hli:X'll M. If Ij A lit. AtOjfiuy-at-Lnw and Mining Ayait, orrTcit : Orrr (7 KI::i! -aW'.i lll.vk, .villi C. M. II.irrl.-v. P. 0. Bf X wit. T. Lovni.r,; n. .. ref.d. LOVE LI, i. REED, ATTORXE 1'S-AT- LA Salt Lake Clly, Utnli, Will practice in all Lho courts in the Ttr-riiory. Ttr-riiory. Oilioc, fn.nl lu.nn, Taylor's hotol. JIT P. I., WILLIAMS. I.C(iRAXI) YOVSO WILLIAMS & YOUNG, A T T 0 R N K V S-AT - A , Office, bnlf-.i-block soulli of Thcutro, Snlt Lalte' Ciiy. j 12 GEORGE C. BATES, ATT 0 R N E Y-AT-L A W. C. MYRON HAW LEY, Attorney -at-Law, Clerk of tho Supremo Court and Icmtorial Librarian. J. W. HASICISS-Oflieo HASICISS-Oflieo in '.Kimball's block, near U.S. Mnr-jll Mnr-jll slial's oliico. WM. P. APPLEBY, AitoriU'i'-aL-I-iiw, HAVTXG provided himself with Fuitabio Blank a, i3 prepared to draw up Declaratory Statements of Applicants Appli-cants for DeeU to City Lot. Office East Tcmrdo Street. Gr?t door nfTtb of Cuiiiuieroo liiutJinc. ui:i JOHN Ji. MILNKU, ATTORN E Y-AT-L A W , Provo City, Vtali. Collections mado in tbolst mid 2nd Judicial Judi-cial Ui.uric;3. . SpteiaL attention piven to .Mminii oasej. Ouico at roiidenco, Cotro St. Provo City, i Jj Warner Earll, F- M. Smith. KAltLL S3IITII, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, EA1.T I.AKB CITY. East Touiiilo Stroot, one dour buuiIi oi aaj Uodbo'ti Store DANIKL S. DANA, ; A T TORN K Y - A T - L A W, j Salt Lake Clly, Utah. i Otlioo we.'t Mtlo of E;i?t Tomplo Rlrotl. . I Ediccial alionlion Rivon lo Mliitng lili- . Billion Wni. 11AYUON, ' (Lulu JinlfC uf Hli PimIti. t Court, Nov.v1it, AT TORN I'i Y - A T-L A W , Room No.!'. Kiist Toll) plo P treat, ovlt Fir.-t Mimonal liiink. ol . I 1M. ItAKlN'UM, ATT0 11N K Y - A T - L A W , Olnce, Kimball's Block, 8, L. City. , Spooial attention Riven Lo litlcs, eOllll-tioiifl, eOllll-tioiifl, bale or Lltltfiitioni in Mimnit Clain.3 and Heal Estato. , . Collooiion3 made or busincaa dono in any part of lho United btatos by Afiauciation ol rojiablo AtUiruey.'. d17 0. ILUoiuPStcad, M.Kirkpatriclt HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Allorutyn-nt-Lnw, Main Street, oppojito Wolls, EarnO & Co.. 9A1.T 1.1 lE fTV;. fiJ Z, BNOW. K- D- U00B Mtoruoya and Couiisolore at Luw &di U&Q City. Uuli. yiUioiil Buuw'a cOiuor, ll liml Street. Ju6 JONATHAN C. ROYLE, A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W , Salt Lake City, Utah. Otlico-Ovcr Fir.U National Bank. Tle?i-donco Tle?i-donco on .Id Enat stroot, botwoon outb and 1st South stroeta. tJ) TilE law pnrtncrrjbiP hercto'oro cximts' 1 between Thomas Eileb ami b. A. Mann is this day dissolvod. l'XTCU & MANN. Suit Lako City, Eobruary -d, 1S72. id .. a K0TAH1ES PUBLIC-. A. S. GOULD & SON, CONVEYANCERS, r Mini nil Deed.'. Agreements and Bonds for Doode. MorU-uKOi, l'owcra of Attorney, Lca-iea. Cvniir.ietfl ;uid olhor lndtruincntsoi wriliuc drawn with accuracy and dispatch. mining Coiiipaiilei Incorpora- lail under tlic LawioUtli. A. S. COULD, and COMMISSIONER ')if DEEDS for New York, Maaeh u-setLj, l'ciiuylva-nia.Oliio, l'ciiuylva-nia.Oliio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyouiini:, Montana, Nevada, Calitomia, and other States ami Ter-litori- 3. Last Tt tuple UL:if Wtlft, Ftryu ,1- ' V.., Salt Lake City. mil Ww. Clatt.