Show REVEREND DAVID UTTER The Unitarian Minister Is Commended by the Chicago Press Rev David Utter who is likely to be chosen by the Unitarians for their regular pastor is commended in the following language I lan-guage by the Chicago press The retirement the Reverend David Utter from the pastorate of the First Unitarian society so-ciety of Chicago affords the members an opportunity oppor-tunity to express their appreciation of his work as a pastor as well as the affectionate remembrance remem-brance with which he will always be held by the activemembershipofthe society The eight years of Mr Utters ministry in Chicago have been years of Intelligent devoted aud conscientious service In the cause of liberal Christianity Bringing to his work the zeal which should always actuate a Christian minister he has added the qualifications of ripe scholarship tireless industry and a spirit of tho broadest and most catholic toleration We remember also and we read with gratelul appreciation the fact that from the beginning to the end of his ministry work has been free from everythng partaking of sensationalism sensational-ism and from any effort to achieve a temporary success at the expense of a more enduring reputation repu-tation Combining in his character the elements ele-ments of absolute sincerity in his religious convictions and of absolute fearlessness in their expression tempered with a spirit of just tolerance toler-ance towards those of opposing faiths without ostentation und without thought of self he has modestly done his work and borne his part in the religious life of a great city t Nor in the hour of parting with a beloved pastor would we fail to give expression to our esteem for her who has been a helpmeet in all the years of his ministry among us The quiet Influence of that devoted wife and mother whose life illustrates the graces of a cultivated Christian womanhood scarcely felt in ihe beginning begin-ning has come to be a recognized factor in the religious and social work of the church relgous |