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Show LSSJHTfiING FLASHES . ThoSpaui-h mini-dry lias resigned. Havana is preparing to receive Alexis. General Sherman leave.-) Homo lur Naples to-day. Gladstone dined Schenek, in London, Lon-don, on Saturday. A gold discovery in Uroome eounfy, New Vork, is reported. Tho Atlantas of America and the London rowing club wilf row a lbur-oarcd lbur-oarcd race on the Thames. There is to bo an investigation of jthe affairs of the exploded Kighth National bank of New York. I Nancy, France, has already sub-: sub-: fciibcd a million and a half of francs towards the war indemnity fund. L. B. Bartholomew, while mad with ; drink and jealousy, at Chelsea, Mass., 'on Saturday, killed Charles F, Storer. The French nobility are flocking to 'Antwerp, to pay their respects to Chambord, the legitimist candidate for I the French throne. It i-; said archbishop MeClosky will i succeed archbishop Spalding, and I bit-hop Lynch, of South Carolina, will 1 succeed MeClosky as archbishop of I New Vork. ' A gang uf thieves made a raid on , Lumbertowu, North Carolina, on Saturday, Sat-urday, and carried oil" the safe from the store of N. II. McLcod, containing contain-ing --,OUU. The judiciary investigation into the ' eharcTS against judges Cardoza, Barnard, Bar-nard, Incraham and McCunn, of New ' Vork. begins to-day. McCunn is accused ac-cused of mi-appropriating 71.1,000. The charier of the central under-; under-; ground railroad of New York has been amended to give them the right of constructing a tunnel under Broadway , from the Battery to Union square. . It is reported from Home that Iwc.ve or lit'teen cardinals are to be elected this month, and it is believed 'that Archbishop MeClosky,' of New York, will receive one of the red hats. President Grant is said to have sent instructions to the v. S. district attor noy at New York to commence criminal crimin-al proceedings against all persons, shown, by the testimony before the eu.-toiu-house investigation committee, to have paid or received bribes. Tweed was again elected president . of the Amerieus club on Saturday ' nicbt, and made a speech, in which he said he looked forward to the time when he would be absolved from polities poli-ties and litigation aud be able to devote his attention to the welfare of the c'.'jb. |