-v. S. J. Ji'SASV, Xutary i'ublic. Conveyancer. CLAYTON & JONASSON 1AY ftri.-t' ni:-ii!lon to tlio rolleotion ol luonty in all pai-isul ti:e world. They dr.iw ri.linoHlc l.-o nil kin-U I of iiittiumcuL.- in u ruiL-. I Si" i n n( trill Ion Kviii i.i iliu d' ' in,' ; ltf Ul .,ud Tulnuuiilniy Dikii-- Dikii-- me mi. ! Loan- ao;.Mu;. Mm.-. ll..se and 1 lli'iil Lit-tio -'t -11 iai. b..it.-bt, fild or i leeJ. j lncoi'iiiitiou mid l'driiicr.hlp ' Pnprra nf o.CiJ- do-cripiiou draivii m I lU lil t actOKlnilCV M U tliC l.HVf vl I l Ail. ' OFFIL K Fouvtli J'Ur ninth of . Qoilbcs Comer. u.J THO!?. UAVIKSI, ! United States Mineral Surveyor ! and Civil Engineer. UCicbSj.IS Taylor Uotel, Salt Uk City IIOKACK l'OTTKU, REAL ESTATE AGENT. ConrnT!n.-M fr.''nlly drawn up f-r tin' tn.l Losing of ll.-m n-l LU, Slows, Oiuc. Jli1 I. ill 'It, I.On Bi-iltiMvl. OVl-'IfB-S-i. IT T.iU-.r'i Bnlldlnj, cppp.-.t! Btii Uk Uscm, lidt Uk City. da BANKERS. Bank of Deseret, 8ucctior to HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Co., Cumer fUat Tcini4e aiid Firt South Eireotn, i SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, , lAIU I'P CAPITAL, - 8100,000. ! MtTGTTAM TDFNO. President, 1 ! H. S. KLDKEDliK. Vioel'res. I WM. II. IlOOI'Kli, I WM. JENNINGS, Oiroctorc. JOHN PHAltl', PEIUMOIU J-rTTLP.. L. S. HILLS, Cashier, ) ' Dr.J lu GOLD UlST, COIN, K.VCIIANGU, j It A X D WAltRAXTS, COL- I 1.GOU SCRIP, Ac. ' Collections nia-io and 'promptly m-: m-: luiitcd, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FUR SALE. WELLS, FARGO &CO!i Klrcss Forwanlcrsi ItaukcfS, DEALERS lii EXGHAFiGE. Drafts on Jurojie, and all Oxe principal prin-cipal cities of the United iStattt. K U 11 0 P E A N COLLECTIONS Trompfy attended to. Uat Temple St., Salt Lake City. TJJEO. F. TRACY. AgcnL u.11 Thos. R. Jono?, A. W. WhiU 1 JA NIC 1 Nti I-iOUSK Of A. W. WUITK - CO., EAST TEMPLE STREET, aCO fcalt Lako City. Robert Anderson, TUoa. P. Akors ROBERT ANDERSON & CO., 31AXKEHS, 68, KAST TEMPLE STKICET, Silt Lnke City. jVi $25 EEWAEQ 011 the detection of tho person or ptraoii3 nlio Defareil Purily,S.otl & Foslellr'n minti elo' Bill in the Market place. The ubove reward icill also bo civen for tho dotecLion of poisnna known hereafter lo lom down or d.-fn.'e thi nll Lako Theatro Hills. ri'RliY, SCOTT A 1-OriTliLLB. II', 11. 11. CLVWSON. SEWING MACHINES For Family anil Manufacturing Purposes, Uuilody all that ii new and novel in Hunine Machines. Thoy aro tho hitcst improved ani 1 ishtet run nine shut tio m:ichine3 in tho world. Beautiful anu compact in model and uncsclled in matorial and tini.li, Thoy sow ovorythinft from lnco to boavcr ololh in lho most perfect manner. Uvery variety of Hemming, Felling, Q.uUtIiig, Cording, IluflUug, Piping, Tubing, Fringing, Hem Slltoliing etc., cnilly pei rormeil. Stnii'jht ia'V. Ki t'u;-ichich, NO VIBKAT1XG SPU1NCS. Every Muchino Warranted as Represented. Salesroom on Firwt Soutli Street Salt Lnke City, opposite the New meat Market. IRA PFOUTZ, juylS Agent. 