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Show ENADLI.VG ACT. Tmc ijiiuwlii ";.ili ! j .-iii.piv.-J polygamy and to enable tuu people ol Utah lo form a constitution ani State government," was introduced io the Iioupc of representatives of Conci e?.-, by Mr. Sargent, of California, January 22, IS72; and was read ttvii'o and referred re-ferred to t lie commit fee un 'IVrriiorie.1-: Jte it enacted i.y tho si isu'.e and house of representatives of the T'nited States of America in eonftre-.-s av-eni-bled, That the inhabitants nl' that portion por-tion of the Territories of Vmh, Idaho and Vyoming included in the boundaries boun-daries hereinafter defeated, !e, acd they are hereby, authorized to iVrm for Ihcmaclves, out of said territory, a Stnlo "government, vrhiuh raid Stale, when (formed, shall be admitted into the Union upon an rqm! footing with the original States iu all repenr whatsoever. what-soever. Rec. 2. That the said State shall conni-sf, of all the territory included wil bin the ibllowiog boundarie?, in wit : Commencing at a point formed hy the intersection of the thirty-second degree of longitude west front Washington Wash-ington with the forty-ihird degree of north latitude; thence due west along said lbrfy-third degree of north latitude to the intersection of the thirty-seventh degree of longitude west from Washington Wash-ington with said forty-third decree oi' north latitude; thenco due south along said thirty-seventh degree of longitudo west from W ashing ton fo the intersection inter-section of tho thirty-seventh degree of north latitude; theaec duo east along said thirty-scvcnih degree of north lat itudc to the intersection of the thirty-second thirty-second degree of longitudo west from Washington; thenco due north along said thirty-second degree of west longitude longi-tude to the place of beginning. Sec. 3. That, all persons qualified by law to vote for representatives to the general assembly of said Territory of Utah at the date of the passage of this act shall ho qualified to be elected, and they "arc authorized to vole for and cuonso representatives to torra a convention, con-vention, under such rules aad regulations regula-tions as tlie governor of 83id Territory may prescribe; and also to vote upon the ac3cptanco.or rejection of such constitution con-stitution as may bo formed by a;iid convention, under such rules and regulations regu-lations as tho said convention may prescribe; pre-scribe; and tho aforesaid representatives representa-tives to form the aforesaid convention shall be apportioned among ' the several counties in said Territory, iu proportion to the population, as near as may be; and said apportionment ap-portionment shall be made for said Territory by lite governor, gover-nor, president of tln council, and speaker of the house of representatives represen-tatives thereof, or any fwo of litem; and tho governor of said Territory shall, hy proclamation, on or before the tirst Monday of May nest, order an eleciion of tho representatives as aforesaid to bo held on the first Monday Mon-day in Juno thereafter, throughout the Territory, and such election shall ho conducted in tho same manner as is prescribed by the laws of - lid Territory of Utah regulating elections therein for members of tlto house of representatives, represen-tatives, and the number of members to said convention shall he double the number which now constitute both branches of the legMamre of Utah Territory. Sec. 4. That the members of the convention thus elected shall meet at the capital of said Territory on the first Monday in July nest, and, after organization, shall declare, on behalf of the people of said Terriioiy, that they adopt, the constitution of the United States. Whereupon the snid convention shall be, and it is hereby, authorized to form a constitution and Slate government for said Territory: Provided, That the eonsiitnlion, when formed, shall bo republican, and not repugnant to the constitution of the United States and the principles of the Declaration of Independence : And provid'd further, That said con ventiou shall provide, hy aa ordinance irrevocable, without tho consent of the United States and the people of said State : First That there shall be n-. i t her slavery nor involuntary servitude in the said Slate, otherwise than in the punishment of crimes, whereof the nn-tP chilli InvA lirn ilnlv pnnvifoil Secondly That no law shall he enacted en-acted by lho legislature of said Sratc legalizing or authorizing bigamy, uolygamy, or plural marriage. Thirdly That for the period of ten years after tho ratification of this constitution, con-stitution, members of the legislature, and all ofliecrs, executive, judicial, and ministerial, shall, beforo they cnier upon tho duties of their respective offices, of-fices, and all persons offering to vote shall, beforo they are permitted to cast or deposit their votes or ballots, take the following oath or affirmation : I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm) af-firm) that I have not contracted or commenced to enter unon relations of bigamy, polygamy, or plural marriage since tho adoption of this constitution; and that I will not hereafter contract or commence to enter upon such relations, rela-tions, (if an oath,) so help me God; (if an affirmation,) under the pains and penalties of perjury. Fourthly That perfect toleration of religious sentiment shall bo secured, and no inhabitant of said State shall ever be molested in person or property on account of his or her mode of re-liciour- worship. Fifthly That ail iilcgitimatechiidren born prior to January first, eighteen , hundred ami se enty-'threc, and their mothers, shall inherit from the father in like manner with the wife and legitimate legit-imate children. Sixthly That the people inhabiting said Territory do areo and declare i bat they forever disclaim all richt and title to the unappropriated public land lying within said Territory: and that I the t-auie shall lo and remain at the! sole and eulire disposition of the United Uni-ted States: and that the lands belonging belong-ing to citizens of lho United States, re-1 siding uitlfut the .-aid State, shall' I never be taxed hilvr that the lar.d belonging tu the residents thereof; and ! that no taxes shall be imposed by said ' Stale on lauds or property therein be-. be-. longing to, or which may hereafter lie purchased hv, the United Spates. Sec 0. That mease a constitution and State ,ovt mmiDi shall be formed ; fir the people oi' said Territory, iu ' L'ompiiauuc with the provision of this ' act, convention forming the same ! shall pro ide by ordinau.ee lur submitting said eouaiiiution to the people of said : State tor their raLiucatiuu or rejection, I at an ilcetiou to be held on the second ' Tuesday of September, ci-'htucQ huud ; red and scvuuty-two, at such places and I under such ruLuoii: a uay be p-r-j icrile-d thoreirj, at which election the 1 lawful VOU To of said Lew Slate shall vote directly for or again. t tbe pro-I pro-I posed constitution, and the rciurns of J said election shall bo nnde to the acting act-ing EOvernor of i b " Territory, who. with the president of tin? council and speaker of the house of representatives 'of the Territorial legislative aembly 1 of eighteen hundred and seventy-two, shall canvass tho same: and if a majority major-ity of legal votes shall be east for said , constitution in said proposed State, ! the said acting governor shall certify ; the same lo the President of the United Uni-ted StateF, together with a copy cf said constitution and ordinances: whereupon i it shall be the duty of the President of ' the United Stares, if the same are in ! conformity with the provisions of this i act, to issue his proclamation declaring the State admitted into tho Union on an equal footing with the original States, without any further action i whatever on the part of congress. I Sec. f. That until the noxt general census shall be taken said State shall ! he entitled to one representative in i the hone of representatives of the I t'nited States; which representative, together with the governor and State j and other officers provided for in said ! constitution, may b?. elected on the same day a vote is taken lor or against j the proposed constitution and State government, or at such other time as i said constitutional convention may prescribe. Sec. V. - That sections numbers sixteen ami thirty-sis, in every township, anl where such sections havft been sold, or otherwise disposed of, by any act. of congress, other lands equivalent thereto, in legal subdivisions subdivi-sions of not less than one quarter section, sec-tion, and as contiguous as may bo. j liall he and arc hereby, granted to said State for the support of common schools. See. S. That provided the said State shall be admitted into tho Union in accordance with the foregoing provisions pro-visions of this act, fifty entire sections of tho unappropriated public lands, not mineral, within said State, to bo selected and located by direction of the legislature thereof, on or beforo tho first day of January, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and seventy-six, shall be, and (hey aro hereby, granted, in legal subdivision of not less than one hundred and sixty acres, to said State, for lho purpose of erecting public buildings at the capital of said State for legislative and judicial purposes, in such manner as the legislature shall i prescribe, and fifty other entire see- lions of laud, not mineral, as afore- j said, to be selected and located as aforesaid, afore-said, in legal subdivisions as aforesaid, shall be, and they are hereby, granted to siid State for the purpose of erecting erect-ing a sub able building lor a penitentiary peniten-tiary or Stato prison, in the manner i a foresaid. Sec 11. That five per centum of the proceed i of the sales nf all public lands lyiug wiihin said Slate which shall he sold by the United States sub-1 sequent lo tho admission of aid Slate ; into the I'nion, niter deducting all lho ex pen -es incident to the eame, shall be paid to the said State for the purpose of making and improving public- roads, constructing ditches or oauab, to effect a general system of irrigation of the agricultural land in tho State, as the legislature shall direct. See. 10. That from and alter the admission of tho said Stale into the Union, in pursuance- of this act, the laws of the United States uot locally inapplicable shall have the siuie b.ree and effect within the said State as ulscwhere within tho United States, and paid State shall constitute one judicial judi-cial district. |