0. X3. 3F5.. 1FL. Feliruavy SLh, SVJ FRANCISCO ANO SACRAMENTO. 1. r-ivc !,,' Kmi. . AniM' irom K;sT li-tpm 7 ii no ..Bin I'mn.. 8.:X'im 'J ipm 4 " 7 " .O.il.Uud . j S.ivi " 1 "i " 4 lo " 7 do " .Ssd Joe. ; 8..iO " 2 10 " , b s .i " 7 a". ' 2 4" " ' h 11 " 11 .0 u . Slock-on . " i 1-7 " pi 1,". 1 t". ( in SitcrniuoDto. , pm 7 L'ani Arrive firm W,--i I., .n.. m-in Wt-I J SACRAMENTO. COlFjiX, ULNO AND 0( DEN. j L'tLvmc ! Arr.'i- in-m Us I ;i lo " . ..CoIIai ... j U J-. 4 ut ...It.'DO 'J 1U 9 10 " Wlmiif.incr 4 IS ptn ! VI O) m 3.vtkMouiit 1 i " j 4 J'i;.m V Ik.i . isnm , 6 ilium . . 0fc,Jso ,. ; J'iniir Anne Tn.m V,-I -:.lu- M-t Kiplniiiii ton. For t r j i n - ninniiis "from" iu l'i-.ui.'i-':o, taki the lr I r li.iild O.'l IUU1K-.1 lid I t. id doM'Q- K.T triuri' runniiis "toward-:" S:m Fr:n-1 Fr:n-1 .i-co. t..ko i Jn richi hr.nd cduuin.- and read ! upwards ,ir "We.-iwaid." i 'Sunday; exooptcd. isundvs only. A. X. TOWSK, tl r,iii'MAN, 9eo. Bcpl (..r Pm.V " TH-W Alt iXEW MEDICAL WORK ! j "Ftic f HtLJSOPHY Of MArilAut." j For lite Debilitated .rsomSjittiii. nK.jOKDAX.ot the Anjtociiea Museum, ol's M'"iit;L aiery .-;;cci atar Ciliivp ui.-. b.in i'racci-co. Caliiuruu. baa pub-i-hcl icur of hii aicii iui.r:2t asi ii- -trukiliveLoClmei in a nal oiaie lor t-oio ho cannut atlciid the Lecture.-at the Mu-, Mu-, scum. Kvery I o carried atid Married it.in I should rend and :udy theo ijipi.rur.t t Lcclurcs iur the good wf hiuiiolf and ofi- "liy'a'dd-f'jiTii: tho Seoretftry of the Anatomical Ana-tomical Mii.-c.im, .n i-'rmnci.-o. ar.d ruclot-ins ruclot-ins Twenty-Fiv Ccat. in PeMare to ry pounce, the B -ok will bo forward cd 10 any pur: nf tHe State or Turrit erif". Dr. Jordan can htaoninUe. by Inter. 43 NOV IS YOUR CHANCE FOR STOVES ! NOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOK S T O Y E S Over One Hundred Different Kinds and Styles to Select from. lnclitUlug lb. Old F.vorllM, Charter Oak, New Era, Monitor, Inland Empire Superior, I Etc., I These aa well as other varieties. will be ; SOLI) CHEAPER AT Till! Hardware Dep'nt j OP z. o. im:. i. ; THAN IN ANY OTHER HOUSE ! IN THIS TERRITORY. i El. B. CLAWiOS, ' tl? BnperinlurieiL ' HARDWARE. IlMiETT, ihaaiiwAhst biUtiSi I HEAVY HARDWARE, Frou &tk Jiia.ee I, Stoves and Tin Ware KLACKsMlTU TOOLS, Agricultural lnil'lriiienti Ami flllnlnst Tool, At l,i-l Ua(i. I jm-PUslit. SALV I.Altk. UOUSH nlJ Fiimaccmcn Attention ! A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM; & CO. 1 A BR i.GF.ST3 FOR THB i OOLDS.V CITY FIUK BRICK, Which (ire equal if not superior to tlie be;t KopIiii. Specinl rates eivon by tlie car lond. not 12 LEGISLATIVE PvAnnnliTKYc. I WIIEUEA3-V.Te WIIEUEA3-V.Te are to be deprived of our repu-Iir repu-Iir allowance of Penknives ; there-lore, there-lore, liliSOLVUD-That liliSOLVUD-That Souseiiey & Co. are selling Stoves Cheaper than any other House in lho city, for tho reason they are Closing Out. No. 15 t'rosi'Ciil Coal Stove, 832 50 " 8 National lo. 85 00 ' 8 States do. ' 42 50 " 9 Wood Stoves of several kinds 35 00 Stove Pine, per joint, 30 All kiuj. of Tiff AND HARDWARE Jn Proportion. Now is your Chance for Bargains. 8EH8EBET& CO Olposite W. F. & CVt Oflice., SALT LAKE CITY K. A. KEVES, Agent SCOTT, DUMU1 & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers IRON AND STEEL WRIGHT'S PICKS, 1110 N BARROWS AND AL.li KINDS OK MINING TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, , 1'ipo and all kinds of Fittings I ibr furnaces and Mills. Ill Ait D WAKE. i IiiOI.LOWS, ANVILS, I AND OTUKK ' BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON JPIPK, ' P1PK H1T1NGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING A'JENTS FOR Hooker Pumps, ' Fairbanks' Scales Fireproof Safes, C. S. Lubricating Oil i Portable Fc:-ges, ALL LOW FOR CAJ li. 1 .a WINES AND LIQUSF.S. B.1V. Allen & Co.. -J7 Hroftdwny, New Yovli. BRANCH HOUSE, Under Post-Office, S. L Ciiy. Acmia for tlie Ctletirn-.t I COLD SEAL WHISKY I S. FOSTER. Atff ill. ja BOUKOFSKY, Wliolesule Dealers ;in WINES, LIQUORS, OIC3--A-3R.S i AND ) TOBACCO, Second South Street, i SALT LAKE CITY, j Throe doors wtat of Walker Ero's. j OITY LIQUOR STORE. Koop constantly on hutid, Wholesale nml Ketnil, Choioe Importdfl LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowwt Ratefl. oaoEsnscK's btmidikor, j rlT t'nt TtiniiU S(rt. WATCHMAKERS, ; CAUL C. ASMUSSO, 1MPORTKRAND DKAI.KR IN Jewelry, Watches, AND DIAMONDS. Clgin Watches AT FACTORY PRICES. Jim received a luree, ndditionnl stook of 3STE-W GOODS In Kront varioty uud lJ'le Tho imbliiviro refiicotfully invited to cull and iuioL Uicdi at CARL C. ASMUSSEN'S, East Temple Street, Hair n ltlock north of the WITCHES &JEWELRK ! O. L. ELIASON, 1) titJS to inform the rwi dents of Skit Luk City nd Ticinity. that ho not only Kuarantoca to proi crly Kplr,tJleii iitl Ailjiibt Wftlvlic mill Clirriiioinftf r, but he will make them or nny fart of them, U) order, and warrant the work. A Mtw bun-LY of KLU1N and SWIbii WATCJIE.S just PM-oivcfl, wliich lifl will Kil,irHt'"" rcl ulilo timekeepers. Pricta todofy cmniiPtiLion Ki-Tilftril.fr th t'l'l-ff. Two iloor emt of Ilia Mcaerrt Itnitii. I M J. a2 i 3 ' " ' i i s i J?! .at ' i '. ; " - I i . .-tl nil i - - - " ' l : : 1 H -5 0 aa z S zi lis! O : " - i .'i . a. : z Hz I - , o : . : - 1 , ; i h- 1 o ; m COLLEGE SCRIP! , pRIi-KMFTORd will havo $ifi or -L cafih qnartfr ftortinn liy buyinj AjrriniitU'a.1 C-oi.fp) f-pnp. A r r-i j t n THE RA!tK OF PKBICR1LT, if, Snaewiar t nnnrer, K,4rnle A C- CHICAGO TRADE. ' SLIGHTLY SCORCHED I VA1T SCHAACK j STEVENSON & HEiD, lVIlOLlXALK SDRUGGISTS tLaie of vO. M and 91 Ltko Ftrci, Cor. l'fraiborn (ircet.l HAVE REMOVED On :?soh;it t'.r intrust he.it, To the Baptist Church Building I sU7, stuwnviibuiiAT., , Whcro wo li.iv.- a hir i..'V ..f llrns. Cliciuii'sls, 1'jiir.t.i, tiil, Giss an.i (ilHsv:ir, DnijinisU' .tm-! .tm-! ilri-, J'stoni iiumlms, Kio., Kie. I'Al.L AND CUV.y.li I S. i Oe ttuly ray ltt cents oa tlie Dollar.) CraAiE, iiAfF0Rur&C0 479 South CaimlSt., CHICAGO, Headquarter for Oils, Paints, Class, &c, Manufacturer, of lho ootrii Wll.SdN Oil. TiNli. L. M. BATES & CO, 461 . 453 Ifroatlwart KKW VOHK, ISPvWttlS iND JOBDEU IK Fancy Dry Goods, 110S1EBY, WH1TH GOODS, UOOLE.M, SHAWLS, rAXKEt- xonoxs, .f-& J. 11. lll-LGKU. M. D. WELLS &, CO., Munufiicturcra ol'und Wholcnle Dtfaleri Boots and Siioes, 018 Vnbili Ave, Chlrno. M. D. Wella. U.J. .Mu.-irlani. K. Iji'Tifdi.'t. tn-H S. 1'. .MMmvrc HEW KM TRADE. ROBERTS, READ & CO. Manufacturers and Jabbers of 371 BROADWAY, ,YKH" YORK. JnylB Felix CAJiriTi:i7u 79 John t. N-.iw Yoik, SJAnufaoturi-roI and Donlerin Wrong tit, tut ul rjntvHiilarU Aud every variety of fittingt for the Aome.. ,,,17 C. A. li'iiiu.itroct. John N,..,,wir(.. tUfiSSTREET L ILfMiXK Manufictur.TN i m.l Wholale UcMlrrs in SLH'S & SdYS' CL0iH.:NG. 40ft 46(4 UroBilvy, Nw lork, j HENOERSUH, JUSTICE& Co Sa3ce.nsor In tlriffen, Houdrrcon A Co., , t UPORTK Rf KD JOBDKBB OF r.l.(V (iOOHS, 0TI0AS, ' HUIHY, FURMISHINO GOODS. i;to.. 1UH J. SOU UltUAUWAY, . Oliolto St. Xicbola. llntol, ( H. York. I BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Mnnufuolnri'TJi nn-1 WholeiaU I DciUth in - BOOTS AND SHOES, i J.'tl nml i:(0 fir en (I Krw Vork, i Ct.rr.er Crosby, one bl.n-k c.i-t nf Uroadwny rill Ayor's jSarsaparilla fi r, I-widely known i I Ciff' ' "ii'Miftiio most j ' '', j cii'T'tunl ri'nifdioa J j ', ever di-cuvored l - -;. J Ji jL ' 0l-IllJRilJK thf! j ' 'f yjj pyftcm hikI )niri-V )niri-V ;j 'i -'fvinit Hi" lilornl. l(M "r v""rf,'witt' ; v' ii I'Mji'daiitly ((row , iuti rf.utftli"n, )-n-i- on ii intrinio virUirii, ntid tul!iiiicrl ly ils fiimrkuhlo j rnrrK. St mild m t" be thfc unil Ijtkj-; Ijtkj-; lifial tn childrfti, mid .V"L co Pcuichifijf ii- to fll'ffliifily )vni:'' "lit th Knl r.or-: r.or-: rii'li"H- i-f llm MoMd, HK'li ttio Frrn- fuiiiiH Bud fvpliiHio roniiiinitiHlion. Tmnirili"t, or di-.-ii-f llil hnx ltirkt-d , in tim r-y-n-iii l'r vnre, soon yii-ld to j tliii (.owfrlul ntiti(Vtt mid diiinM!Br. i ili-iKo ill wondcrfiil ruref, iimny "f wliith nn; juil.li'-lT known, f her'jida, J lil.d (.rjrr.rnloin dl-i'MM'l, llrtrt, Erupt, .in Htid fi-iii-tivo riii-firdcr nf lho 1 -l:in. Tjiiti'-ra, B!'tch', B'-i's, Punplit, J'utidrt-.Kn-rit, .St. A. tho -vi Jurejio i or j:ry.iprtat.,'jette.r,So t Itheum. Scald j Ilro l, Kinrn'-orm o,.d Jnterrml U'cera- tV-iia of the L'erat Stnmus.h, amJIsivc r. It I Hlro tiircs Othor coinpiuiuts, to wliich it would not st'f in ofctiLliy hdniiUd.woch w. l)repfij, lfyj" p&w. J-'ifn, jS'euralyi, 1 Jfrtrt jUiMTc;;?. J-etnato Wenknttt, Do-oiiiy Do-oiiiy and Ltuw r h-SAi , wbon tbuy are : rti n 1 1 i T"e-Lat i ori n of the ncrofulom poUont. It ii hu f.xaW'-.nl restorer of botiitL find ttreneth in th, Spring. liy roncw-iiiK roncw-iiiK the KiHiftil mid vigor of the digi , tivu orgitni, it disnijintos the deprt.ion Mid libLlPi.? lanpnor of tbe noufcon. Kven where no di-ordT npicarK pooplo leei , better aiid live lonK'jr for cleansing tbft blood. Tbt ty-t'jifl ujoves on wiub I leaewed vigor aud a oew leato of lifo. j PHEPARED EV , ! Dr. J. . AVER & Co, Lowell.Mass., : ; I'ra'-tiral nd Ana'Tt:eal CbTnia. ' Sold I17 !! IrujcUtB YrrwbiM. For 1-r.l Z. C. M. I. UKUQ SXOJIX. I 4 |